Archive for the ‘love thursday’ Category

love thursday: how to make a cappuccino with love

You all know that I love espresso (duh), but the way I love it most is actually in cappuccino.

I haven’t been enjoying *too* many of these lately because of the hot weather, but for me, anytime is a great time for a capp’, so here’s how I make mine at home–without a fancy machine. And here’s another way if you’re into those new fangled blenders and whatnot: At-Home Cappuccino.

So, I brew a pot of espresso, and in the meantime add sugar to the cup:

I put a small pot of milk on the stove to heat, and when it’s steaming hot, I whisk the milk to make foam.

Then I pour some espresso into the cup (as much as I need/can handle!), stir well to mix in the sugar and then pour in the foam:

Then I give it another stir for good measure, remove the spoon and marvel at just how much I love cappuccino.

Happy Love Thursday everyone!

What food or drink says LOVE to you?

love thursday: afternoon in the giardino

You don’t have to take me on a trip around the world to make me happy; an afternoon in the garden with my P and my pooches will do just fine thankyouverymuch.

You’ve seen the girls playing in the greenery, and well they weren’t the only ones to enjoy the day. P was, for the most part, working, but I was busy snapping photos.

Some of my sexy worker bee, here with some sort of ghost hovering:

Admiring his work:

Taking a rest:

Giving Luna petties:

And then he begged me to stop:

But not before I got one of the two of us (minus some of his head–oops!):

Happy Love Thursday everyone!

I wish you many carefree afternoons with your loved ones.

P.S. I suppose the secret is out by now that I really don’t wear makeup all that often. Hope you’re not offended. Although it’s a bit catty and not at all in the Love Thursday spirit to point you to photos of celebrities without makeup, I’m doing it anyway: Caught without makeup. Enjoy!

love thursday: photo shoot with mom

Want to know what it was like to have my mom here for a month?

Well for starters, there was a lot of this–as always when we’re together:

Silly mom and me on Flickr

My mom is truly my best friend.

trying to be serious mom and me on flickr

And there’s no one in the world I laugh more or better with.

Obligatory black and white on Flickr

I can’t wait until we get to hang out together again.

Happy Love Thursday everyone!

Hope you get to hang out with whoever makes you laugh the most.

P.S. Pardon the lack of make-up or general physical preparation;
we were far too busy having fun to worry about such things.

love thursday:
a pair of cherries

I love whenever I come across food shaped like hearts.

A pair of cherries on Flickr

Especially when they come in pairs.

A pair of cherries on Flickr

Happy Love Thursday everyone!

love thursday: hand-picked centerpiece

Hand-picked by P, of course, and then given to me . . . just because.

Hand-picked centerpiece on Flickr

Aren’t these the best kind of gifts? The “I thought of you when I saw this” kind?

I know Mary agrees with me.

Happy Love Thursday everyone!

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake