doggies in a box

If you’ve been paying attention, you know that the most recent addition to our household, Stella, is about to give us even more additions to the household.

Well the other day, Stella was acting a little funny, so I thought maybe the time was approaching when the puppies would be joining us. We have no idea when she was sperminated, other than that it was before August 31 when she came to stay with us. The gestation period of dogs is between 60-63 days, so for sure by the end of the month, there will be some action around here.

Stella’s anxiety turned out to be a false alarm, but it did inspire me to whip together a whelping box for her. I swear that’s what it’s called!

Since I thought this was an emergency, I grabbed got a good-sized cardboard box and did it up with some old sheets and whatnot–whatever I could grab was going in just in case this was the real deal.

Just as I put the last sheet in, this happened: stella in the boxAnd that turned into this:

stella in the boxI think she likes it.

And I couldn’t help but sing “Don’t be fooled by the nips that she’s got–she’s still (she’s still) Stella in the box.” Needless to say, P didn’t get it. You get it right? (Notice I’m not asking whether it’s actually funny.)

And then, a couple hours later–after the immediacy of the situation had passed and it became clear that there wouldn’t be any little Stellas that day–I looked over and saw this:

luna in the boxFor those who can’t tell, this is Luna (who is *not* pregnant–see why here).

So the new plan is that when P and I finally move house (we should be starting work on the new place within the month!), Luna and Stella will have new homes too–because P has been commissioned to build some doggie boxes.*

And that’s love right there.

Happy Love Thursday everyone!


*Very different from the type of box Justin Timberlake has made famous.


[tags]dogs, puppies, whelping boxes, love thursday[/tags]

40 Beans of Wisdom to “doggies in a box”
  1. Sara, Ms Adventures in Italy

    They look really cute in the box… πŸ™‚ Your house is about to get crowded, it appears.

    No puppies for us, unfortunately. πŸ™ Milan apts are not made for them.

  2. Jen of A2eatwrite

    I sure got it and it cracked me up! You know JLo has something in the box herself, apparently. I hope the pups come SOON!

  3. My Melange

    Wow, I guess I have been away too long. Puppies huh? Are you guys *happy* about your little surprise? What will you do with the pups? And I did not know you were moving either???? what, where, why????? Details, details…

    I once delivered puppies when I was babysitting one night. I was only about 15….a was a little freaked. Thank goodness the oldest boy had been through it before…he did all the work…and they didn’t even give me any more money πŸ™ And I did get your joke…funny stuff *S-LO*, don’t quit your day job πŸ˜‰

  4. Ryan

    Ok so I am officially caught up. I just wanted you to know…I read them all pretty fast as it was hanging over my head that I wasnt caught up yet. And as I said, I got addicted really fast….so now I will be working on going through all your sidebars, links etc. Yay! Im excited, I dont know about you…

  5. sognatrice

    Sara, yes, it will be a bit crowded around here–hopefully by the time the puppies are ready to get out of the box, we’ll be in the bigger place!

    Jen, yes I heard about JLo! I know she’s been wanting children for a while, so I hope everything goes well for her…and I’m glad you got my joke πŸ˜‰

    Robin, well Stella arrived here already pregnant and we had no idea–are we happy? Well, it is what it is and hopefully we’ll find good homes for all the little Stellas.

    As for moving, we’re just going down to P’s house, about a minute walk (if that) away, but it needs some work first, so we’ll be doing that before the actual move if all goes well.

    What a traumatic babysitting experience! We had a dog that had pups when I was younger, but I don’t remember much about it other than the fact that she did most of it herself overnight πŸ™‚

    Ryan, well I *am* excited–you must’ve really been dedicated πŸ™‚ It’s a huge compliment, and I thank you for making the effort!

  6. chris & erin

    ok, I must say “props to you” for finding a way to sneak in 2 separate American pop references…and finding ANY way at all to include the SNL one – hAHA. Have you been looking for a way to do that for months?

    …all innocently concealed in the lovely subjects of cute doggies in pink boxes!

  7. This Eclectic Life

    Pups! What fun. Now, I hope you know that sometimes the dogs won’t use the whelping box, but go hide. So watch her like a hawk. I hope you have a good experience with it. I love puppies!

  8. sognatrice

    Erin, I have many talents πŸ˜‰ I actually thought about posting that JT link a long time ago, but no, it never really flowed πŸ˜‰

    Eclectic, yes, I will *definitely* be watching our Stella to make sure she’s not having puppies in the corner of my bedroom…or worse! I’m getting nervous as the time approaches since you never know what can happen in these things though….

  9. Figs Olives Wine

    hehehhe. Love the J.Lo.
    Can you imagine only having to be pregnant for 2 months? What heaven.

  10. sognatrice

    Amanda, true…but then the likelihood of popping out 5 or more is the part that *really* doesn’t sound fun to me πŸ˜‰

  11. Ambra Celeste

    Oh they are sooooo cute! Happy love thursday to you too!

  12. nyc/caribbean ragazza

    haha. I totally got your JLo reference and it was funny.

    Your dogs are too cute, I just want to pet them (and I’m a cat person).

  13. Ninotchka

    That box looks mighty comfy! So, so cute.

  14. sognatrice

    Ambra, thanks–I’m a little biased, but I agree.

    NYC, wow, they’ll be so thrilled to know there may be a convert in the works πŸ˜‰

    Nino, sometimes I wish *I* had a whelping box. Kind of….

  15. Geggie

    oooohhhh, puppies! So darn cute. I can’t wait to see them. Will you keep one?

  16. african vanielje

    Now don’t be offended, but did P maybe not get it because of your singing, or is it just a guy thing? Rory almost never can tell what song I’m singing. Guess who WON’T be trying out for X factor. Love the box, and betcha Stella has the puppies in your closet on top of your favourite shoes and only moves into the box when she’s got her groove back…happy love thursday to you tooo

  17. Lisa Milton

    I’m so relieved that it wasn’t the JT box. (Although that video cracks me up.)

  18. sognatrice

    Geggie, we won’t be keeping any puppies–just not enough room πŸ™

    AV, hah, actually P didn’t get it because he doesn’t understand English…and certainly not plays on words! I actually can sing a bit–I’ve even been on stage πŸ™‚

    Your talk of closets is funny…they really don’t exist around here! I have an armoire and believe me, it’ll be religiously closed from now on πŸ˜‰

    Lisa, that video could probably make me smile on even my darkest day–too funny!

  19. Karina

    Sognatrice, both the J-Lo and the Justin references made me laugh a bit. Of course now I’ll be singing the J-Lo song all day…sigh

    I remember one of our cats having babies when I was young, and that was a pretty traumatic experience for a young kid to watch…but sort of fascinating too…

  20. Taffiny

    one day my son insisted we make a bed for the cat. We took a carboard box, we got from apple picking at the local orchard, put an old throw pillow on the bottom, and covered it all in some fake black fur (from a failed attempt of mine at making a homemade halloween costume). How the cat loves this box. He spends part of every day in it, and rainy days, he lives there. We oft ask each other.
    “Where’s the cat?”
    “In his box”

    So please do make both doggies their own beds.
    It is what they never knew they always wanted.

    It is so cute how quickly they have taken to the idea. And they look so cute all tucked in the boxie bed.

    I’ll have to work on getting your joke, I am trying to glean hints from the comments of others.

    I wondered if you were living in…. together. πŸ™‚

  21. qualcosa di bello

    ms. stella is so very cute…& very accomodating too. the girl knows a good thing when she sees it…

    & yes, i sure did get your joke! poor P.!

  22. sognatrice

    Karina, sorry about putting that song in your head…but if it’s mine, I like to have company πŸ˜‰ Birth is always magical, isn’t it–although I think at a certain age it could be downright disgusting πŸ˜‰

    Taffiny, oh I should’ve mentioned that the doggies actually already have beds, or at least one bed (a basket with a pillow covered with a sheet) and a pillow on the floor covered in a fleece blanket. The basket bed was Luna’s before Stella’s arrival, but I quickly realized that Stella would need something too, thus the pillow. Now they trade off pretty equally with the beds (and the box)…but now with the bigger house, they’ll be room for matching “twin” beds πŸ™‚

    The joke is based on a Jennifer Lopez song that goes “Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got; I’m still (I’m still) Jenny from the block.” It’s really not worth thinking about any further!

    And yes, P and I are happily living in sin (for 2 1/2 years now)–I think that’s written in my 100 things maybe? Not sure.

    Qualcosa, poor P? Poor me! All these quips and no live audience πŸ˜‰

  23. Kathy

    As you know, I am a huge dog fan, and seeing pics of Luna and Stella always make my day. I love how Stella hopped right into her new whelping box! Please give the momma-to-be a big hug from me – and give Luna one too!

  24. pussreboots

    Good luck with the puppies.

  25. Maryann@FindingLaDolceVita

    “sperminated” lol

  26. Sara


    No, I am old, and I did not get the reference, nor do I know a single thing about Justin Timberlake except for the Janet incident. And that’s okay. See, after a certain point, your brain gets so stuffed with quotidian minutiae and cultural trivia that the things you do know start falling out the back of your head so alarmingly quickly that it’s actually a relief to realize once in awhile that you never knew a given something at all, and that this is not yet another thing you have forgotten that you could swear you still knew just last week.

    But anyway, Stella, please whelp at will. I can’t wait to see the puppies. And snuggles and pets to both the girls, of course.

  27. One Smart Cookie

    Awww… cute doggies. I want a doggie.

  28. Wanderlust Scarlett

    That’s so sweet!
    I got excited, I thought… I’m going to scroll down and see babies…
    but not yet.
    I am impatiently waiting. As are all of you I am sure!
    Please share the good news when it happens!

    Maybe it will be on your birthday!!


    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

  29. somepinkflowers

    you will see me popping over here
    every day to see the new pups
    do not disappoint!


    like you would miss
    THAT opportunity
    to feature doggie-cuties.

    love how pink plays
    into the nursery…

  30. Shameless

    Auhhhhhhhhhh, they are sooooo cute!

  31. Taffiny

    Well one can never have too many cozy places to sleep.

    Thanks for explaining. Now I remember the song.

    Bob and I, didn’t officially live together before we got married, but by junior year, I spent all my college summers, vacations, and many weekends at his house. I think living together is a good thing (though I know some don’t think so), we had none of those first year adjustments I hear about. (now the first year after you have a baby, that I found to be a huge adjustment).

  32. The Other Girl

    Luna is hilarious. You know she’s thinking, “heeeeyyyyy, how come the new kid gets her own bed?” Good luck with the puppies.

    (Oh! And a belated, “your hair looks fabulous” to you.)

  33. Mama Zen

    “Sperminated” got me laughing!

    Love the pictures!

  34. Jane

    What a sweet dog!

  35. sognatrice

    Kathy, the hugs have been bestowed πŸ™‚

    Puss, thanks–we’ll need it!

    Maryann, I can’t take credit for that–I think I first saw it on

    Sara, snuggles and pets delivered! And don’t worry–I’ll keep the pop culture references for a least a little while longer. Sadly it helps me feel more in touch with the world.

    Cookie, well if you’re willing to fly to Italy for a doggie….

    Scarlett, I’m such a temptress, aren’t I? I keep telling Stella that she’s welcome to whelp at any time, but I *do* have a special day coming up….no pressure!

    SPF, ironic that I put pink in there (the only sheets within arms reach at the time) since we’re hoping for male puppies (sad to say but they’re easier to adopt out). Don’t worry, there will be photos if I have anything to do with it.

    Shameless, thanks, but I swear they don’t look anything like me.

    Taffiny, I agree with you although I haven’t had a baby yet; just seems like *that* first year would be the hardest…no one is all that nice with hardly any sleep πŸ˜‰

    TheOG, Luna definitely has her own personality–and thanks for the hair compliment! When are you going to blog again…NaBloPoMo is a great time to jump back in.

    Mama Zen, glad you enjoyed, and thanks for stopping by!

    Jane, thanks, but if you look closely, there are two (who look very much alike) πŸ™‚

  36. soccer mom in denial

    Wow. How exciting.

  37. Maria

    I think I was put in a whelping box while in labor. Not sure though…too many drugs πŸ™‚
    ox Maria

  38. sognatrice

    Soccer Mom, and a bit scary too!

    Maria, hah! Poor Stella won’t be having those….

  39. midnightbunny

    You made me giggle with the mention of Justin Timberlake’s “box” from the SNL sketches. lol ;D Too funny.

    Stella and Luna are of course adorable, and I’m so glad that Stella has found a safe and happy home with you. Are she and Luna becoming the best of doggie friends I hope? πŸ™‚

  40. sognatrice

    Midnightbunny, she and Luna are actually quite good together; I’ll be interested to see what things are like once the puppies are adopted out, when Stella isn’t pregnant or being a mom for the first time around here!

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake