love thursday: photo shoot with mom

Want to know what it was like to have my mom here for a month?

Well for starters, there was a lot of this–as always when we’re together:

Silly mom and me on Flickr

My mom is truly my best friend.

trying to be serious mom and me on flickr

And there’s no one in the world I laugh more or better with.

Obligatory black and white on Flickr

I can’t wait until we get to hang out together again.

Happy Love Thursday everyone!

Hope you get to hang out with whoever makes you laugh the most.

P.S. Pardon the lack of make-up or general physical preparation;
we were far too busy having fun to worry about such things.

57 Beans of Wisdom to “love thursday: photo shoot with mom”
  1. those pictures are lovely

    judy haley (coffeejitters)’s last blog post..Backlighting

    Thanks Judy πŸ™‚

  2. 07.24.2008

    Ciao Sognatrice!

    What a wonderful love Thursday πŸ™‚

    My mom is also my best friend, and, and, and… what I was going to say just completely disappeared as I’m looking up in awe at this lovely plugin that you have which previews what we type, as we type. Uaaaaaaaau.

    Roam2Rome’s last blog post..BlogHer Blues

    Hah! You seriously may have a problem, cara…too much coding!

  3. Gil

    Great pictures. How did you ever let her go home after being apart for so long?

    Believe me it wasn’t easy Gil. She’s already talking about coming back perhaps in May, though, so that helps πŸ™‚

  4. You both look lovely.

    Happy Love Thursday.

    nyc/caribbean ragazza’s last blog post..Mad Men is back this Sunday!

    Aw, thanks πŸ™‚

  5. 07.24.2008

    Great photos. I can see how happy you are. You both have the same beautiful eyes. Hopefully she’ll be back again before too long.

    amanda’s last blog post..The colour of earth

    Thanks Amanda. One day I’ll post some photos of my mom when she was younger alongside mine. It’s rather creepy πŸ˜‰

    Everyone who met her here immediately said how much we look alike…she joked that in case she got lost, they’d know where to send her πŸ˜‰

  6. 07.24.2008

    No apology needed – you both look great and, more importantly, happy.

    casalba’s last blog post..The Fig Tree

    Happy indeed πŸ™‚ Thanks!

  7. 07.24.2008

    Happiness is the best… You can really see the love between you two.

    Stephanie’s last blog post..Love bunches….

    Happiness is the best, isn’t it? Well said Stephanie πŸ™‚

  8. Joanne at frutto della passione

    How lovely, the black and white is my favourite!

    Joanne at frutto della passione’s last blog post..Fagioli in umido (braised Beans) and le pan’ont

    I just love black and white people photos, Joanne. I always have to do at least one whenever I take photos of the peeps πŸ˜‰

  9. 07.24.2008

    The heart wears no makeup. I have so much been wanting to see you two together and was about to give up. You are twins separated by a few years, and it should reassure P to see how lovely you will turn out to be.

    Judith in Umbria’s last blog post..Food thoughts: what are yours?

    We really took so few photos together while she was here, but again, too busy enjoying life to stop it for photos πŸ˜‰ And forget P–*I* am molto reassured by how beautiful my mother is as a woman over 40 πŸ˜‰

  10. 07.24.2008

    Awww! Aren’t Moms great. Happy Love Thursday!

    poppy fields’s last blog post..Close encounters…

    The best Meredith πŸ™‚ Hope you have a great LT too!

  11. 07.24.2008

    No doubt you look like your mother.

    running42k’s last blog post..Last meal

    Thank you πŸ™‚

  12. 07.24.2008

    As the others said you do look very much like your mum! The 1st photo really is great as it is natural and you both look so happy. I do however live the black and white one too. You look nice in the that picture (not that you look ugly in the others or anything πŸ™‚

    Leanne’s last blog post..Signs everywhere

    Thanks Leanne; I’m partial to the first photo myself. It’s not the most flattering for either of us, but I can’t help but smile when I look at it πŸ™‚

  13. 07.24.2008

    Awww. You both look so happy. Thanks for sharing the pics.

    Dory’s last blog post..Random moments in my life

    My pleasure Dory πŸ™‚

  14. 07.24.2008

    I am so glad you had such a great time with your Mom!! I know it must be hard on both of you not to see each other, being as close as you are.

    The pics are lovely. Oh, and make-up, shmake-up!! I prefer au naturale πŸ˜‰

    My MΓ©lange’s last blog post..Clafoutis

    Au naturale is certainly the easier way to go, isn’t it? And yes, it’s definitely tough being so far from Mom πŸ™

  15. 07.24.2008

    LOVELY! You know, I think you and your mom have a relationship very much like the one me and my mom have, and I can’t imagine living so far away from her. I’m so glad you had the chance to spend a whole month with her, and I hope you get to do it again really soon!


    Karina’s last blog post..Where In The World is Candid Karina?

    Yes Karina, from what I’ve read of you and your mom, our relationships sound quite similar; I hope we get lots of time together soon too, thanks πŸ™‚

  16. 07.24.2008

    So Sweet! No make up needed. You are both beautiful inside and out!
    I think I will call my mother now!

    lucy’s last blog post..Sarnia – My Beautiful Visit

    Yeah! Give her a call! And thank you πŸ™‚

  17. 07.24.2008

    You both look so happy to be together. Happy love thursday. xo

    bella’s last blog post..many acts led to the number

    Thanks, same to you Bella πŸ™‚

  18. 07.24.2008

    Ah those photos are so lovely, you can just see how much you love each other – gives me a warm fuzzy just looking at the pics!

    Gill’s last blog post..Misplaced adverts

    Yes! Yes! Now *that* is something I like to hear, er, read πŸ˜‰

  19. 07.24.2008

    I can certainly relate to having parents who live far away. My mom lives halfway around the world and visits us in Palo Alto about 1x per year — so she stays for 1 month, dividing her time between her kids who live in the US. It’s a precious time for all of us and always lasts way too short. When my mother is around, I feel as happy as you look in those photos.

    bonggamom’s last blog post..I heart the Shutter Sisters Photowalk

    Such a fabulous bond, isn’t it? I hope your mom is coming soon πŸ™‚

  20. 07.24.2008

    You both look beautiful. And the resemblance is really striking. I’m glad she got to spend so much time (but not enough, I’m sure) with you in your new home.

    flurrious’s last blog post..Not All Firsts are Included, But I Can’t Remember Any Others That Are Memorable Anyway, If You Get My Drift

    Thank you, and no, not enough time, but I’m so grateful for what we had…and looking forward to next time!

  21. 07.24.2008

    You two look absolutely lovely just the way you are. Laughter and love are the most beautiful thing there is : ) Happy Love Thursday.

    Erin’s last blog post..Love Thursday

    So true Erin–laughter and love–so wonderful! And thank you πŸ™‚

  22. 07.24.2008

    Michelle, I have the exact same relationship with my mom! She is also truly my best friend and despite that fact that she only lives an hour away, we still chat on the phone nearly every night. I can’t imagine living as far away as you do from your mom, but I’m glad she was able to come visit and spend fun and quality time with you. Love the pics! πŸ™‚

    Christina Arbini’s last blog post..And The July Book Giveaway Winners Are…

    Oh we’re the worst on the phone Christina! We talk nearly every day…about what?! Gah! Who knows? πŸ˜‰

  23. 07.24.2008

    You two are so cute together! It must be hard to live so far apart. She needs to plan more visits to Italy!

    Thanks Janie, and agreed on more visits. Many more!

  24. 07.24.2008

    It isn’t real fun unless you’re not made up! Enjoy your mother, and Happy LT

    Love that Angie πŸ™‚

  25. 07.24.2008

    awww very nice. You look like sisters

    AscenderRisesAbove’s last blog post..Handmaiden of the Nest; Illuminated Tile

    My mom certainly thanks you πŸ™‚

  26. 07.24.2008

    Lovely photos. πŸ™‚ So glad you got to spend good time with your mom. Moms are priceless.

    J’s last blog post..Don’t Hold Your Breath

    I am truly lucky indeed, J. Moms are definitely priceless.

  27. 07.24.2008

    Beautiful…both of you…just beautiful. You will cherish theses photos even more later on in your life…trust me. I don’t think anything can replace the memory of a photo. I cherish photos of my father (there are so few that are good ones). I miss him so much.

    Who needs stinkin make-up anyway. Except me most of the time. I hate getting older. Nuff said.

    thotlady’s last blog post..Wedding Bands (2 posts for the price of one today)

    Always enjoy your comments πŸ™‚ And I know I will wish I had more and more and more photos someday. Must remember that too.

  28. 07.24.2008

    These pictures make me wish I took more photos with my mom when I saw her last weekend. I’m not quite as far away from her as you are from yours, but our time together these days is so precious and far between. Thanks for the reminder to cherish those moments.

    Ami’s last blog post..This Week’s CSA Round-Up

    Be sure to bring the camera next time Ami! Thank you for stopping by πŸ™‚

  29. 07.24.2008

    I love these pics of you and your mom, you are as beautiful as she! My favorite part of the post is when you said there is no one in the world you laugh more or better with. That is how I feel with my mom. What a great love thursday post!

    Amber’s last blog post..July 24

    Lucky you and your mom Amber πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing that, and happy LT to you!

  30. 07.24.2008

    Aw! These pictures of you with your Mom are so sweet. You don’t need any make-up. You are both very naturally beautiful!

    Piccola’s last blog post..He’s Almost Here!!

    Aw, I’m cyber-blushing Piccola πŸ˜‰

  31. 07.24.2008

    What a treat. Enjoy your time together; I know you will.

    Was truly fabulous Lisa, thanks πŸ™‚

  32. 07.24.2008

    THAT is a lotta love, and no apologies for the make-up, your smiles and joy light up the photos; you couldn’t be more beautiful than that.

    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

    Wanderlust Scarlett’s last blog post..Submarine Races

    *So* many smiles over that month…*so* much joy πŸ™‚ Grazie bella, grazie.

  33. Sandy

    Thanks for sharing your photos You both look so happy and content…I hope she can visit you soon!!

    Thank *you* for visiting and commenting Sandy πŸ™‚

  34. Lindsay

    Che Bello! I love the photos of you and your mom. I’ll be in Calabria with my mom in September and look forward to taking photos on the hillside like you have with your mom. By the way – love your blog!

    Thanks Lindsay! September is a *great* time to come to Calabria…enjoy!

  35. 07.24.2008

    All three pics are really great but you know, if I had to choose one over the others, I think I’d go for the bottom one. Just something about it that speaks to me of the relationship you share with your Mom – love, at its finest!

    Jeni Hill Ertmer’s last blog post..Medical Mass Confusion

    Thanks Jeni…love at its finest! Love it!

  36. Dana

    You’re both beautiful!

    Grazie Dana πŸ™‚ Nice to see you!

  37. Ariana from Chicago

    Glad to hear (and now see) that you and your Mom had such a great time together. You look like such the Calabrisellas in them. By the way, your relationship with Mama will only deepen when the grandkids come. (Oops, sorry if that was rather pushy). There is no other joy than seeing your parents smiling and laughing with your little ones.

    Funny thing is that my mom isn’t even Italian! She always looked more like my Italian grandmother’s daughter than her actual daughter (my aunt) though–my aunt definitely favors the Lithuanian side πŸ˜‰

    No worries about being pushy about grandkids…it’s on all of our brains too πŸ˜‰

  38. 07.24.2008

    Aweeeee….. I loved this. Truly. The two of you are so sweet together. How you must miss her!

    jen of a2eatwrite’s last blog post..Summer Reading and a PSA

    It’s just those little moments you miss, you know? Having coffee in the morning…and afternoon…and evening…. πŸ™‚

  39. 07.25.2008

    YouΒ΄re lucky if you mamy is near. When I was with mine, I always IΒ΄m happy. I hope you spend more marvellous moments.
    Kisses from Spain

    Conchi’s last blog post..Love Thursday: Padres

    Thank you Conchi; you’re very right…she who has her mother near is very lucky indeed.

  40. 07.25.2008

    What a fabulous, wonderful thing to be so close to your mother!!

    Chel’s last blog post..Ask me…

    I’m truly blessed Chel πŸ™‚

  41. Sydney

    Ciao Sognatrice,

    Bellissime foto.

    You’re mum looks so sweet and full of love. So happy you got to laugh heavily for a whole month. I can’t think of anything healthier for the soul. Just looking at your mum made me realise the strength a mother must find within when her child grows up one day and says “I’m moving to another country”. Here’s hoping history won’t repeat itself. I’ll be coming down to Isca next week…hopefully we can catch up if you’re free.

    F xo

    ps. Are they Badolato mountains I see in the background?

    Bella, if you look closely enough, you might even see Isca (at least the Marina) πŸ˜‰ It’s funny that I’ve been thinking the same thing lately–how hard it must be to let your child go so far away. It’s so different from the kid’s perspective, you know?

    Definitely let me know when you’ll be here!

  42. 07.25.2008

    OMG, you look exactly like each other! Others have probably noticed, but I don’t have time to read comments from the 40+ people who got here before me; sorry. Genetics, though, so cool. It’s wonderful to look like someone you love this much.

    I’m so happy you got to spend so much lovely time together. πŸ™‚

    Oh I love this:

    “It’s wonderful to look like someone you love this much.”


  43. 07.25.2008

    ah, you ladies are lovely! so glad you two had such a wonderful bonding time. i miss my mom now.

    ps. who needs makeup anyway? πŸ˜‰

    Odessa’s last blog post..poem notes – highway 1

    Thanks Odessa; not having moms near is no fun, is it?

  44. All the pics are great, but that last one is really beautiful, in a totally-frameable kind of way. πŸ™‚

    Jessica, Italy Logue’s last blog post..Hostels in Venice

    Aw thanks Jessica πŸ™‚

  45. 07.26.2008

    Love the pictures!! I’m so glad you had such a wonderful visit with your Mom.

    Shan’s last blog post..rain, fireworks, weenies and robin

    Thanks Shan πŸ™‚

  46. 07.26.2008

    Those are great pictures! I think it’s wonderful that your mom was able to stay for a whole month. πŸ™‚

    Rebecca’s last blog post..a fork in the road

    Retirement is a lovely thing! Finally my mom has gotten the vacation she deserves πŸ™‚

  47. 07.26.2008

    Great pictures. Love seeing both you and your mom. And I have to say I was struck when I saw the first picture because in a way, your mom looks like MY mom! (same hair color and not at this moment, but a few years back, the same EXACT hairstyle. Uncanny.) And we know they share a love of mixed metaphors!)

    Salena’s last blog post..Oshkosh B’Gosh!

    OK that’s creepy and yet not entirely unexpected news. They really should meet.

  48. 07.26.2008

    These are wonderful photos of you and your mum. You must miss her.

    BTW, I’ve nominated you for a blog award. You can find the details over at my blog. πŸ™‚

    Have a great weekend!

    Thanks Concetta! Will visit shortly πŸ™‚

  49. 07.27.2008

    Aaaw I love these photos ! So much happiness there, it just makes me smile.
    You are both beautiful!

    Vee’s last blog post..Plans to no plans.

    Thanks Vee πŸ™‚

  50. 07.27.2008

    Beautiful picture of you both.

    Delina’s last blog post..How was your ‘workend’?

    Grazie Delina πŸ™‚ So nice to see you!

  51. I was so excited to see and your mum. Bless you both you beautiful souls. You know I share the same sentiment about my mum. I got all teary just seeing the two of you together. I am SO glad you got to spend time together.
    ps i love the fact that you are both natural. that’s just pure beauty to me.

    collette~all over the map’s last blog post..Free Samples of Lovely Images from Dover Publishing

    Thank you for your lovely words Collette; perhaps some day you’ll share some photos/tales of you and your mom. I would love it!

  52. 07.28.2008

    Awwww, You both are gorgeous! Looks like you had a wonderful time together!

    Marie’s last blog post..BURRATA!

    Thanks Marie, and yes, a fabulous time!

  53. Kristin

    Honestly, that b&w picture of you and Mom is beautiful. You never looked better!!

    Kisses – K

    Aw thanks Kristin πŸ™‚

  54. those are the most precious moments, aren’t they!!
    good for you for having fun and maintaining that relationship!
    so many ppl don’t!

    Bren@Flanboyant Eats’s last blog post..Taste of T & T Deserves 1 More Story

    I can’t even imagine not having this relationship with my mom; I know not everyone has it, but I do hope they have something similar with *someone*. Thanks so much for coming by πŸ™‚

  55. Nice!

    Cherrye at My Bella Vita’s last blog post..Love Thursday: A Bit of Love from Mickey Mouse

    Grazie πŸ™‚

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Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake