Love Thursday: Letting Sleeping Dogs Lie

I am *so* lucky to be able to work at home.

I especially appreciate it when the weather is nasty outside — cold, rainy, and windy — and I can sit at the kitchen table with my laptop, papers and files and notebooks spread all around me, the small space heater nearby, a fleece blankie over my legs, and Luna and Stella at my feet.

Luna and Stella sleeping by the stufa

Well, nearer to the stufa than to my feet, but who’s measuring?

Happy Love Thursday!

(Yes, it’s officially back!)

28 Beans of Wisdom to “Love Thursday: Letting Sleeping Dogs Lie”
  1. 02.07.2008

    Me…. I always have a case of puppy love. My 2 year old Chihuahua is named Honey… He He. I am so trying to figure out how to work from home! Any advice?
    I am Tracey Clark’s sister. (shuttersister creator)
    Hi, nice to meet you… Cool Blog!

    sidebar: I had a crepe w/ nutella for dessert tonight, funny!!

    jessicanew’s last blog post..Love in Strange Places

    Hi Jessica–welcome and thanks! Advice on working from home? Just from a quick glance at your site, you’re already well on your way with all of your talents! It takes quite a bit of effort at the beginning to get some contacts made–that’s the most important part. So start by telling people you’re available for whatever your chosen field will be (by email, phone, in person, whatever)…this way you’re telling the universe you’re plowing ahead with this! It’ll listen πŸ™‚

    Best of luck!

  2. 02.07.2008

    I didnt know LT was back! Woo hoo.

    I really am always the last to know… πŸ™‚

    Cherrye’s last blog post..Once Again…

    Hah! I just sent you an email with this info–I only found out yesterday or the day before. Spread the good word!

  3. 02.07.2008

    I know what you mean! I’m blogging here on a beautiful day with my pup on my lap. Now that’s love!

    Diane Mandy’s last blog post..Routines

    Yes, they’re nearby even on sunny days…aren’t they great?

  4. 02.07.2008

    I am a dog lover too. My Mocha is my shadow, my faithful companion. There is so much comfort in those eyes! By the way, if you know of anyone in need of English-Spanish-English translations, I am starting this little business from home and I need the universe to listen soon. Happy LT

    Beatriz’s last blog post..You make my day

    I will definitely keep you in mind Beatriz–in fact I’ll send you an email. Mocha sounds so adorable!

  5. 02.07.2008

    Cute shot!! It is too funny, Madison does the same thing….plops right in front of the space heater. I am always amazed that her little ears don’t burn…

    I know! P always tells them they’re going to burn (especially Stella) but they don’t seem to care.

  6. 02.07.2008

    Oh. My. Gosh. Where have I been? Love Thursday. I hopped over there and then kept hopping to the posted pics in the comments. What fun.

    (can I borrow your space heater?? I”m at my son’s apartment today and freezing under TWO blankets!)

    kacey’s last blog post..Hello? It’s a Bird Feeder

    Isn’t it too much fun?! Also, I’m not willing to give up the space heater, but I really only need one dog…kidding!

  7. Mary

    It is great to work at home, isn’t it? I don’t have any sleeping puppies by my feet though (unfortunately), but I do have the space heater. πŸ™‚

    Mary’s last blog post..A special day

    A space heater is really a must, isn’t it? Eh, soon you’ll have something else at your feet, so to speak πŸ˜‰

  8. Your dogs are just too freaking cute!

    nyc/caribbean ragazza’s last blog post..J. Crew’s yellow purse in Rome, Terroni and Whitney Houston

    Well I certainly can’t argue with you there πŸ˜‰

  9. 02.07.2008

    You are going to be so sorry when they figure out you are auctioning one of them off. They will pass gas continually to pay you off for that.

    Judith in Umbria’s last blog post..Hot Uncrossed Buns

    My dogs are ladies, Judith. They don’t get gas πŸ˜‰

  10. 02.07.2008

    You paint a very cozy and content picture! I’d much rather have stayed home today with our wild winds and cold we’re having. It kept waking me up all night, so now, here at my desk at work, all I want to do is go back to sleep. Sigh. Stay warm! πŸ™‚


    Christina Arbini’s last blog post..YES, I Know It’s There!

    Gah! I hate when the wind keeps me awake. It’s still dark and dreary here, but I was extra lucky today–P took out the pooches for a walk on his lunch break so I didn’t have to brave the elements πŸ™‚

  11. 02.07.2008

    Oh, what a delicious, cozy day! I am starting to work from home too, it is the best!

    Cakespy’s last blog post..West Side Story: A Tale of Two Magnolias

    I don’t know about you, but I really couldn’t go back to an office now Cakespy…I’m completely spoiled! Woohoo for you πŸ™‚

  12. 02.07.2008

    Oh that’s the best! They look so happy and warm and toasty! And this is very random, but that’s a really beautiful floor too!

    Anali’s last blog post..Love Thursday

    Warm and toasty indeed! Stella really took to the heater first, but then Luna realized what all the fuss was about so now they share the space πŸ˜‰ And thanks for the floor compliment! They are actually tiles that were rescued from an old palazzo in the village that had partially burned down. They’re at least a hundred years old, which mean they are all uneven and impossible to really clean, but so pretty!

  13. 02.07.2008

    Working from home ROCKS…. right now “home” for me means Buenos Aires…. and later on…. take a wild guess…. πŸ˜‰

    Tina’s last blog post..Sorry, I can’t blog right now…

    Woohoo! Traveling homes are the best πŸ™‚

  14. Working from home is just the best – be it winter or summer – I dread the prospect of ever having to go back to work in an office environment.
    Happy, snug pups those – doing just what pups should do – hogging the heater! πŸ™‚

    Absolute Vanilla… (and Atyllah)’s last blog post..Pause to ponder, sharing the beauty

    Never let it be said that my dogs aren’t good at what they do!

  15. 02.07.2008

    They look so very contented. I like the warmth that your photo conveys. So cozy!

    Thanks Nikki! The dogs are certainly cozy at least πŸ˜‰

  16. 02.07.2008

    Aww, what a great photo, and even better feeling your post evokes. Especially for those of us sitting at work, on a snowy day in New England. Oh, how I’d love to be at home, wrapped in a fleece blanket with puppies at my feet! πŸ˜‰

    Karina’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen #41

    Glad you enjoyed it Karina; the dogs always enjoy company if you’re up for a quick jaunt across the pond πŸ˜‰

  17. 02.07.2008

    Sounds incredibly cozy.
    I tried the work from home thing, but it wasn’t good for me.
    When I am home I don’t want to do anything work related – lol.
    You’re living the good life kid.
    Waving at you from New York,

    Frances’s last blog to decorate for free in New York

    Ciao Francesca! No, working at home certainly doesn’t work for everyone, but I most definitely appreciate it…good life indeed πŸ™‚

  18. 02.07.2008

    Well, I live close enough to work, to actually walk to work, but it is so darned cold in this building, that I too have my space heater blasting on me…but no furry little beasties to keep me company!!

    sadira’s last blog post..You Probably Didn’t Know…

    I know I’m spoiled with my furry little beasties πŸ™‚ Sorry you need a space heater too.

  19. 02.07.2008

    Dogs!! I wish I could figure out a way to work from home. Alternatively, I wish I could bring my dogs to the office. They’re too big for a cute little tote bag though, I’d have to put them in some rolling suitcases. And even then, I don’t think the subway conductor would be too thrilled with me.

    Us vs. Food’s last blog post..Super Bowl Snackdown II: Potstickers

    Subway conductors aren’t often a chipper bunch anyway, particularly in the morning. But that’d make for a great Candid Camera-like scene πŸ˜‰

  20. 02.07.2008

    The weather is toying with us here in the UK. (But then, it always does).

    It does its best to look warm and summery and generally as attractive as a freshly-baked piece of shortbread…..and then, when you get outside, it roars down at you and tries to whip your coat over your head and drag your shirt off, and generally undignify you.

    Those Halogen Space Swingy Heater 3-Bar Glowy Swivel Things rock.

    Mikeachim’s last blog post..50 Things That Make You A Triumph

    Mike, I hope you remain dignified (assuming you are to begin with). Truth be told, I don’t use the swivel much. I like to risk bursting into flames from concentrated heat apparently.

  21. 02.08.2008

    Lucky me, I don’t have to work any more. I wish I had a puppy though, as for your rain…at least you don’t have to shovel it…ciao:)

    rositta’s last blog post..Humour Thursday……

    Ciao Rositta, oh I don’t mind the rain–so long as I don’t have to travel in it. *That* I hate πŸ˜‰

  22. 02.08.2008

    Happy Love Thursday!
    I love those pooches. They are so sweet.
    There is nothing like having them near.
    Working from home is the best.

    cheeky’s last blog post..A Sign of Promise

    Hope you had a lovely LT as well Cheeky! The pooches send sloppy kisses!

  23. 02.08.2008

    So sweet! Love how intimate the photo is. πŸ™‚

    Thanks Lois, and welcome πŸ™‚

  24. kt

    What a sweet photo, they look so content and well loved!

    Thanks kt! They are certainly loved πŸ™‚

  25. 02.08.2008

    Aaaaw they are so sweet. They really are best buddies. I want to give them a cuddle.

    Vee’s last blog post..Time passes….

    Vee, I couldn’t be more pleased with the way they’ve learned to get along. Too cute when they play πŸ™‚

  26. 02.10.2008

    I really wish that I worked from home. Luna and Stella are so cute – and warm in that pic. Buona domenica!

    Delina’s last blog post..Giovedi

    Thanks Delina πŸ™‚ Nice to see you!

  27. 08.27.2008

    yes there is nothing better than that…i love my dogs too

    Dogs are the best! Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

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Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
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Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake