Archive for the ‘love thursday’ Category
Love Thursday: Fall in LOVE Park, Philadelphia
I spent a day in Philadelphia on my way “home” to the Coal Region, and of course I had to stop in at LOVE Park. See those gorgeous autumn colors in the background?
I call this “Fall in LOVE Park, Philadelphia”:
I spent many lunch hours and weekend afternoons there many years ago in JFK Plaza, but hadn’t ever taken a photo. So nice to be able to remedy that.
I also had (what I thought was) a fun idea to stand to the side of the statue and put my arms up in the shape of a U to spell out “LOVE U” for Paolo. So I asked my mom to take the photo. She, um, well….
Yes, this was already “straightened” as much as possible in iPhoto.
Eh, it’s the thought that counts.
Happy Love Thursday!
P.S. The photos look much better in Flickr; does anyone know why that is and how I can fix it?
Love Thursday: Acorns of Love
The Mystical World Wide Web says:
The Acorn has also been associated with couples and love divination.
Dropping two Acorns into the same bowl of water will provide the inquirers with news.
Should the Acorns float together then the couple will marry, the reverse being true if the Acorns drift apart.
So what does it mean when you’re out walking with your beloved, as P and I were about a month ago, and you stumble upon this–two acorns physically merged together?
Well today it means I’m missing my P big time.
Happy Love Thursday everyone and
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans!
Love Thursday: The Loveshroom Fest
Our love of ‘shrooms is one of the reasons we don’t really mind the rain here, since just after a good soaking, it’s time to enjoy the funghi . . . one might call it our Loveshroom Fest.
Read on...Love Thursday: Fallen Love Apples
I don’t know if our garden neighbors just have too many pomegranates for their own good or what, but this is currently the scene of the crime over that way:
Couldn’t help but notice this little lovely though:
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
Do you love pomegranates as much as I do?
Love Is…
Remember those old comic strips with the adorable pudgy couple so very much in *in love*?
I used to wait impatiently for everyone in my house to read the newspaper every day so I could cut them out (my grandmother, bless her soul, took over doing this for me even after I was in college!).
I’d deposit them in a big ole envelope and then on crafty-feeling days, would pull out the envelope, color the strips in with colored pencil, glue them to color-coordinated construction paper so the colored edges framed the comic, glue the whole thing onto cardboard, punch a hole in the top, laminate them using lamination sheets (not the machine), carefully cut out the hole, and then braid a selection of three colors of yarn at the top for the tassel.
Voilà! Lovely homemade bookmarks something like these at Petitt’s Creations!
Goodness knows where that stack of lovelies is today, but how fun–I just found a site where I can relive those Love Is moments!
And why am I thinking about this today?
Well because a friend in California sent me this gorgeous photo of a bookstore display window:
So lovely! And thank you for reminding me of some wonderful memories.
Happy Love Thursday* everyone!
*Make that Friday. This got auto-published a day late…so…
Happy Love Friday and buon weekend!