Archive for the ‘food’ Category

POM wonderful contest announcement

Remember when we were talking about pomegranates a while back? Well I’ve enjoyed many more since then, and I hope you have too.

By chance, have you been playing around with pomegranate recipes?

If so, you’re in luck.

I’ve received word that POM Wonderful, the, ahem, wonderful pomegranate company out of California, is sponsoring a contest:

Attention Recipe Gurus & Pomegranate Lovers:

POM Wonderful Invites You To Share Your Pomegranate Recipes

Who is POM Wonderful?

POM Wonderful is the largest producer of California Wonderful pomegranates, which the company exclusively grows and sells. The company also juices its fresh pomegranates to make its delicious, all-natural, POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice.  POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice and POM Tea are available year-round at retail and are found in the refrigerated section of supermarkets and grocery stores nationwide.

What are we asking?

We are inviting bloggers everywhere to submit their favorite original pomegranate recipes for a chance to be a featured blogger for POM Wonderful and enjoy the $5000 prize. To enter, visit

What’s the Catch?

The recipe must be an original and include fresh pomegranates. The winner will submit twelve (12) monthly blog submissions as the POM Wonderful featured blogger.

What’s in it for you?

  • $5,000 prize-enough said
  • Exposure on the POM Wonderful blog

Who is Eligible to Participate?

This opportunity is open to everyone.

Please feel free to pass this invite along to your friends, family and any fellow pomegranate lovers who may be interested. Rules and guidelines will also be available here

When do we get started?

The POM Wonderful Recipe Contest begins at 12:01 AM Pacific Time on October 22, 2008 and ends at 11:59 PM Pacific Time on November 30, 2008.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

My-lan Beauford at

Best of luck pomegranate lovers!

love thursday: the wandering chopsticks edition

Last week when I put out the call for heart photos for Love Thursday, one of my favorite food bloggers, Wandering Chopsticks, who specializes in Vietnamese and Chinese cuisine, responded in a big way. Below is a collage of some of the best Wandering Chopsticks heart photos with links to the corresponding posts (including recipes!) at the bottom.

Does this make up for no What’s Cooking Wednesday this week or what?! Please *do* check out the recipes and the rest of this fabulous blog!

And now, food is love:

1. Vietnamese Wedding Prepartions and Ceremony 2. Chicken Pot Pie with Cilantro Biscuits 3. Chicken Pot Pie with Cilantro Biscuits 4. Sinh To Dam (Vietnamese Aloe Vera Shake) 5. A Not-So-Romantic Fondue Dinner, Although It Can Be If You Want 6. Vietnamese Wedding Prepartions and Ceremony 7. Chicken Pot Pie with Cilantro Biscuits 8. Shogun Japanese Restaurant – Pasadena 9. Lavender Biscuits

Happy Love Thursday everyone,
and if you have any heart photos to share, send them over!

What’s Cooking Wednesday: Grilled Tuna

On my birthday, I took a couple pieces of cake to my American neighbors just down the street from me (yes, I have two American neighbors!).

While I was visiting, a neighbor of theirs offered up two gorgeous tuna that her husband had caught that morning–and guess who was, in turn, offered one of these beautiful babies? What a birthday gift!

And so plans for my birthday dinner were adjusted. We had the originally-scheduled pork ribs the following night (delicious as always), and instead had a special treat of grilled tuna (tonno alla griglia) with a side of homemade french fries:

By the by, if you’ve never had homemade french fries made in olive oil, you don’t know what you’re missing–it’s definitely worth the work of peeling and cutting up the potatoes just so. Yes I know gadgets exist that will do that for you, but I find it rather relaxing so I stick to the old-fashioned way.

Grilled Tuna

  • 2 tuna filets
  • 1 lemon
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
  • Handful of parsley, chopped
  • Salt and pepper

1. Prepare grilling area by lighting coals, etc.

2. When grill is about 15 minutes away from being ready, combine olive oil, garlic, and parsley in small bowl.

3. Roll a whole lemon on the counter a few times to loosen up the juice, then cut in half. Squeeze one half over each tuna filet, and then apply marinade to each filet equally.

4. Sprinkle each filet with salt and pepper, and let sit for about 15 minutes.

5. Grill tuna for about 10 minutes on each side, turning only once.

Buon appetito!

La Buona Cucina America: Apple Pie Torta di Mele

We couldn’t possibly compile a collection of American recipes without including apple pie–and here is my mom’s version (and yes, her hands feature in the photos below).

This is of course my all-time favorite apple pie, but I realize that everyone has their own tricks and secrets as to what makes a delicious apple pie, so please share your thoughts in the comments!

Apple Pie


  • 2 c flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2/3 c shortening/lard
  • 5-7 tablespoons cold water


  • 8 tart apples
  • 1 c sugar
  • 3-4 tablespoons flour (more if apples are moist)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons butter

1. Chop together flour, salt, and shortening until pieces of dough are the size of peas. Add water slowly, mixing with hands and being sure dough isn’t too moist or too dry.

2.  Wrap dough in plastic wrap and put it in refrigerator for about twenty minutes.

3. In the meantime, peel, core, and cut apples into thin slices.

4. Mix apples, sugar, flour, and cinnamon together.

5. Remove dough from refrigerator and cut in half.

6. Roll one half of the dough between two sheets of wax paper until 1/8″ thick, and use the rolling pin to transfer to pie pan.

7.  Fill shell with apple filling, and put butter in pieces on top (as shown).

8. Roll other half of dough until 1/8″ thick and transfer it to cover the pie.

9. Seal edges by pinching dough around the edges as shown.

10. Put small slices in top crust to prevent it from overflowing, and sprinkle top with sugar.

11. Bake in 400°F oven for 15 minutes, and then turn oven down to 350° and let bake for about another half hour. The apples inside will be soft when the pie is ready.

12. Let cool before cutting.

Torta di Mele


  • 280 g farina
  • un pizzico di sale
  • 75 g lardo
  • 5-7 cucchiai di acqua fredda


  • 8 mele aspre
  • 200 g zucchero
  • 3-4 cucchiai farina (di più se le mele sono umide)
  • 1 cucchiaino cannella
  • 28 g burro

1. Mescolate la farina, il sale e il lardo finché i pezzi della pasta sono la misura dei piselli. Agguingete l’acqua lentamente, mescolando con le mani assicurando che la pasta non è troppo umida ne troppo secca.

2. Mettete la pasta nella pellicola e mettetela in frigo per circa venti minuti.

3. Nel frattempo, sbucciate, togliete il torsolo e affettate le mele a fette fine.

4. Mescolate insieme le mele, lo zucchero, la farina e la cannella.

5. Togliete la pasta dal frigo e tagliatela a metà.

6. Stendete una metà della pasta tra due foglie di carta oleata finché la pasta stesa è circa 3 mm. Usate il matterello per trasferire la pasta stesa alla teglia.

7. Riempite la teglia con il ripieno, e aggiungete burro a pezzi (come è mostrato sopra).

8. Stendete l’altra metà della pasta anche di 3 mm e coprite la torta con la pasta stesa.

9. Chiudete il bordo come è mostrato sopra.

10. Fate piccoli tagli nella pasta stesa sopra e spargetela con un po’ di zucchero.

11. Mettete la torta al forno a 200°C e fate cuocere per quindici minuti. Quindi abbassate la temperatura a 175°C e fate cuocere per un’altra mezz’ora. Quando la torta è pronta le mele dentro sarà morbide.

12. Lasciatela raffreddare prima di tagliare.

Buon appetito!

Pasta al Forno con Melanzane Baked Pasta with Eggplant

One of my favorite ways to enjoy eggplant — baked with pasta in the oven.

Read on...

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake