Archive for the ‘love thursday’ Category
Love Thursday: Just Me and the Kids
Yes, I know the blog has been heavy on books and reviews lately, but that’s certainly not all we do around here. We also, for example, admire our baby goats.
Yes, the girls have been showing more sisterly love:
But there’s just nothing like a Mamma’s love is there?
Happy Love Thursday from our pen to yours!
Love Thursday: Celebrating an Anniversary
Last week, P and I celebrated four years together.
Lots of people on both sides of the Atlantic ask us about marriage and when we’ll make it “official.”
We may get around to doing that (and I’ll be sure to let you know!) but for now, we’re just fine with the way things are, so no announcements are forthcoming–not today at least. Every day is an adventure, though, so who knows what tomorrow will bring?
In any event, I refer to P as my marito (husband) in conversations with others, and he calls me his moglie (wife)–or more often, his mugliere in Badolatese. And as far as everyone is concerned, his parents are already my suocera and suocero; I also have lots of cognati e cognate (brothers- and sisters-in-law).
Also, this is what my left hand looks like each and every day:
P gave me the white gold band when we had been together for about a month or so way back in 2005, and the diamond engagement ring is just that–but it was my grandmother’s, given to her by my grandfather in the early 1940s. She gave it to me several years before she passed away, making sure that I would be the one to have it.
No, the two rings don’t remotely match, but that seems rather perfect for P and me, who are, in many ways, polar opposites. We’re alike in some important ways too, and just like P and me, the two rings meet somewhere in the middle–I love how the silverish tones shine together–and somehow just work.
And that works for us, too.
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
P.S. I have already contacted the 5 La Bella Lingua winners:
Paola of Always Italianissima
Peter Leonard
Love Thursday: Somebunny Loves Me!
I have a huge sweet tooth, so it’s not surprising that one of my favorite parts of Easter is the candy. More specifically, the candy my mom makes–especially the peanut butter eggs. Yum!
If you’re starting to feel sorry for me because I’m not in the same country code as my mom and therefore can’t enjoy her Easter candy, think again.
My mom continually sends me care packages, but around Easter, one always contains a special treat:
And I swear when I staged this photo, I wasn’t trying to make it look like one bunny was offering his/her love to the other. But it does sort of look that way doesn’t it?
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
When is the last time you received or sent a care package?
P.S. Happiest of birthdays to my mom (yesterday) and my sister-in-law (today)!
Love Thursday: How to Leave Your (Teeth)Mark on the World
I’ve mentioned recently that P and I have a new garden spot. When we took it over about a month and a half ago, it was terribly overgrown so we spent many hours just getting it back to where it was no longer a jungle.
We pulled most of the weeds and unwanted greenery, but we also left a good amount for our kid, Pasqualina–she wanted to help out too.
And help she did, particularly one day when I spotted a cute heart-shaped leaf but was without my camera. I positioned the leaf by a lemon tree, ran home, got my camera, and came back to find this:
Obviously Pasqualina likes heart-shaped leaves too.
Does she look The Goat Who Ate the Heart-Shaped Leaf or what?
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
Love Thursday: Love in the Lasagne Verde
You know we love Calabrian Stuffed Lasagne around here, but this week we have some extra love for an extra special lasagne, Lasagne Verde.
Emily of My Muffin Thursdays sent along this gorgeous heart of spinach pasta dough, which she made as part of The Daring Bakers’ Challenge:
Aw, don’t you just *heart* this photo?
Do go check out the finished product as well–it looks fabulous!
Have you ever made or eaten Lasagne Verde?
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
P.S. For those wondering what has happened to Cherrye’s My Bella Vita, there are some technical details that she’s working furiously on–don’t worry, she’ll be back as soon as possible!