Archive for the ‘love thursday’ Category
Love Thursday: Honoring Virtual Friendships
A little while back on Facebook, I lamented that I had broken the lid to my sugar bowl and couldn’t find another with a slot for the spoon.
Diana of Creative Structures and the Baur B&B in Piemonte, one of my dearest friends made virtually, responded by making and sending me a sugar bowl — and throwing in an antique spoon and handmade candlestick holder and candle for good measure.
(The mimosa were from P for International Women’s Day on March 8.)
Anyone who has hung around the blogosphere has likely experienced the joy of finding a kindred spirit, someone who always manages to say the right thing when you need it, a person who inspires you by just living her life and letting you share a little a piece of it virtually, and perhaps even in person if time and money allow.
I’ve been extra lucky. I’ve found several such people, and I think of them whenever I read that Internet friendships aren’t real or as valuable as “real life” relationships.
Friendships are what *you* make of them whether you see the other person every day, once a year, or never. It is up to us how much we let others into our hearts; the physical distance between us doesn’t get a say.
Happy Love Thursday everyone, and
may you have many wonderful friendships to nurture.
Love Thursday: Love with Frost
Friend and faithful reader Lucy of On My Way 2 Work and Other Stuff sent in a this adorable photo:
with the note:
Here is the frosty heart inside my car window one Saturday morning. My windows frost over inside and outside if I don’t park it in the garage! But this was nice to see and reminded me of you!
So sweet! And, in turn, this photo reminded me of one of my favorite poems by Robert Frost:
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Somehow this poem always manages to give me a warm fuzzy despite the cold overtones. Frost was truly an amazing wordsmith.
What are your favorite poems?
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
Love Thursday: To the Bestest Readers!
It’s been a while since I’ve stopped and really thanked all of you for continuing to come and visit me here at the blog, on Twitter @michellefabio, and/or on the blog’s Facebook fan page (seven away from 700 as I type this!).
One of the best things about you, dear readers, is that you talk back. You communicate, you leave comments, you take part in discussions, you share thoughts and experiences, and you even send photos!
Indeed, recently I got some hearts from readers for Love Thursday:
- MOMA cappuccino from A Friend in California (who has contributed before)
- Valentine’s Day Egg by Sarah Dallas (sent by Judy of CoffeeJitters–and yes, this really happened on V Day!)
- Potato Chip Love by Angela in Hollywood, FL
- Winter Heart from the Amalfi Coast by Laura at Ciao Amalfi!
Thank you, photographers, and
thanks also to everyone else who chips (hah!) in to make BE a lively, fun place!
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
P.S. Mosaic was made at BigHugeLabs.
Love Thursday: Emma’s Pasta Roni
One of the best parts about being back in America was that I got to spend time not only with my childhood friends, but also with some of their children. You know, their mini-mes — the ones who look just as you remember your friend looking at that age.
What an amazing experience, especially when the last time I was home some of them didn’t even exist…and now they’re actual people!
My friend Nicole and her husband Nathan (high school sweethearts!) have two daughters, Emma (8 in a couple weeks) and Ava (4), and new baby boy Colton. All ridiculously adorable, I assure you, and at least one of them is a writer/blogger in the making….
Yes, I got a little note on my Facebook page the other day that Emma noticed this in her Pasta Roni:
And it was Thursday.
Don’t you just *love* it?
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
Love Thursday: Rocky & the City of Brotherly Love
As you may recall, on my trip to the States I stopped in my old stomping grounds, Philadelphia, to catch some LOVE in LOVE Park.
But you didn’t think I could come all the way from Italy and *not* stop in to pay my respects to one man every single Italian LOVES, did you?
Just in case you weren’t sure this was really the right statue:
And while I was snapping photos, guess what I spied?
After that, I jogged (Mom as my witness!) up the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps just like Rocky so I could check out his footprints:
And stand in them:
FYI: My best guess is that the Italian Stallion wears a size 8.
‘Scuse me…gonna fly now!
Sorry. Couldn’t resist.
Happy Love Thursday everyone!