Archive for the ‘taking action’ Category
The Importance of Owning Our Transitions
Don’t sit around waiting for someone to tell you it’s OK to make a transition in your life. No one can do that for you. We must own our transitions: Make the decision to change something in your life, and then give it your all to make it work, accepting the consequences no matter what.
Read on...Gut Check: How Bad Do You Want It?
A couple years after moving to Italy, although I could communicate well enough on a daily basis I knew there was still so much I was missing, including parts of myself still hidden from those around me. That was gut check time.
Read on...Announcing My Latest Up-Venture: Gemelli Press, LLC
My one-word theme for 2012 is UP, and upwards we go, indeed . . . right into a new position as the Managing Editor of Gemelli Press, LLC – Calabria location.
Read on...The Sweet Season of Change
The fall — the literal season of change — is the perfect time to take even one small step toward whatever new habit, hobby, activity, or whatever you’d love to pursue.
Read on...Answering Middle of the Night Calls to Action
When woken up in the middle of the night with a burning idea, pay attention — don’t just roll over and go back to sleep.
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