And the Kids Come of Age
You know as a goat maaaaa the day will come when your lil’ kids, particularly the one you bottle fed,
would go and get all grows up.
Yes, it’s breeding time around here (for the GOATS people!), and last week, the girls were anxiously, let’s say, waiting for Godot.
Meet Godot:
If all goes well, kids in March.
Gaaaaah! Are we ready for this?!
Five months, and we’ll have our answer.
Buon weekend!
Oh, can’t they just stay babies forever??!!
Totally agree Tina 😉
.-= Tina´s last blog ..The Smell of Chocolate Prevails Throughout =-.
ready to be a grandmaaaa? 😉
I sure hope so!
.-= coffeejitters (Judy Haley)´s last blog ..Dear Gem – Month 7 =-.
The kids will live with the mama until they marry.
Uh oh. Who officiates goat weddings?!
Wow, you have a whole level of something, dunno what to call it, that I never guessed. Couldn’t you just let them go to town for the weekend and never really know?
Well then you risk them breeding “badly”…like for instance, we don’t warn horns, so we found a male without horns to increase the odds of no horns. Fun stuff, I tell ya 😉
.-= Judith in Umbria´s last blog ..Driving through Puglia =-.
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaama mia
You can say that again!
.-= Diana Strinati Baur´s last blog ..Gratitude Friday: A Bunch of Stuff =-.
hehehe Godot; I love it! Your goat pictures always make me smile 🙂 Can’t wait to see goat babies!!!
Thanks Janet; hopefully all goes well 🙂
He’s a hot goat for the those baby mamas!
Good luck! I’m sure it will be a success!
He *is* a cutie 🙂
.-= lucy´s last blog .. =-.
Oh the girls are looking lovely. I’m a little sad for them, though. Godot better be nice. Or else!
ciao-meow, from Giulia the Cat
I know…innocence is probably gone by now. My little babies!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Jump! – Week’s End =-.
I just love it when you show your little babies. I hope all goes well and that we’ll hear an announcement in the spring.
Will certainly keep you posted 🙂
.-= Ciaochowlinda´s last blog ..How To Make Homemade Pasta =-.
I can’t believe you sent three girls off to be bred by a billy chosen because he is not…..?
Anyway, Our mothers left us free to be bred badly. You have to take risks in this life.
Oh but this one would be dangerous; none of us want to get “horned”!
They are so cute…can’t wait until spring
Me neither!
.-= The Food Hunter´s last blog ..Fall Recipes and a New Cooking Video =-.
aaaaamore! I wish the girls luck.
We don’t have those kinds of kids in my neck of the woods! They’re adorable, Michelle!
Thanks Susan!
Uh oh. Who officiates goat weddings?!
Probably an “Old Goat” like moi!
Yeah or some kind of Paaaastor I guess 😉
How can anyone not melt at those pictures!!!
I have *no* idea, Billy 🙂
Babies havin’ babies these days, I’ll tell ya!
No really, that is soooo cute!! I can’t wait to see how it all turns out! And in March.. just in time for my 21st birthday. If you happen to not want a baby goat (goatling? goatette? goatuccio?), send one my way! Hehe.
Hee hee, well we’ll see what happens….
This is so exciting! My husband knows your blog as the “lady with Pasquelina!” He’s become obsessed with moving to the South of France and owning goats. I won’t tell him you’re breeding or he’ll beg me for one!
Good luck, let’s hope for kids in the spring!
Oh my goodness, you know what’s going through my head right now?
“It’s the little goat lady with Pasqualiiiiina” sung to this tune:
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.-= Kalee´s last blog ..Commitment Phobe =-.
I just finished the book, A Pig in Provence, and the author had goats while she lived there and made cheese 🙂 Good luck with the goat babies!
Ooh how fun! Thanks Janet 🙂