Archive for the ‘pasqualina’ Category
The New Kid on the Block: Margherita
Since goats really don’t enjoy being alone–and since I can’t possibly stay by Pasqualina‘s side every minute of the day even though I would love to–we went ahead and got her a playmate.
Meet Margherita:
Yes there was some headbutting the first day, but since then, the girls have been getting along quite well; I even peeked in on them one night to find them sleeping with Pasqualina’s head resting on Margherita’ bum.
They often sleep together in this little “cuccia” in the wall of their new pen:
Yes, P built them a brand new pen in our new garden area, so now they have their own outdoor space; I think Pasqualina especially appreciates the fresh air since before she was inside most of the day. Here she is ruminating:
Margherita has really taken to us rather quickly, which surprised me since she’s already three months old and wasn’t used to getting petties all the time (she comes from a herd of 100 or so goats). Oh but she *loves* petties now!
And indeed, our little ‘Rita and little ‘Lina have been getting along quite well:
We’re all looking forward to many fun, faaaabulous times together.
That’s all from the kids today!
P.S. I will announce the winners of La Bella Lingua on Thursday, May 21 (contest still ends the 19th though); there’s still time to enter!
Love Thursday: How to Leave Your (Teeth)Mark on the World
I’ve mentioned recently that P and I have a new garden spot. When we took it over about a month and a half ago, it was terribly overgrown so we spent many hours just getting it back to where it was no longer a jungle.
We pulled most of the weeds and unwanted greenery, but we also left a good amount for our kid, Pasqualina–she wanted to help out too.
And help she did, particularly one day when I spotted a cute heart-shaped leaf but was without my camera. I positioned the leaf by a lemon tree, ran home, got my camera, and came back to find this:
Obviously Pasqualina likes heart-shaped leaves too.
Does she look The Goat Who Ate the Heart-Shaped Leaf or what?
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
A Day in the Life of Pasqualina
It’s been a while since I’ve talked about our kid Pasqualina, but rest assured she’s still around, bringing us kid love in new ways each and every day.
I’m happy to report she is doing fabulously–she’s fully weaned and is eating a combination of feed designed for weaning time, barley, and, of course, fresh grasses. And she even drinks water now. So cute!
I know, yeah yeah yeah. You want photos. Enjoy!
Pasqualina out to pasture:
Eccola! (Here she is!)
Getting sleeeeepy (YES! Goats yawn! Who knew?):
And Pasqualina taking a little snooze before we finish our walk:
So does she look like she’s growing?
The Cutest Kid in the World
How can you be sad, angry, frustrated, etc., when you have the cutest kid in the world smiling back at you?
Read on...Are You Ready to Meet Our Kid?
Well here she is:
Meet Pasqualina!
Pascalina (in Calabrese) doing her thing on the goatwalk.
A friend who raises goats recently gave us this little darling capretta because her mother didn’t have enough milk for all her babies. So we’ve been bottle-feeding her (*that* was a challenge to get started), and she’s settling in nicely.
We even play “nascondino” a.k.a. hide and seek, but YouTube wouldn’t cooperate, so you’ll have to wait for a video.
And before you ask, no, she will never be on the dinner table; this kid will be strictly for milk and breeding purposes.
How could you even think otherwise?
We’ve also been going for walks together. If you think she’s cute in these photos, you should see her hopping along on her leash! Gah! I’m *so* in kid love.
Any of you ever raised a kid? Any tips to share?
P.S. Thanks so much for all your questions on Friday’s post; I’ll answer them as soon as possible! Stay tuned….