Archive for the ‘scenes from village life’ Category
Love Thursday: How to Leave Your (Teeth)Mark on the World
I’ve mentioned recently that P and I have a new garden spot. When we took it over about a month and a half ago, it was terribly overgrown so we spent many hours just getting it back to where it was no longer a jungle.
We pulled most of the weeds and unwanted greenery, but we also left a good amount for our kid, Pasqualina–she wanted to help out too.
And help she did, particularly one day when I spotted a cute heart-shaped leaf but was without my camera. I positioned the leaf by a lemon tree, ran home, got my camera, and came back to find this:
Obviously Pasqualina likes heart-shaped leaves too.
Does she look The Goat Who Ate the Heart-Shaped Leaf or what?
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
Going Green: Start a Garden, Support Local Farmers and/or Join a Community Garden
Welcome to the third installment of Going Green!
Previous Going Green posts include:
Now, just in time for Spring, we’re talking about some literal greens—in gardens.
By growing your own food, supporting local farmers, and/or joining a community garden, you’ll not only be getting the freshest, healthiest, and most delicious food available, you’ll also help save the planet from some nasty carbon emissions.
What carbon emissions, you ask?
Did you know that in America, grocery store produce often covers around 1,500 miles before landing on the dinner table?And that’s only the stuff actually produced in America–imagine how much traveling imported fruits and veggies do!
All that transportation adds up to a whole bunch of extra *blech* in the air—completely unnecessary as you can grow your own food, participate in a community garden, or simply buy from local farmers’ markets.
Popularity of Home Gardens in America
Home gardens are increasingly popular, not only for the fresh fruits and vegetables but also because they are a great way to save money. The National Gardening Association estimates that about 20% more American households than last year will plant gardens, and many are doing so to pinch pennies.
Hey, even the President Obama and First Lady Michelle are gardening these days! It’s the coolest!
Home Gardens on the Homefront, i.e., Calabria, Italy
Here in rural Calabria, it’s rather common for people to keep an “orto” full of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. You may remember my mentioning our “giardino” here on the blog in the past, but unfortunately as it doesn’t get much sun, we could never plant much; we had peppers, parsley, basil, and that’s about it.
But, through a great stroke of luck since Pasqualina came to stay with us, P and I have secured a plot of land very close to the house we’re slowly moving into as it’s remodeled…and it’s gardening time!
This piece of land gets sun all the live long day, which is perfect for all kinds of fruits and veggies. The “orto” already had lemon, orange, fig, and peach trees, and (after spending *many* hours cleaning up the essentially abandoned land) we have added onions, garlic, lettuce, artichokes, basil, and parsley.
Soon we’ll also plant eggplants, peppers, and, of course, tomatoes! Whee!
Now, some resources to get you started on becoming more green:
How to start a garden:
- Guide to Gardening by Marie Iannotti
- Eat Healthy and Save Money with a Vegetable Garden (
- Planning a Vegetable Garden (National Gardening Association)
- Teach Your Kids How to Start a Garden (Better Homes and Gardens)
- Tomato Casual especially for tomato lovers
- Urban Garden Casual for city dwellers and those who think they have no space for a garden
All about community gardens:
- American Community Gardening Association
- Australian City Farms & Community Gardens Network
- Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens (UK)
- National Garden Association (US)
Find local farmers to support:
- Australian Farmers’ Market Association
- BigBarn – The Virtual Farmer’s Market (UK)
- (US)
- (US)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers’ Market Map
If you know of more helpful sites on gardening, etc., (especially international ones), please share in the comments!
Are you gardening this year? Do you normally garden?
Buon weekend!
P.S. For those wondering what has happened to Cherrye’s My Bella Vita, there are some technical details that she’s working furiously on–don’t worry, she’ll be back as soon as possible!
The Meaning of (Calabrian) Life
In my recent call for questions, Jen of A2eatwrite asked:
Okay… from a Calabrian viewpoint – what is the meaning of life? And yes, I’m being serious. I’m not looking for the “ultimate” answer, just what you think the local answer would be.
This is a fabulous question, and first let me preface my answer by saying I certainly don’t presume to speak for all Calabrians, who are a rather varied group despite the basic, deep Calabrese pride that runs throughout the toe of the boot.
Calabrians work in all industries from agriculture to technology from Cosenza to Milano and beyond (even in the CIA!), so let me begin by painting the picture of the small group of old-fashioned Calabrians I’ll be drawing from in formulating my answer:
I live in a hilltop village of about 350 people, most of whom are probably over the age of 65. The houses are built on top of one another, more or less, as space used to be limited; the village used to hold as many as 12,000 people.
On the sides of the hill leading up the village, there are many plots of land, most of which are still used as garden spaces or places to keep animals.
So for many of these traditional Calabrians, those who still get up at sunrise to feed the hens, pick olives, or till the soil for a new planting of tomatoes, I’d say the meaning of life is rather simple—to wake up relatively healthy each day, strong enough to have the opportunity to take care of whatever needs to be taken care of, whether it be the land, the house, or the family.
And when they have a little left over, well it’s time to go off to the neighbor’s house and share.
I think that’s what the Calabrians I know are best at doing and what they strive to do each and every day—they do what needs to be done for themselves and their loved ones, and then go one step further and help out friends and neighbors when bounty allows.
It seems to me, for many here, immense satisfaction comes from simply knowing they do what they have to do and if they are able to share beyond that, all the better. This allows them to sleep well at night even if their beds creak with every slight movement and are held up by frames tied together by old rags.
You’ll perhaps notice I didn’t mention elaborate several course family dinners, which are certainly a big part of southern Italian life. I can’t possibly overstate the importance of fresh, homemade food and wine to the average Calabrian, and of course that’s what a lot of that hard work accomplishes.
But I also didn’t talk about sitting back and relaxing with a nice glass of homemade wine while gazing at the sea. Yes, some of that goes on down here, but more by the younger generations; the older generations hardly have time for such frivolous things with all the work they’re always busy doing.
Jen, thank you for pushing me to verbalize exactly why I love living here so much.
I am so very blessed to live among such wonderful, hard-working, kind people who provide, along with a never-ending supply of figs, lemons, and oranges, constant inspiration to be a better person in ways that truly matter.
The Cutest Kid in the World
How can you be sad, angry, frustrated, etc., when you have the cutest kid in the world smiling back at you?
Read on...Are You Ready to Meet Our Kid?
Well here she is:
Meet Pasqualina!
Pascalina (in Calabrese) doing her thing on the goatwalk.
A friend who raises goats recently gave us this little darling capretta because her mother didn’t have enough milk for all her babies. So we’ve been bottle-feeding her (*that* was a challenge to get started), and she’s settling in nicely.
We even play “nascondino” a.k.a. hide and seek, but YouTube wouldn’t cooperate, so you’ll have to wait for a video.
And before you ask, no, she will never be on the dinner table; this kid will be strictly for milk and breeding purposes.
How could you even think otherwise?
We’ve also been going for walks together. If you think she’s cute in these photos, you should see her hopping along on her leash! Gah! I’m *so* in kid love.
Any of you ever raised a kid? Any tips to share?
P.S. Thanks so much for all your questions on Friday’s post; I’ll answer them as soon as possible! Stay tuned….