dogs and hedgehogs, perfect together

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. We had marginally nice weather here–warm, the sun peaking out every now and again, but very windy . . . hello scirocco!

So I spent most of the weekend indoors working, trying to get ahead so that when primavera really does come along I won’t feel guilty playing outside.

But don’t worry, I also made time to play inside with the girls; my mom made that just a bit easier for us as these arrived on Friday afternoon:

Hedgehogs on Flickr

The girls’ reaction? Utter joy.

Nose to nose on Flickr

Mixed with “Are YOU talkin’ to ME?”

Are YOU talkin’ to ME? on Flickr

And “Don’t you touch my hedgie!”

Don’t you touch my hedgie on Flickr

And a little break in the action.

Luna taking a break on Flickr

And a final, “Grazie Nonna! Ti vogliamo bene!”

Stellaaaaaaaaa! on Flickr

I hope you regularly make time to play as well.

28 Beans of Wisdom to “dogs and hedgehogs, perfect together”
  1. 04.14.2008

    your pups look so shiny & healthy,
    i was wondering…
    do they eat —->Calabrian dried figs<—-


    [ i clicked on your photo*stream
    and saw some yummy looking figs
    over there
    and my grandmother use to tell me
    if i ate figs
    my hair would be shiny & healthy.

    no really.
    she did.]

    somepinkflowers’s last blog post..johnny depp, rick steves and me

    So funny because someone else complimented their coats just yesterday–and I was also confessing to P last night that every now and again I give them the hard bits on the ends of the dried figs.

    Coincidences? Hmm….

  2. Gil

    The little girls look like the are treating those hedgehogs like they were new puppies. The fig pictures of the figs are making me drool!

    A little bit like new puppies, only *much* rougher after a while 😉 The figs are *fabulous* Gil. I go through a “stick” of them quickly.

  3. Andie Summerkiss

    I thought they were sandals at first. And I also thought that he was biting it.

    Well they look very cute together.

    Andie Summerkiss’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

    Well they’re not sandals, just stuffed 😉

  4. Christina

    Ah!! They are too cute and I love that nonna sends them toys, very sweet!

    Christina, yes they have a very caring Nonna even if she’s across the pond 😉

  5. 04.14.2008

    Please don’t tell me that you had to pay a fee to accept that package?! If you did, I think the next thing that your little girls should be chewing on is the postman’s leg! 😉 Good to see them (hedgehogs) at their best. We all know the fate that awaits them! 😉

    Giulia’s last blog post..So Much Going On

    Hah! Actually I *did* pay a few euros for the package, but there was *a lot* more in it (for me and P). Still, though, I wouldn’t mind if the girls had accidents on and around SDL’s truck….

  6. 04.14.2008

    So cute! The look on that last one is just sweetly warm enough to make me feel that primavera might not be too far off…

    annoa2’s last blog post..Sunday Scribblings: Fearless

    I think it’s actually a plea for more toys from Nonna, but yeah, it’s pretty warm too 😉

  7. 04.14.2008

    Yes, we try and always make time for play 🙂

    meredith’s last blog post..April showers…

    Somehow I figured that you did Meredith 😉

  8. 04.14.2008

    Ha! Looks like your pooches had a blast. I have two cats and since the kids were born I don’t have much
    time to play with them. Makes me feel guilty sometimes. But I’ll be a better kitty mamma now.

    Linda’s last blog post..Chock full of political nuts

    Yes my babies are definitely lucky since there are no kids around (yet); I think they’re enjoying it 😉

  9. 04.14.2008

    What happens if they meet a real one and try to play? My cats surround my visitor hog from a meter and watch it eat from their automatic feeder. But they don’t touch. I think they think it’s a strange cat.

    Judith in Umbria’s last blog post..Fresh spring garlic

    Luna actually has met one! P brought one home one evening and Luna was fascinated by it but she just sniffed around the box….

  10. 04.14.2008

    Look like the perfect pairs!

    Diane Mandy’s last blog post..Like father like son?

    They are very happy together indeed 🙂

  11. 04.14.2008

    Too cute;) I have a feeling Madison would grab one and do the mean terrier headshake as if to say….*Ok squirrel, I will shake you to death..take that*

    I bet your pups are always happy too when Spring comes!!

    My Melange’s last blog post..Hidden Kitchen

    Stella’s a *pro* at that head shake. It’s too cute!

  12. 04.14.2008

    I played on Sunday with my nephews, husband and brother. We played basketball 3 on 3 until I hit my brother in the nose and he quit.
    He’s over 50! I even managed to knock him down with one hand before that when going for the ball! What do you expect from a bean poll. It was alot of fun.

    Lucy’s last blog post..What’s 2 Eat Saturday!

    How fun! Sounds a little rough, but fun 😉

  13. 04.14.2008

    P.S. The doggies are so cute with their toys!

    Lucy’s last blog post..What’s 2 Eat Saturday!

    Thanks Lucy 🙂

  14. 04.14.2008

    Sweet girls! What a nice nonna they have. 🙂

    Indeed 🙂

  15. Maria

    Michelle – sorry we didn’t get to meet up with each other while I was just there. I didn’t have your number! It was a bit chilly and rainy I have to say but we enjoyed every minute of our time in Maida!
    Great pictures of the dogs, so cute!

    Maria, I couldn’t for the life of me find your number–you must’ve sent it, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Hope you had a great time; will email soon 🙂

  16. 04.14.2008

    hehe I love pics of the girls. how cute are they!

    stacy’s last blog post..Conversations with S…. and Chuck Norris

    Thanks Stacy 🙂

  17. SabineM

    I love hedgehogs! When we lived in Switzerland, my dog, Sam befriended a real hedgehog. We would often see him while walking early or late at night. One time, in heavy rain, I let Sam run loose, as you do in Switzerland, he took off and I couldn’t hear nor see him. I panicked, so I walked back to my place to see if he had passed me by chance. AND SURE ENOUGH, he was there AND HE had brought the hedgehog with him. Sam and Mr. Hedgehog, all rolled up in a ball, were waiting by my front door. I told Sam that NO HE COULD NOT keep this friend. (How he got passed me and held this poor hedgehog all rolled up in his mouth still baffles me). So I got a box and a towel and transported the hedgehog back to his home in the forest. Sam was very sad! I bought him a toy very much like the one is your photo and he never played with it….he just wanted the real thing!

    SabineM’s last blog post..Weekend Snapshot: Season for Poppies

    Aw that’s so cute! How nice of Sam to bring back his buddy unharmed! Too funny that he wouldn’t play with the fake though. They’re so smart (and stubborn) 😉

  18. 04.14.2008

    SO. very. cute!!!

    Janet’s last blog post..Manic Monday

    Ha, I happen to agree. Thanks for stopping by Janet 🙂

  19. 04.14.2008

    ahhh, the girls are sooo cute! Saci’s fav toys are her stuffed squeakie ones. i’m convinced that she thinks they’re rodents that she must kill!

    so vicious 🙂

    Eryn’s last blog post..Yesterday was my…

    Luna used to be afraid of the squeak…but not any more 😉

  20. 04.15.2008

    The hedgies are cute but the girls are even cuter.
    Love the last photo of Stella striking a pose.
    I’m sure the hedgies will get plenty of lovin’.

    cheeky’s last blog post..a surprise “meeting” of sorts

    Yes Cheeky, Stella definitely knows when to turn on the cute! And the hedgies are still being “loved” every day…their constant squeaking proves it 😉

  21. 04.15.2008

    Oh they are just the cutest!

    Shan’s last blog post..on my own

    It’s so cute watching them enjoy themselves too 🙂

  22. 04.15.2008

    awww. you make me miss my little Geisha…

    FlaNBoyant Eats’s last blog post..BH’s BEST WEEK EVER!! PLEASE READ!!

    What a cute name! I’m sure your Geisha is happily playing with hedgies somewhere 😉

  23. 04.15.2008

    Your girls are darling! Do they understand both English and Italian? My friend just adopted a dog from someone who can not keep it, and she has to say his name “Rusty” with a Russian accent or else he won’t respond, as the last owner was of Russian heritiage. It’s so amusing.

    I would have thought it was already warm this time of the year in Badolato, but I guess since the elevation is so high it isn’t?

    Ciao, Pat

    Pat’s last blog post..Green-Wood Cemetery and the Civil War Project

    Yes Pat the girls understand English and Italian…and Calabrese!

    As for the weather, it’s not about our elevation, it’s just crazy April weather. Normally we have some *really* warm days (Easter last year was HOT) mixed with cool and cloudy, but so far, it’s been most of the latter I’m afraid 🙁

  24. 04.15.2008

    What adorable pictures!

    jen of a2eatwrite’s last blog post..Yeah, what she said, and…

    Thanks Jen. They’re posers 😉

  25. OMG… they are too cute. You can tell your mom made their day 🙂

    Jen @ One Moms World’s last blog post..The Case Of The Missing Spoons

    Absolutely Jen! They love toys 🙂

  26. 04.17.2008

    I love the hedgehogs, and actually I recently bought one for our dogs. However, the bassett hound always rips apart any kind of toy and we end up having to throw it away…our poor Jack Russell gets left with nothing!

    Your dogs are adorable!

    Lulu’s last blog post..Remembering Anne Frank

    My Stella is rather fond of destroying toys as well–but she has so much fun along the way!

  27. 04.18.2008

    They’re so cute! I love their hedgehogs, too 🙂

    MoscowMom’s last blog post..Rest in Peace

    They really do go well together, wouldn’t you say? 😉

  28. 04.18.2008

    Oh, so cute! SO cute! hee hee hee

    So, will they switch off, each using whichever hedgehog is most convenient at any given moment, or do you think they will each keep their very own specific hedgehog?

    They are definitely shared hedgies. In fact, I think each of them had “hers” for about 30 seconds until they switched. And then switched back. Etc.

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake