Love Thursday: How to Leave Your (Teeth)Mark on the World

I’ve mentioned recently that P and I have a new garden spot. When we took it over about a month and a half ago, it was terribly overgrown so we spent many hours just getting it back to where it was no longer a jungle.

We pulled most of the weeds and unwanted greenery, but we also left a good amount for our kid, Pasqualina–she wanted to help out too.

And help she did, particularly one day when I spotted a cute heart-shaped leaf but was without my camera. I positioned the leaf by a lemon tree, ran home, got my camera, and came back to find this:

Munched heart-shaped leaf on Flickr

Obviously Pasqualina likes heart-shaped leaves too.

Does she look The Goat Who Ate the Heart-Shaped Leaf or what?

Pasqualina! on Flickr

Happy Love Thursday everyone!

27 Beans of Wisdom to “Love Thursday: How to Leave Your (Teeth)Mark on the World”
  1. Gil

    That goat seems to have a personality of her own! She seems almost human with that lovely smile on her face. Happy Love Thursday to all of you too.

    She definitely has a mind of her own…and even that is cute 😉

  2. 04.16.2009

    Pasqualina is just too cute for words. I want to adopt her.

    Ciaochowlinda’s last blog post..Chocolate Amaretti Cake

    Well she *does* have sisters….

  3. carol

    OMG…….she looks so smug!!! How cute is that!!!

    Don’t you just love a smug goat 😉

  4. 04.16.2009

    Ha! I love the look on her face…it says, “Hi! Hi! I love you! Hi!”

    Happy Love Thursday!

    Katie in MA’s last blog post..The first love is the deepest.

    Hee hee hee….

  5. 04.16.2009


    i so Love your kid
    on Love Thursday.

    in every single photo she looks like this ——-> 🙂

    i bet she is never in a bad mood.

    somepinkflowers’s last blog post..tourist tuesday and tomorrowland

    Her constant smile is definitely contagious 🙂

  6. 04.16.2009

    I just fell in love! How sweet is that little girl?

    Happy Love Thursday!!!

    Cam’s last blog post..{love thursday}

    I know how you feel, Cam 😉

  7. 04.16.2009

    “And you are going to do ‘what’ about that munched leaf? Ah I thought so take a picture of me and post it so everyone will go AHHHHH!”

    Well you got me going AHHHHHH!

    Willym’s last blog post..Does Anyone Still Wear a Hat?

    Hahahahhaha 🙂

  8. 04.16.2009

    Reaching into the murky distant memories of my childhood and thinking about the various farm animals we had, I realize we never had a goat.
    After seeing Pasqualina, I realize I am missing something! She is precious.

    Amber’s last blog post..Where’s The Baby?

    Hah, time to make up for it, Amber 😉

  9. 04.16.2009

    With a face like that, you’d forgive her for almost anything. Well, just as long as she stayed out of your garden patch.

    Well if she only ate one or two lettuce plants….

  10. i can’t get enough pasqualina posts 🙂

    We’re *so* glad to hear that, Erin 🙂

  11. 04.16.2009

    That is quite possibly the cutest goat ever!

    Happy Love Thursday!

    Christine’s last blog post..{Love Thursday}

    Thanks Christine 🙂

  12. 04.16.2009

    Pasqualina is so cute! Happy Love Thursday!

    Gayle’s last blog post..Love Thursday: Spring!

    Thanks Gayle!

  13. 04.16.2009

    I think I shall institute Italian goat tours. We’ll start in Calabria.


  14. 04.16.2009

    you make me want a goat.

    Courtney’s last blog post..The early thirties, professionally, anyway, for some women

    Hee hee…goat fever!

  15. 04.16.2009

    Oh Pasqualina!!

    I feel the same 😉

  16. 04.16.2009

    She has that same happy smile on her face that my guinea pigs get when they’ve been especially “productive” on the floor. 😉

    jen of a2eatwrite’s last blog post..More about this later…

    Hah! Yup, I bet it’s quite similar 😉

  17. 04.17.2009

    Oh my gosh, so adorable.

    Thank you!

  18. 04.17.2009

    She is adorable. I want to just hold her. When we were around 20, friends of ours got married and My husband gave them a goat for a wedding present. Only they lived in the city. My husband handed the groom the goat on a leash and the goat took off. Initially, the Groom thought he had a new dog. The goat ran amuck through the house. So it was goodbye Elizabeth. Maybe you had to be there.

    Marge’s last blog post..Les Paul at The Iridium Jazz Club New York City

    Yeah, goats and houses really don’t seem like they’d go to well together. But oh how fun it is to play with Pasqualina outside!

  19. 04.17.2009

    I have a thing for donkeys and love love love goats!
    I recently got to play with some goats, adults and youngers, and they were so cute!!!

    Paola’s last blog post..Where in Europe?

    I’m with you Paola! I’d love to get a donkey….

  20. Laurie

    I’ve been out of the loop for a while….oh my, Pasqualina is a total tesoro!! What a beauty – what a smile! She’s lucky to have you ….and you’re lucky to have her!

    Thanks Laurie; I feel blessed to have had her show up at our place 🙂

  21. Seriously, why doesn’t everyone have pet goats? She’s just so unbelievably ADORABLE. I wonder what the husband would say if I just brought one home? For that matter, I wonder how my cats would react??

    Not sure cats and goats would make the best of friends…both rather skittish, but hey, I say it might be worth a try 😉

  22. 04.18.2009

    I love pasqualina.

    Cakes’s last blog post..Random Parenting Conundrums

    Me too, Cakes!

  23. 04.18.2009

    Pasqualina is COOL, I love it.

    Why thank you 🙂

  24. I love seeing photos of your kid. Carina!

    nyc/caribbean ragazza’s last blog post..Flashback Friday – Whatever happened to Maxwell?

    Thanks 🙂

  25. She is just too cute. Aren’t the cutest ones, always the biggest troublemakers.

    White On Rice Couple’s last blog post..French 95 cocktail + Hatfield’s Restaurant


  26. 05.09.2009

    Pasqualina is soooo adorable! She has such wonderful expressions! I’m glad that you visited my blog to read about bath time for goats! Of course Pasqualina is nothing like the poor, dirty, infested goats that we got from the rescue league, so hopefully her bath will be a little less intense! I will look forward to pictures of her bath time! It would have been better, also, if it had been warm outside when we bathed those little goats. Instead it was in midwinter and we had to keep them indoors to dry them. Pasqualina ought to be able to go dry off in the sun! Also interesting to see your article on part-time law school – I am half way through doing that myself. Unfortunately, my law school doesn’t offer a special program – I have to fit into the daytime classes, but my work is very accommodating, especially since they are paying for it! Two more years to go! Goatie kisses to Pasqualina!

    Claire’s last blog post..After the rain…

  27. 05.09.2009

    Just realized that it’s not Pasqualina who needs the bath, it’s your other goat! Wait a second….what other goat?! Where is the picture of the new goat?! Can’t wait to see!

    Claire’s last blog post..After the rain…

    Thanks so much for coming by, Claire! The new little one hasn’t even been photographed yet (and most blog readers don’t know about her yet either)…I’ll definitely have to take before and afters at least. I think she’ll be a whole new kid after bath time 🙂

    Ah, and best of luck with law school; be sure to check out my site for all your law school needs…and if you have any questions, shoot me an email 🙂

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake