Archive for the ‘love thursday’ Category

Love Thursday: Ring Around the Wrist

Back in 2007, I wrote about my mom’s friend/mother-like figure Kitty in Remembering the Silver Years. As Kitty was being moved into a nursing home, she was giving my mom all kinds of amazing gifts from her past, many of which my mother passed on to me, as I wrote about in the post.

Our dear Kitty passed away a few months after that, and my mother then inherited more of her things, mainly jewelry. When my mom came to visit me last summer, she brought remembrances of Kitty’s life with her and we went through them, piece by piece.

I’m not a big jewelry person. I would never request any as a gift because I just don’t wear it often enough, but jewelry as keepsakes of those who have passed on? The best.

A ring, necklace, bracelet, or watch not only physically touched the person at one time, it also surely touched her on some emotional level–a memory of picking it out in the store, the first time she wore it, who had given it to her (for better or worse), how it was always too big or small, etc.

So many of Kitty’s pieces are beautiful, and I’m sure each could tell quite a tale as she lived a most interesting life, but my very favorite is this one:

Vintage heart bracelet on Flickr

What could be more special than a heart wrapped around my wrist, reminding me of a person who always made me smile and who loved me like a granddaughter?

Happy Love Thursday everyone!

Do you have special pieces of jewelry that were passed down to you?

easing into the new year with a 5 things meme

Number 5 on Flickr by always13Hello friends! I hope you got to have a nice break over the holidays. I sure did, and it was fabulous. The past two weeks have been spent hanging out with P and the girls, reading, organizing the house, catching up with online friends, and best of all, next to no work.

I had a couple deadlines today so I had to get back to the old grind before the rest of Italy, but that’s OK; I’ll have off again tomorrow for the Epiphany, which I’ve written about at Happy Befana! if you need to refresh your memory on La Befana, the Epiphany witch.

Now to ease us all back into the blog, here’s a quick 5 things meme to get the wheels turning. This comes from Yankee in a New World:

1. What are 5 things you were doing ten years ago?

  • Starting my second semester of law school.
  • Living in a high-rise apartment on the Ben Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia.
  • Finishing up the first holiday season without my grandfather.
  • Thinking about summer employment.
  • Already dreading how boring and awful Civil Procedure would be (and I was right).

2. What are 5 things on your to do list for today?

  • Walk the dogs a few times.
  • An Italian grammar lesson.
  • Search the freelance writing job boards for anything that looks interesting.
  • Spend an hour working on my NaNo novel.
  • Do research for a query.

3. What are your 5 favorite snacks?

  • Pretzels (and ice cream, especially).
  • Chocolate.
  • Apples or bananas and peanut butter.
  • Yogurt (pineapple and coffee are my two current favorites).
  • Cheese.

4. What would you do if you were a millionaire?

  • Visit my family much more often and fly them here too.
  • Get a huge chunk of land in the Calabrian countryside for P to grow and raise things.
  • Pay off student loans.
  • Travel more, especially to meet blogging buddies.
  • Donate money and time (assuming I wouldn’t have to work as often) to charitable organizations.

5. Where are 5 places you have lived?

  • A cute, boxy white house built by my family in rural Pennsylvania.
  • A dorm room with a gorgeous bay window in Durham, North Carolina.
  • The aforementioned high-rise apartment with enormous windows lining one side in Philadelphia.
  • An adorable rowhome with a fabulous inside staircase, loft, and huge brick wall in Philly.
  • A 500-year-old three-room stone house in southern Italy.

I won’t tag anyone, but if you’re in the mood for a meme, please feel free to play along in the comments or on your own blog and let me know where to find your answers!

So are you ready for 2009 or what?

love thursday: remembering the puppies

Last year at this time, I was wrapping up eight exciting (and stressful) weeks with Stella’s six gorgeous puppies, tearfully giving them away one by one in time for Christmas presents.

Luckily, I still get to see one of them quite frequently as he lives with a family in the village. Every few days he comes to the house and sits outside the door and cries until I open it to let him in to play with his mom and Zia Luna.

He was the first little one to go, but obviously Chicco (KEYK-koh) still remembers us.

Puppy love runs deep.

Happy Love Thursday everyone!

love thursday: luvin teh lolcatz

There was a time when these captioned kitties weren’t in my favor, but they’ve certainly grown on me. Yes, much like mold.

A loving h/t to Judith of Think On It! for directing me to some Luv Turzday lolcatz:


I highly recommend reading about The Semiotics of LOLcats at Paul’s The Clue-by-Four.

I more than loved it. I Love Thursday’ed it.

Happy Love Thursday!

*Remember you can still enter to win a copy of The Feast of the Seven Fishes!

love thursday: happy birthday to p and to bleeding espresso

It’s finally here! P is finally entering his 30s! Woohoo!

Sorry, but sometimes being a bit older than your mate wears on you, especially when the first digit of your ages don’t match. Now, finally, after two years of being the only one whose age started with a 3, P has joined me. Happy day, happy day!

And you know what else? Bleeding Espresso turns two years old today! So here are three gorgeous hearts courtesy of aussiegall on Flickr:

One for P, one for Bleeding Espresso, and one for all of you who visit, encourage, and inspire me to keep writing, taking photos, cooking, and smiling (not necessarily in that order). Mwaaaah!

And hey it’s also Santa Barbara‘s day, which I’ve written about here at Italy Magazine.

Happy Love Thursday everyone!

*Remember to enter to win a copy of Who by Fire by Diana Spechler before 12/9!*

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake