La Vucciria Market in Palermo, Sicily

I intended to only write one post combining the markets and gardens of Palermo. When I started it, though, I quickly realized that I can’t. There’s simply too much good stuff to try to cram it all together.

So today won’t be the last Palermonday after all! Today we’ll hit the markets, and next Monday, the gardens, OK? And if you *really* want, perhaps we’ll even explore the Catacombs as well.

So tell me, would you like to see dead people?

Palermo’s markets are famous, and just from what we saw, I have to say–with good reason.

Unfortunately for Cherrye and me, our time in Palermo was limited, so we only had a quick pass through La Vucciria market the morning before we left. The other markets are Capo, BallarΓ², and Borgo Vecchio, and then there are tons of little markets, or mercatini, on various days throughout the city.

La Vucciria is split up into food items and then everything else. Here’s a glimpse of part of “everything else”; sorry for the lighting. Didn’t catch the angles of the sunlight well I’m afraid, but you can still get a feel for the streets of the city, right?

La Vucciria in Palermo on Flickr

There was a lot of nice knock-off stuff that was better quality than at our markets here, and yet I came home with souvenirs from an Indian shop of all places. What can I say? We don’t have any Indians in my village.

La Vucciria in Palermo on Flickr

The food part was full of lovely sights and smells (except the fish, which doesn’t smell so good). The colors sure were pretty though.

La Vucciria in Palermo on Flickr

We loaded up on spices but realized later that we should have grabbed some fruit for the train ride home. Lesson learned.

La Vucciria in Palermo on Flickr

I would go back to Palermo just for the markets, I tell you.

Come back next week for the gardens!

P.S. I should warn my faithful readers that from now until at least early July, I will be cutting back on posting to three times a week. My mom is arriving shortly, and I want to have as much time with her as possible. Woohoo for mom visits!

32 Beans of Wisdom to “La Vucciria Market in Palermo, Sicily”
  1. We will miss you! And you HAVE to have your mom guest-blog one day – we promise we’ll be good.


    Paul, Too Much Coffee Man’s last blog post..The Pursuit of Happiness

    Well I can ask her, but she’s not much into this whole thing…yet…I have a month to convince her….

  2. Gil

    You’d never see such beautiful displays like that in US cities. It is amazing to see the variety of fruits and vegetables. Is that a melon in the front of the third picture.

    Those are big ole pumpkins (zucche), Gil. Lots to choose from!

  3. 06.09.2008

    What kind of Indian goods? Indian from India or American Indian? Some Indian fabrics are pretty interesting and I’m sure someday I’ll run into some saris I can’t live without. On the other hand, I was kind of surprised to find an American Indian booth at the Porta Portese flea market in Rome, too.

    Homebody at Heart’s last blog post..Sea Kayaking, Sea Otters and the Aquarium

    From India, as was the vendor. So many great pieces of furniture, mirrors, fabrics, woodworkings, etc…wish I hadn’t have been going home on the train so I could’ve carried more of that stuff!

  4. What a great market. Have fun with your mom! It’s great that she can stay a whole month. Has she been there before? Did she keep in touch with relatives there?

    nyc/caribbean ragazza’s last blog post..Euro 2008: Get your football/soccer/calcio on!

    My mom was here once before for a couple weeks in 2003; actually, she’s not the Italian one in the family–it’s my dad (who hasn’t yet visited!) πŸ˜‰

  5. 06.09.2008

    Hey, bring on the dead people! πŸ˜€ You’re not supposed to take pictures in the Catacombs in Paris but I guess that doesn’t stop a lot of people. I’d love to see yours!

    That’s so great that your Mom is coming for a nice long visit! I hope your Dad gets to visit one day soon as well. Have a great week!

    Vivi’s last blog post..I used to think I had rhythm….

    Woohoo! A vote for the dead! Kinda like those in the US who will be voting for…nah…won’t go there πŸ˜‰

    You’re not allowed to take photos of the dead here either, and I obeyed! But I still would like to share some of the history and info…and brochure photos! It was absolutely my favorite thing in Palermo, so I’d hate to leave it out πŸ˜‰

  6. Joanne at frutto della passione

    Enjoy your time with your mom and do post about the catacombs!
    You’re giving me the itch to get back to Sicily!

    Joanne at frutto della passione’s last blog post..Spreading a special kind of love

    As you wish Joanne πŸ™‚

  7. Ahhh, good times. I *SURE* wish we were closer to that market!

    Cherrye at My Bella Vita’s last blog post..MBV is Goin’ to Texas … So Come Here and Blog!

    Yeah, but we’d be *so* broke πŸ˜‰

  8. 06.09.2008

    No mom posts? I have been waiting for months for the dynamic duo kid/mom series.

    Judith in Umbria’s last blog post..Sunny Italy

    Well there *may* be mom/kid posts, but definitely not more than three a week πŸ˜‰

    You can be sure this week’s Buona Cucina will feature La Mamma though πŸ˜‰

  9. 06.09.2008

    I distinctly remember walking in puddles of lovely fish water at that market. The local cats were following me around for days!!
    Only 3 posts a week?!? You naughty girl! Don’t apologize! Spend as much time with you mom as you can!!!!!

    milanesemasala’s last blog post..Liverpool – Beautiful Night

    Hah! Yes I imagine the cats aren’t too upset with that smell πŸ˜‰

    Thanks for the encouragement on hanging out with my mom! I’m very much looking forward to it πŸ™‚

  10. 06.09.2008

    Wow!! Those markets sound great. Even though the fish smelled bad, I bet it was fresh and tasted good !!

    Have fun with your Mom!!! Bet you are just jumping out of our skin with excitement…like Christmas Eve πŸ™‚

    My MΓ©lange’s last blog post..Flickr Fun

    Yeah the fish was surely fresh and lovely…couldn’t imagine taking it home on the train with me though πŸ˜‰

    *So* excited about Mom coming. I just spoke to her on the phone and realized she’ll be here tomorrow at this time. Woohoo!!!!!!!

  11. We visited a couple markets in Palermo. They were great…especially the fish displays. oh, have FUN with your mom! That’s great she gets to visit you.

    erin :: the olive notes’s last blog post..and we’re baaaaaccck

    Thanks Erin; I haven’t seen my mom in four years, so I’m *very* excited πŸ™‚

  12. 06.09.2008

    I will miss reading your posts every morning! Have a wonderful time with your mom.

    Lucia’s last blog post..Here Comes the Heat!!!!!

    Thanks Lucia! I’ll still be around, just a tad bit less πŸ˜‰

  13. Kristin

    I’m tearing up just thinking about how excited you are for Mom’s visit!!! Enjoy πŸ™‚

    – K

    Excited? Me? How’d ya guess? πŸ˜‰

  14. 06.09.2008

    Oh Michelle, I’m so glad your mom will be arriving soon. I know you’ll have a blast while she’s visiting… but I do so agree with the other comments – she should be a guest blogger! How fun would that be? Well, for US, anyway… maybe not for her!

    Take care and I’ll look as forward to reading your post three times a week as I have all the other ones. πŸ™‚

    Dory’s last blog post..Memorable Mondays

    I think my mom will be surprised when I tell her she’s in demand…I’ll see what I can do!

  15. Bluestocking

    I dont get the whole would you like to see dead people part? What did I miss?

    I was referring to the previous sentence and the Catacombs, where 8000 dead bodies line the walls.

  16. 06.09.2008

    Will miss your posts, but how wonderful to have your mother there with you. Have a great time but do let us hear from you when you have a little extra time!

    Will certainly be in touch Janie πŸ™‚

  17. Bobbie in Alaska

    Have a wonderful time visiting with your Mom! I say, forget the blog for a while and make every moment count.:o)

    Thanks Bobbie; don’t worry, I’ve planned ahead for the blog so there will still be plenty of new stuff even though I’m cutting back a bit πŸ˜‰

  18. I can see why the food markets are appealing. I like that last photo.
    I am so excited for you to spend time with your mom. Woohoo for sure!
    I think my excitement comes in part from having the same close relationship with my mum and knowing very well the feelings of being together. Pure joy! Yay for great mums!
    I look forward to the gardens.

    collette~all over the map’s last blog post..words that resonate

    Yay for great mums is right! I’m so excited…we’re down to a handful of hours now before she arrives πŸ™‚

  19. 06.10.2008

    I just love it when you post pictures of your surroundings like that. Makes me feel like I’m there, almost! Enjoy the time with your mom, and take the time off you need. Even if your readership falls off a tiny bit it will bounce right back, no doubt, as you certainly have your niche in the blogging world — and you do such a great job with that niche! πŸ™‚

    Waiting for Zufan’s last blog post..One of the big kids

    Aw, thanks! Will certainly still be around, so be sure to come visit πŸ™‚

  20. 06.10.2008

    I can’t wait to read about your ‘cook in’ with La Mamma. Have fun!

    amanda’s last blog post..Pedalo fun

    Thanks Amanda! Hope you enjoy it πŸ™‚

  21. 06.10.2008

    Now that’s a market!
    Have fun with your mom Michelle!!

    Thanks Joe!

  22. 06.10.2008

    I’ll miss your more frequent posts, but I’m so glad you’ll have a great visit with your Mom. Yay!

    jen of a2eatwrite’s last blog post..I’m Gonna Party Like It’s… Belgium?

    Thanks Jen πŸ™‚

  23. 06.10.2008

    I love the market! That’s fantastic!

    You live too far away. Or else I do… hmmm. Must get to looking for flights to Palermo so I can go to the market, and Calabria so we can have tea and take photos.

    No apologies for these, I’ve never seen a market in Palermo, it was like looking through a secret window and it was lovely, thank you.

    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

    Wanderlust Scarlett’s last blog post..Wandering Through Gardens

    So glad you enjoyed…I know you will enjoy it even more in person someday πŸ™‚

  24. Dana

    Beautiful pictures of the market! Have a fabulous time with your mom!

    Thanks Dana!

  25. 06.10.2008

    I would go to Palermo just because it’s Palermo! Hope that you are having a wonderful visit! Can’t wait to read more!!

    Lulu’s last blog post..Me Cavewoman, You Man

    Lots of Palermo posts if you click on my Sicily category Lulu πŸ™‚

  26. 06.10.2008

    there’s nothing like Italy, I swear. You’ve inspired me to go through my catalog of market pictures from my last trip to France. I don’t have any of Italy, unfortunately, but looking at yours was great!

    Flanboyant Eats’s last blog post..BH’s BEST WEEK EVER!! PLEASE READ!!

    Ooh, can’t wait to see your photos! I need to take more photos of markets here, actually…such gorgeous colors everywhere πŸ™‚

  27. 06.11.2008

    I’m back in the blogosphere and have missed your blog very much. And now you are in Palermo! Yahoo! I hope you and Cherrye have a safe and fun trip.

    I am very glad that you are human, and cannot possibly blog daily while having a visitor! You are such a power-blogger that I don’t know how you do it! So, Superwoman, enjoy your mom and have no guilt about not blogging for a bit (even though we will miss you!)

    Oh we’re *long* back from Palermo, Jeni…just took me this long to get the trip reports up! We had a very safe and fun trip, thanks πŸ™‚

    And yes, I am definitely human, and even more so a daughter who wants to spend lots of time with la Mamma πŸ™‚ No guilt here, I promise!

  28. 06.11.2008

    Those markets look wonderful! I often think that if Americans grew up buying fresh vegetables from local markets (where we might get to touch & taste before buying) we would be much more likely to grow up enjoying them.

    That’s great news about your mom’s visit! Is this her first visit to Italy? How long has it been since you’ve seen her? I hope you have a wonderful time — I look forward to hearing at least a little bit about your adventures together.

    annoa2’s last blog post..Sunday Scribblings: Night

    I think you’re right about growing up with markets; when you’re used to it, it’s just so second nature.

    This is my mom’s second time in Italy, the last four years ago. I’m sure I’ll have lots to share πŸ˜‰

  29. 06.11.2008

    Have a wonderful time with your mom. Maybe you can get your mom to write one of your posts. Wouldn’t that be fun.

    Ice Tea For Me’s last blog post..what’s in a name?

    I’m trying to convince her….

  30. 06.11.2008

    Enjoy your time with your mom! I’m sure it will be grand.

    Erin’s last blog post..Rock and Roll Band

    Thanks! It’s already such fun!

  31. Connie Costa

    I remember going to La Vucciria as a “treat” when I was a kid. My father would only go there on special occasions (go figure!). I suppose because we lived a bit far from Palermo, but it’s places such as La Vucciria that makes me want to move back to Sicily. You can’t get fresh products like that over here in Los Angeles.

    And what a treat that must’ve been! I’ve told a lot of people about that market since last February!

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Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake