time for some fun with flickr!

flickrIf you don’t already know, I enjoy Flickr *very* much. You can find me under the name “bleeding espresso” and always see my latest photos–I don’t post all my photos on the blog, so please feel free to add me as a friend to be kept up to date!

Before I got involved with Flickr, I didn’t realize it was a whole other community where you can make even more virtual friends; that’s certainly been a fun surprise.

I also thank Flickr for introducing me to MOO cards–tiny business cards, basically, but made with your own photos. I can’t wait to see them; I had them sent to my mom, and she and the cards will be here in a week!

The other day I found yet another way to have fun with Flickr via meme at Blogjem. Here is my mosaic:

Flickr Mosaic

Wanna play? Here are the rules:

a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fdโ€™s mosaic maker.

1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your flickr name.

Fun fun fun!

Special thanks to these Flickr folks for helping create my mosaic:

1. Art by Michelle Caplan, 2. i heart pizza margherita, 3. IMG_2745.JPG, 4. i can taste summer! a.k.a. childhood summer! a.k.a. childhood reminiscence! a.k.a. those were the good times!, 5. Picture of Andy Garcia (DSCN0193), 6. 9 coffe favorites, 7. ‘So what are you doing this Australia Day ?’, 8. Black Forest, 9. Happiness, 10. llibreria – bookstore – Amsterdam, 11. The Great Escape, 12. Cappuccino

Let me know if you play along!

42 Beans of Wisdom to “time for some fun with flickr!”
  1. 06.03.2008

    I’m going to give it a try! I can’t believe how much I don’t know about the internet/flickr/everything else computer/blogosphere related.

    Homebody at Heart’s last blog post..Sea Kayaking, Sea Otters and the Aquarium

    I can’t speak for everyone, but for me at least, I’m *always* learning…isn’t it fun?!

  2. Gil

    Wow! This is like work, will have to play with it.

    But fun work! Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Sally

    What are you doing to me? I still haven’t mastered blogging yet. Have to give it a go though. (The MOO cards are completely new to me.)

    Your mosaic is great. What an inventive meme.

    Isn’t all this stuff way too fun Sally? The MOOs are too cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. 06.03.2008

    I’m happy you posted this. I enjoy your photos and would like to add you as a contact or on Flickr. But I can’t figure out how. Can you explain?

    Diane Mandy’s last blog post..6 Random Facts (The German Version)

    Sure Diane!

    First you have to sign up for a Flickr account, which you can do from the main page.

    Then go here, to my profile page.

    Click “Add as a contact” on the right side.

    Then you can choose if you want to change our “relationship” (useful if you have photos you only show to friends/family, but I don’t as of now).

    Now we’re friends!

    Or, you can just send me your flickr ID and I’ll find you and add you; then you can reciprocate ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. 06.03.2008

    That was too fun! Thanks!

    Heather’s last blog post..Flickr Fanatic

    So glad you enjoyed Heather ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. rowena

    I must admit that I don’t log into Flickr often enough, but this does look like fun! Hmmm…perhaps if I played along but have the dogs answer the questions. How? I’ll give them multiple answers picked at random and the first one that gets a look, cock of the ears or ruff will be it! Heh heh…oh, and so nice to hear that your girls are getting along great! I’ve been told that it’s harder to get along when they are of the same sex. Yeah, Maddie would be totally like, “Who is that Biy*tch!”

    Rowena, have you seen the memes my dogs have filled out?

    Getting to Know Luna


    It’s possible! And yes, I was lucky with my girls, but it’s a good thing that Luna came first; she is much more accepting than Stella would’ve been, I’m sure.

  7. Joanne at frutto della passione

    MOO cards!!!!! okay, going to check that out right now. I started a Flickr account but never did anything with it. I need a secretary!!!

    Joanne at frutto della passione’s last blog post..Pascoli part 4 – I dolci

    I had a Flickr account for probably a year or more before I did anything too…but it’s that first step that’s so important. It seemed so overwhelming to me at first, and I still haven’t gotten all my older photos up, but it’s nice that I’m not even more months behind….

  8. 06.03.2008

    Moo cards. I have ’em. I love ’em. You can get ones that are a bit bigger, but not too big at Zazzle.

    I am a member of flicker, but hardly ever use it. I don’t know where everybody finds the time for all of this???

    Don’t know if I’ll get a chance to play, but it is a very cute, creative meme!!! Thanks!

    My Mรฉlange’s last blog post..Travel Tip Tuesday – Packing Tips

    I have one of your MOOs too, Robin–very cute ๐Ÿ™‚

    I think you have to pick your battles with the online stuff. I simply refuse to get involved with Twitter b/c I know how much I’ll love it, and I don’t do Facebook/MySpace/LinkedIn, etc. either. I wish I could, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day….

  9. I need to update my Flickr page. I couldn’t access it when I first moved to Rome because AT&T back in the States screwed up my yahoo account.

    I love flickr and I do see your new photos.

    nyc/caribbean ragazza’s last blog post..Help! I’m surrounded by boxes.

    Glad to see you’re out from under AT&T…yes, time to update that Flickr!

  10. 06.03.2008

    Hi Michelle. Thanks for posting this, it was so much fun. Yes I have done my mosaic. Good job its raining and I have no work!!
    I have been at the computer most of the day.

    I think I must get to grips with Flickr, started with it about 1 year ago, just seem to forget about. I also do Twitter and Facebook,
    but with my evenings quiet, its not a problem. Especially when my husband is away. I think I need to get more of a life!!! I do read
    a lot as well!!

    anne’s last blog post..Mosaics with Flickr.

    Enjoy that downtime Anne! Never know when you’ll be in short supply ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. 06.03.2008

    Fun! I’ll have to do that one later. Also, I am totally wondering what you typed for that second last one!

    stefanie’s last blog post..Over/Under

    I think you might end up typing it too Stefanie….

  12. 06.03.2008

    That is great! I’d love to do the meme, when I finish I’ll leave a comment here. My Flickr ID, by the way, is bonggamom, I’d love to add you as a Flickr Friend.

    PS: At first I thought the photo in the center was of P, and I thought GOOD LORD he is handsome, Michelle’s man is HOT !! Then I saw your photo credits at the bottom and realized my mistake!

    bonggamom’s last blog post..Bootcamp, Day 2 – File me under Weakling?

    Hah! Too funny about mixing up Andy Garcia and P…I do it all the time ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. 06.03.2008

    I’ve never used flickr! I shall have to have a go, it looks fun!

    BecsLifeOnline’s last blog post..Welcome to my family Denisse!

    Yes Bec, do come and play ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. 06.03.2008

    How incredibly fun! I have to try this as soon as school is really, really, truly out!

    This would be great to make for character collages, too.

    jen of a2eatwrite’s last blog post..PSA Tuesday – Older Women and Blog Blast for Education

    I love the way you think Jen ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. 06.03.2008


    Paul’s last blog post..moonlight sleeping on a midnight lake

    What a meanie blocking out your dessert!

  16. 06.03.2008

    I mean, Done!

    Paul’s last blog post..moonlight sleeping on a midnight lake

    So I can totally say “You’re such an arse!” now, right? No offense taken?

  17. 06.03.2008

    I haven’t played along, because I am experiencing severe memestipation as it is (terrible medical condition; I may have to drink a malted coffee milkshake from the local creamery to get over it — or several, over the course of several days). However, I just wanted to say that I absolutely love the image of the “escape” key escaping.

    hee hee hee

    Isn’t it adorable?! The Great Escape, it’s called ๐Ÿ™‚

    Don’t mess with that memestipation, girl. Heck, drink a malted coffee milkshake for me as well…preventative measures….

  18. 06.04.2008

    OMG, I just LOVE the MOO cards!!! I’ve had them for over a year and they are so well received. Everyone I give them out to, loves them! In fact, it’s time to order another batch – thanks for the remider.

    You are going to love them – they come packaged in a cute little box and they are of such high quality, you’ll be amazed. I’ve already turned several of my friends on to them.

    I’m interested to know what you decided to put on the back of them.

    Initially, I was going to put my profession under my name, but I didn’t want to write “Truck Driver” and Ed suggested “Professional Driver” since that’s what we are considered by many people – to be a professional commercial driver – but then my brother said, “You’re not a f***in’ race car driver. That’s lame.” So of course, since my brother’s opinion is so HIGHLY valued by me, I deemed it lame also and came up with another description. I’m not really a “writer” so I couldn’t put that. I’m not really a “photographer” so I couldn’t put that, but since I dabble in both, my MOO cards say:

    Salena Lettera

    And then I have my phone number, email address and web site address. And I think they are perfect.

    I can’t wait till you get yours. Be sure to let us know how much you love them!

    Salena’s last blog post..‘Tis The Season To Be Lazy

    Oh I know you’re a MOO fan–I love your cards (remember you sent one with the camera) ๐Ÿ™‚

    I don’t remember exactly what I wrote on the back; I’ll definitely have to take some photos of them and post them here so others can see how cute and personalized they are!

    I think I would’ve liked to have been mistaken for a race car driver, but that’s just my rural PA roots speaking ๐Ÿ˜‰

  19. Ariana from Chicago

    Soo fun! Thanks for turning me on to it! I can see using this for lots of things! I picked Sydney for dream vacation too! But Daniel Craig is my crush. I used to love Andy G, until I saw his recent beach photo from Cannes, yowsa! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Well Daniel Craig is certainly not a *bad* choice Ariana….

  20. You’d think I was living under a rock. I signed up for Flickr ages ago but never really jumped in to the pool, so to speak. I see there is a lot going on there and as you said another community connection in itself. This sounds like fun maybe I’ll give it a go. I recognised the first photo immediately. I discovered Michelle Caplan’s work a while ago and I fell in love. She does amazing work and was happy to see it in your mosaic.

    collette~all over the map’s last blog post..words that resonate

    Hey look at you all Collette ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m happy to have found Michelle Caplan’s work through this exercise–so amazing!

    It’s so funny how many of us signed up for Flickr and then just didn’t get involved. For me at least, it seemed overwhelming, but once I got started, I was hooked ๐Ÿ™‚ You would LOVE those MOO cards, btw….

  21. 06.04.2008

    I love flickr too! I just may give this a try!

    Anali’s last blog post..Too Much To Twitter

    Yeah! Do it, do it ๐Ÿ˜‰

  22. 06.04.2008

    Fun. I just did it. I will post it sometime. You know what… two of the pics in your mosaic turned up as options with my answers!

    Cherrye’s last blog post..Travel Tip Tuesday: Space-Saving Packing Tips

    You know, those berries kept coming up in my answers…I wonder if that was one of yours too?

  23. 06.04.2008

    I loved doing this! You are the best, fearless girly girl, dear.

    Irene’s last blog post..Picturing me-me

    So glad you enjoyed Irene!

  24. 06.04.2008

    Love that! Andy Garcia huh?

    I played along. That was fun!

    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

    Wanderlust Scarlett’s last blog post..The Rhythm of the Heart

    Sรฌ sรฌ, I love my Andy ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad you played too!

  25. 06.05.2008

    I love the MOO cards. I’ve given all sorts of them as presents & they’re fabulous.

    And the meme looks fun. Maybe i’ll play.

    Chel’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – The Surgery Edition

    I hope you do play Chel–lots of fun ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. 06.06.2008

    What a fun idea! I just had to do it, and I’m never really a fan of memes… there are some really great photographers out there on Flickr. Thanks for posting the idea!

    Girlie’s last blog post..A fun afternoon with Flickr

    So glad you enjoyed it Girlie! I had far too much fun as well ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. 06.06.2008

    It looked to fun, I had to play. And it taught me a thing or two. ๐Ÿ™‚

    megan’s last blog post..A Meme Mosaic

    Yeah! Learning is always fun…especially when there are great photos involved ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. 06.06.2008

    So, thanks a lot… It’s nearly midnight, and I’ve just spent more than an hour working on my mosaic! Everyone has gone to bed. Now I’m having trouble posting it to my blog, but Ill try in the morning when it will probably be easier.

    Couldn’t believe the wealth of images on flickr. And yes I need to update my stuff there.

    Hopefully I’ll get mine posted soon. Thanks…

    Under an Olive Tree’s last blog post..Little House on the Prairie…in Italy.

    Hah! I probably should’ve warned you that it’s a bit addictive…but then Flickr always is for me. So many great photos!

  29. 06.07.2008

    I created my Flickr mosaic today, but will not post until sometime next week.
    I am backtracking to you through Scarlett and Viaggiatore.
    Both of your mosaics are quite beautiful.
    A very interesting visual meme. Thanks for getting it started!

    leslie’s last blog post..World War Two Storyโ€ฆThe Watch

    Thanks for coming over Leslie! Looking forward to seeing your mosaic ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. 06.07.2008

    I like the escaping escape key!

    YummY!’s last blog post..I donโ€™t know what its called butโ€ฆ

    Me too! So cute!

  31. 06.08.2008

    you and all the other she who blogs gals totally sucked me in with this one. ๐Ÿ™‚ Just too much fun.

    sorry i’ve been MIA – i’m on a mission to delurk nowadays.

    Elle’s last blog post..flickr fun

    No apologies necessary Elle! Life happens ๐Ÿ˜‰

    And I’m so happy you jumped on this bandwagon…too fun not to!

  32. 06.09.2008

    Hello Espresso!
    I played with the Flickr Mosaic tool.
    I am linking to a few ‘players’, yourself included, so folks can get an idea by seeing some of the mosaics, and play, too!
    What an amazing group of photographers on Flickr. I am honored to have their pics in my mosaic!

    leslie’s last blog post..Leslieโ€™s Mosaic Flickr

    Your mosaic looks great Leslie…lovin’ those chocolates ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the linky love!

  33. audra

    andy garcia! oh lord, what a dish!!

    Sรฌ sรฌ…purrrrrrr ๐Ÿ˜‰

  34. well, I FINALLY participated ๐Ÿ™‚ It was fun seeing all the other bloggers follow your lead. These were interesting to look at.

    erin :: the olive notes’s last blog post..ok, ok, i’m finally playing along

    Woohoo for playing along! Hope you enjoyed it ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. 07.19.2008

    was entertaining to pass while watching nat.geo


    JR’s last blog post..FLICKR Game

    So happy you played JR!

  36. Deborah

    I am getting on the road today for a day trip to Dallas>>>IKEA>>>where I usually shop in ITALY so this is funny to me to be going to TKEA in the US!
    I can’t wait to use my flickr for this mosaic ….I will make sure to share with you over the weekend! Thanx for the info!

  1. [...] found this meme at Bleeding Espresso, and not only did I think it sounded like fun, I also figured that ... expatsinitaly.com/annika/?p=672
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    [...] this idea from Bleeding Espresso. Thought it was a clever and fun, little composition. Can you guess wha...
  3. Pingback: Leslie’s Blog » Leslie’s Mosaic Flickr
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  4. Pingback: Flickr Fun | My Melange
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Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake