What’s Cooking Wednesday: Grilled Tuna
On my birthday, I took a couple pieces of cake to my American neighbors just down the street from me (yes, I have two American neighbors!).
While I was visiting, a neighbor of theirs offered up two gorgeous tuna that her husband had caught that morning–and guess who was, in turn, offered one of these beautiful babies? What a birthday gift!
And so plans for my birthday dinner were adjusted. We had the originally-scheduled pork ribs the following night (delicious as always), and instead had a special treat of grilled tuna (tonno alla griglia) with a side of homemade french fries:
By the by, if you’ve never had homemade french fries made in olive oil, you don’t know what you’re missing–it’s definitely worth the work of peeling and cutting up the potatoes just so. Yes I know gadgets exist that will do that for you, but I find it rather relaxing so I stick to the old-fashioned way.
Grilled Tuna
- 2 tuna filets
- 1 lemon
- 6 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
- Handful of parsley, chopped
- Salt and pepper
1. Prepare grilling area by lighting coals, etc.
2. When grill is about 15 minutes away from being ready, combine olive oil, garlic, and parsley in small bowl.
3. Roll a whole lemon on the counter a few times to loosen up the juice, then cut in half. Squeeze one half over each tuna filet, and then apply marinade to each filet equally.
4. Sprinkle each filet with salt and pepper, and let sit for about 15 minutes.
5. Grill tuna for about 10 minutes on each side, turning only once.
Buon appetito!
24 Beans of Wisdom to “What’s Cooking Wednesday: Grilled Tuna”
- [...] did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 32, and we had a fabulous dinner of grilled ...
Homemade fries and grilled tuna? Sounds like a perfect meal to me!
[eatingclub] vancouver || js’s last blog post..Torta with Pork and Kecap Manis
Mangia mangia!
Must be tuna night. My wife made creamed tuna and peas over whole wheat toast and a big green salad. The tuna was from Sicily. I know close but no cigar!
Mmmm sounds great to me Gil
The tuna looks so easy and so good.
I have never made homemade fries. I love so much I’m scared to go that road. ha
nyc/caribbean ragazza’s last blog post..What’s Cooking Wednesday: Spicy Caribbean Black Beans
I think that’s part of the reason I like to peel and cut the fries the old-fashioned way…that way there’s effort involved! If it’s *too* easy….
It was a huge treat for us when Mom made a big batch of homemade french fires. 8 of us packed them away way too fast! We often make Sweet Potato Dollars – a la Sally Fallon of Nourishing Traditions and sometimes substitute red potatoes for the sweet potatoes. You just slice the pototoes crosswise at 1/4 inch intervals into “dollars”, brush a cookie sheet with olive oil and butter, arrange them on the sheet, brush the potatoes with some more of the same, season with sea salt, and bake for about 45 min. at 350 – or until they look a little brown and crisp. Goes great with her spicy meatloaf! As for the tuna….did you filet it?! Something I have to call on the man to do….. I see by the livefeed I am now listed as Radolfzell! Correctomondo….. Have a nice day!
I don’t really do much prep regarding raw meat and fish…P is the expert with the knife Those dollars sound great! We don’t get sweet potatoes down here (very sad) but I’ll definitely try it out with other ones. Yum!
I usually don’t like fish, but I could eat that grilled tuna, it looks sooo good.
And I agree: there is nothing like homemade fries fried in olive oil!
KC’s last blog post..What’s Cooking Wednesday: Pata’s Pears and Cheese
This fish was really, really good, I have to say. I’m not big on fish either (although I love shellfish); grilling makes everything better, IMHO
Damn, that looks good!
running42k’s last blog post..WTF?
Believe me, it was
I love tuna. Now, I probably wouldn’t be the one cutting of the heads and gutting in, but I have loads of recipes for grilled tuna-and it’s so easy.
Yours looks delish. And I have never tried fries in OO- have to try that!!
My Mélange’s last blog post..Love Thursday : Sweets for the Sweet
French fries in olive oil are *so* lovely…and you don’t need to most expensive olive oil either
I love tuna and usually cook it in a griddle pan on the stove – and always seem to overdo it with four mins on each side. I always want to get it so it’s still pink in the middle and generally get it wrong. I love to serve mind with an avocado guacamole. Now, can you please tell me how to make frites or chips – I’ve never ever tried to make them (and certainly don’t do the frozen stuff), mostly because I don’t own any kind of deep frying thingie which I’m told is vital….???
You remind me, I *still* haven’t gotten that griddle pan I wanted!
As for the fries, we don’t deepfry either, although surely that’s easier. We just heat (on medium-high, not super high) the oil in a large, deepish pan so it’s enough to cover the fries (mostly). P’s in charge of them to swish them around a bit so they all get under the oil at some point and also to test when they’re ready. I’d say we fry them for at least 10-15 minutes to get them crisp on the outside, possibly even more but I’ve never timed it (and that’s one reason I didn’t mention it in the post!). I’ll try to remember to time it next time, though.
In any event, no deepfryer necessary! Don’t believe the hype!
I agree, we had some of the best fires ever while in Italy! Look so yummy!
Deb R’s last blog post..Holy cow
Yummy indeed Deb
How absolutely delicious I am all for having two special birthday meals. Now, do tell more about those pork ribs
City Girl’s last blog post..What’s Cooking Wednesday — Cowboy Spaghetti
I *wish* the pork ribs could’ve been smothered in bbq sauce, but P doesn’t like it so we put those on the grill as well…marinated in red wine vinegar, garlic, and olive oil. YUM!!!!!!
Too funny. That’s exactly what we had for dinner on Monday night. Delish!
Minnie’s last blog post..RECIPROCITY
That is *so* funny!
Yum! It’s 10:30 in the morning and I’m ogling the french fries! ; )
I have some sweet potatoes at home, maybe I’ll make some sweet potato fries tonight. ; )
Anali’s last blog post..Election Stress Baking Syndrome
Hope you had those fries! Yum!
That looks divine! I just adore tuna…My dad is on his way back from Italy today, their residency appointment finally came through…only it’s for January (LOL!) So, they get to go back again soon. So not fair. He keeps calling with all the tales of the amazing food they’ve eaten the whole time they’ve been there…I think it’s making me gain weight.
sadira’s last blog post..The Gallery Opening…
I hope everything goes smoothly for your dad. Not cool that you’d gain weight from hearing of the amazing foods, but I’ve been there….
That looks amazing! French fries in olive oil? Sounds very interesting and heart healthy. I may have to grab some spuds and try my hand at homemade fries this weekend!
Black Coffee & Bourbon’s last blog post..I Voted for McCain
Definitely more heart healthy than other oils, and IMHO, much tastier. Hope you give it a try!
Mmmmmmm, that looks good! I’ll be right over for dinner
I’m glad you had a happy birthday.
Thanks Kate! Come on over!
That tuna looks amazing — a beautiful birthday gift! And french fries in olive oil? I am going to have to try that! Sounds like you had a great day.
anno’s last blog post..Tuesday: Checking in…
Was fabulous indeed, Anno, thanks
if you gutted and filleted that fish yourself i give you mad props! You also receive mad props for the perfect looking homemade fries!
looks delish!
I *so* did not gut and fillet that fish…that’s P’s job! I will, though, take credit for the cut of the fries And yes, all delicious!
Looks deliziosissimo… though I’m still wrapping my head around the idea of chopping, slicing and peeling potatoes as “relaxing.”
paul of the clue-by-four’s last blog post..Cluesday October 28th: the Army invades the U.S… are we scared yet?
Well considering you find mile-long runs and bike rides relaxing, clearly we have different tastes….
if you want more seafood recipes or others you can visit http://www.cookingandgrillinoutdoors.com
I can smell the potatoes cooking in the olive oil…. and the tuna looks delicious!
joe@italyville’s last blog post..The City that Never Sleeps
Joe, I have to admit, I’m craving those french fries again, and we just had them again two nights ago….
What a grand b’day dinner! I love tuna and fries and agree that homemade are the way to go. I tend to bake, rather than fry, mine, but they’re still oh-so-wonderful. I hope it was a lovely celebration!
jen of a2eatwrite’s last blog post..What’s Cooking Wednesday on a Thursday: Three Veggies/three meals – variations on a theme
Was *very* lovely; thanks Jen And yes, I love baked fries too…was feeling daring for my birthday!
Hi, I know I am a little late on replying, but had to say that this looks delicious!How lucky to be given this freshly caught tuna
Lately I buy my fish whole, have it prepared or prepare it myself. There is no comparison in taste!
Have a lovely weekend xxx
Erika’s last blog post..SWISS CHEESE SHOP: Fromagerie Bruand, Geneva
I have to agree; fresh tuna like this is *nothing* like in the can.
ohhh delish!! tuna & french fries sounds amazing!!
I loved it Bronnie Thanks for stopping by!