Archive for the ‘the sea’ Category
What’s That Saying About Wild Horses?
Right, um, I know I said I wouldn’t be around, but I have some things to share:
1. Want to know more about life as an expat? Check out my post, Top 5 Hidden Advantages of Being an Expat, over at
2. Looking for a quick end-of-the-summer getaway in which there will be flying fruit? Put on your best Gallagher plastic and read my post, The World’s Biggest Tomato Fight: Bunol’s La Tomatina at
3. Hankering for a bag o’ books and bath goodies? Head on over to Welcome to My World of Dreams where you could win such a bag (if you’re a US or Canada resident) or a $30 Amazon gift certificate if you’re international like me–I didn’t read too closely the first time around, but Judy Thomas was lovely enough to come over here and point out that we’re *all* invited to the party celebrating the launch of Long and Short Reviews no matter where we live! Woohoo!
4. Missing What’s Cooking Wednesday? Here are two food-related sites that I found recently and have fallen in love with: and The Traveler’s Lunch Box. Seriously. LOVE.
5. And finally, have you reached the end of the Internet? Don’t know what else to read? Here are five posts/blogs I recommend:
- 5 Powerful Reasons to Eat Slower at Zen Habits. This kind of builds on our discussion about obesity and weight loss from a little while ago but comes from a different angle. If you haven’t seen this site and are remotely interested in becoming a more peaceful, productive, happier, oh just better person, this is a great place to start.
- Introversion at Crazy Dust in My Coffee. Being quite an introvert myself, I love how Ally Bean broke this down so that even the most extroverted of extroverts can understand–or at least I hope they can because I don’t think it can be explained much better.
- The Seven Virtues: Charity at The Verge. I could link to any one of former-Italy-expat Jennifer’s posts and sing its praises, but since I love this particular one so much, here you go. I’ve never seen another blogger who incorporates fine art so seamlessly into her posts. It’s too beautiful for words, really.
- Mysteries of Life at Burnett’s Urban Etiquette. This post is from a while ago, but I adore it as I do all of this Miami Herald contributor’s stuff. James Burnett has a knack for pinpointing exactly what I want to say about a given topic *or* giving me a new perspective that I hadn’t considered. I think that’s cool, so you should read him.
- Also, my naval is pretty at The Moon Topples. These are Maht’s (grudgingly given) answers to a meme about what he likes about himself. I just heart the way Maht expresses himself through his various creative mediums, and I think a lot of you will too. If his answers to a meme made my recommended list, you know he’s good.
OK, now I’m really vacationing from the blog. If I ever have children, you think separation anxiety might be a wee bit of a problem?
Still wishing you were here!
i’m back with an interview with…me!
Just a quick note to direct you to an interview I did with My Melange: Infusing European Culture into Your Lifestyle.
Check me out, would you? Be forewarned that I’m about to get in your face! Hah!
You’ll understand in a moment.
Wish you were here!
[tags]ionian sea, sea, calabria, montepaone, southern italy[/tags]
my italian vacation (sort of) and your summer homework
Taking a cue from fellow Italy expat bloggers Shelley, Sara, Jessica, and Sara, I’m taking a little time off away from the blog.
I know this is odd for those of you in America, especially, to wrap your heads around, but here in Italy, just about everyone takes most if not all of August off. P and I aren’t going anywhere since everyone comes to us (ah, living in southern Europe is so tough!), and in fact, we’re both still working.
But we’ll also be spending plenty of time with his 6 brothers and sisters and 16 (or is it 17?) nieces and nephews that are here right now, so I’m taking a break from posting for a little while.
I’ll still be around visiting your blogs, though (can’t keep me away if you tried!) and I may even pop in to say hello here, but while I’m gone I have some suggestions to keep you busy:
1. Head over to The Island Review, a great site for keeping up with all the contests and give-aways going on via the Internet, including a fabulous contest for digital camera loversthrough PicaJet–you can win a PicaJet FX and/or RoboImport!
What’s all that you say? It’s about making our digital photos the best they can be and also keeping them organized, so do click on the above links for more information. Hurry, ends August 15th!
FYI, the author, Kailani, is a dedicated mom, wife, and flight attendant who also writes An Island Life from her home base in Hawai’i. I know. I’d hate her too if she wasn’t so damn sweet.
2. I’ve told you about the group She Who Blogs before, and now I’m going to send you to one of our most recent members’ blogs: Model Behavior.
You should visit all the member blogs as they’re all wonderful (seriously!), but when I clicked on this one, I wanted to read every post from the beginning. I think we all know that’s a rare warm fuzzy in the blogosphere, so I wanted to pass it on to you.
3. Another of my recent discoveries is The Passionate Palate, and for those of you who enjoy a great food blog, this one is for you.
Jeni, the author, also runs Passionate Palate Tours, food and wine tours through Italy, and I’ve had great fun corresponding with her the past few days. Give her some comment and link love!
4. Check out a great post on work and life balance over at Writing, Work and Weasels, and for those of you who can read Italian, go read Audrissima’s L’onestà, la bellezza nella semplicità e l’amore–and why not comment and tell them I sent you?
These are my favorite posts of the day so far, but the day is young, bloggers, so get writing!
I really *should* start posting my favorite posts every day…hmm…hello Google Reader? Something for me to think about over the break (while I am reading many, many books).
5. Spread the word about my Bella Bags E-Party and Contest on your own blog, then come back here and tell me (or email me) and I’ll send you special link love when I return.
Woohoo! We’re all winners!
There are so many more recommendations I have for you, and that’s what I’ll spend part of my vacation compiling, I promise.
See, I’ll be thinking of you, so that makes it OK, right?
Here’s your postcard in advance:
Hope all your days feel like this.
[tags]ionian sea, sea, montepaone, calabria, southern italy[/tags]
Answering Your Questions: Italy Edition
Hey, remember when JennieBoo tagged me with the eight things meme and you wrote in with your questions after I asked for help?
For those who haven’t been following, go read parts one, two, and three of my answers to catch up because now we’re on the fourth installment of responses…and I *still* won’t have gotten to all the questions by the time I’m done here.
You are such an inquisitive bunch!
These questions all have to do with Italy in some way or another, so let’s start with a photo to get us in the mood.
Now settle in and get a cup of whatever it is will get you through this–it’s a long one.
1. Sharon in Sicily asked me to name the strangest thing I’ve seen in everyday Italian life.
Oh where to begin? I’m going to go with something that truly baffles me and that no one has been able to adequately explain to me thus far.
Italians are notoriously obsessive about the cleanliness of the inside of their homes. So then why, oh why, is there so much litter, graffiti, and occasional bouts with garbage piles *outside* of them?
The juxtaposition of the two extremes is just…well…it’s quite simply the strangest thing I have seen in everyday Italian life.
2. My Melange would like to know what my favorite spot in Italy is and where I’d like to go that I haven’t yet been; in a related question, Kimberly wants to know where I’d suggest a first time overseas traveler head first.
You probably don’t know this and maybe won’t even believe it, but I’m not well-traveled within Italy at all–Calabria, yes, as I’ve seen everything in depth and many times (except the area around Cosenza–no offense to the Cosentini!). But I’ve never been to the biggies like Rome (gasp!) and Florence.
Wow. That felt like confession. I feel better now.
Anyway, right now, I’d have to say that my favorite spot in Italy is, well, home.
But a close second is Serra San Bruno, the site of an 11th century monastery nestled up in the Serra mountains (part of the Sila range) about 45 minutes away from me. It’s a wooded area with walking trails and spots for picnics–there’s even a little stream running through it. So peaceful and relaxing.
I also like Taormina in Sicily, which is gorgeous although quite touristy.
I’ve meant to travel more, I swear, but it’s kind of expensive especially since I’ve been busy working to save up for various other things; travel just hasn’t been a priority.
But on Kimberly‘s point, the first place we’ll probably head once we get out and about is Rome–I think it’s the most logical starting point for discovering Italy (but then I’ve never been very logical, which explains my roundabout route). Plus P’s sister lives just outside the city, so that’ll cut down on our costs.
3. Bec wants to know more about how long it took me to be fluent in Italian, or at least to be able to understand and respond.
First, as background for those who don’t know–I came here without speaking Italian aside from “ciao” and some food words.
Now on becoming fluent, let me put it this way: the basics are easy, especially when you’re immersed and don’t have a choice but to learn, as was my situation. I went back to the US after six months here, and I was getting along just fine on a day to day basis by the time I left.
That said, four years later, I’m still not where I’d like to be, but I can hold my own in pretty much any situation. I think in Italian, dream in Italian, and often count in Italian, so I’d say I’m well on my way. What I need to do now is really study grammar and expand my vocabulary, and then I’ll consider myself truly fluent.
I’d say it’ll take a couple more years, though, because this, unfortunately, isn’t much of a priority either. I’ve gotten a bit lazy, I’m afraid, and I’m quite happy to simply not struggle every day with easy things. When I’m ready for a challenge again, I’ll pick up some books and study.
4. Stefania wanted to know if Italy’s lifestyle really is more laid back and how I spend my days.
Great question, and I’m so glad you asked!
I live in a 350-person village in southern Italy, so yes, the lifestyle here *is* pretty laid back; people do things on their own time and when they want, thus our many expat complaints about lines at the post office and the doctor’s office and not having our phone lines fixed for months.
That said, there are also cities in Italy, especially the farther north you go, that are very much like cities anywhere–a lot of rushing around and, unfortunately, a lot of stress. Our friend Michellanea is in Milano, and I think she’d be the first to tell you that she ain’t taking afternoon naps and sipping limoncello all day.
Of course, neither am I, but I’m also not rushing around trying to get as much done in a day as possible–or having to cover great physical distances to get those things done (this is a general difference between city and rural life, I think, and not Italy-specific).
My average day? I do the same things as most everyone else only I work from home (except when I’m teaching) so I can schedule things when I want–some mornings I have errands, for example, and those are always more stressful than anything else I do. Other than that, I do yoga, take Luna on walks, work, get cappuccino at the bar with a friend, work, cook, eat, do laundry, clean, talk to my mom on the phone, blah blah blah.
Oh, and blog of course.
5. And finally, we have Anno:
It seems to me that there are so many romantic memoirs published about life in Italy (Eat Pray Love, which I Loved Loved Loved; and Under the Tuscan Sun); when you read these books, do you snort in derision, or is there something in them that still resonates with you?
This is a fabulous question. I’m laughing as I imagine my snorts of derision. I’ll have to work on those–sounds like fun!
Hmm. How can I say this? There are some authors’ styles that I appreciate more than others. Frances Mayes in Under the Tuscan Sun really pours it on; she’s a flowery writer recounting the stresses of restoring a villa while she’s in the US and trying to find creative ways to use all the wonderful flowers and vegetables in her Tuscan garden. She’s half in the US and half out and obviously had a considerable amount of cash to work with.
Let’s just say we didn’t share the same experience.
That said, I didn’t hate the book, and indeed, I found some passages that I liked enough to copy into my quote book such as:
Where you are is who you are. The further inside you the place moves, the more your identity is intertwined with it. Never casual, the choice of place is the choice of something you crave.
I identified with this sentiment as I read it during the year between when I decided to move here and when I did. So no snorts there.
On the other hand, I *really* enjoyed Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert, and yes, I keep promising a review, and it’ll come at some point. I definitely recommend it as I enjoyed following Gilbert’s journey, but interestingly, more on a spiritual level than anything.
Again, no snorting.
But I will say that if you want to read a spirited, down-to-earth “I moved to Italy” book, check out Extra Virgin: A Young Woman Discovers the Italian Riviera, Where Every Month is Enchanted by Annie Hawes.
Here are some of my favorite parts:
No matter how much you feel you’re in the middle of nowhere around here, completely unobserved, you’re sure to come across someone who saw exactly what you were up to–or who knows someone else who did.
Expats in small towns? You with me on this one?
I mentally take my hat off to whatever unbelievably desperate person first discovered the edibility of the olive–I’m sure I would have starved without ever guessing for a moment that the things weren’t poisonous.
For those who don’t know, raw olives aren’t fit to be eaten–and if you don’t believe me, you’re welcome to try for yourself.
Lucy [Hawes’ sister] and I are thinking longingly of a quiet place up a mountain, a place where people only speak one at a time, and in English. We need to rest our reeling brains.
Here here!
And finally, addressing a subject near and dear to my heart:
I, meanwhile, far from being modernized, have recently found myself being put through a typically Italian trauma…I have transmuted, inexplicably yet inexorably, from a signorina to a signora.
Perhaps I should explain that “signorina” means a young woman, and “signora,” well, doesn’t.
And that wraps up today’s Italy Edition answers.
P.S. Figs Olives Wine–I haven’t forgotten about your Italy-related question; I just have bigger plans for it.
P.P.S. If you haven’t checked out the Bella Bags E-Party and Contest, get there! And do keep checking Bella Bags because Marcía’s adding new bags all the time.
[tags] italy, expat, under the tuscan sun, frances mayes, eat pray love, elizabeth gilbert, litter in italy, graffiti in italy[/tags]
seashells *and* ponies!
Good news and bad news.
Bad news first, OK?
I won’t be around for a few days because of various work commitments, so you probably won’t hear from me again until Friday or so (most likely no What’s Cooking Wednesday, sniff sniff).
Just didn’t want anyone to worry about me or my Internet connection, so there you have it.
Now the good news:
As I type this, the cuffs of my capri-length jeans are still damp from the waters of the Ionian Sea (although I have changed out of them) and bits of sand are sprinkled throughout my house.
Let’s start in the early morning.
This morning I was walking Luna when I stopped to take this photo of a pretty tree in the piazza:
Check out the (untouched) color of the sky. I just knew it would be a good day.
Also, you can’t see them very well, but there are some fallen petals on the sidewalk; obviously I got there before the rubbish collector did, otherwise they’d have been swept up.
While I was snapping, P’s sister-in-law came over to me. We chatted for a few minutes–P is currently painting her house–and when I mentioned I had to go down to the Marina (part of the village on the coast, 5 km away), she offered me a ride as she was headed there.
This was an hour before I was planning to leave on the bus, so I took Luna home and packed up everything I’d need for my errands, which included the bank (ATM), bakery, grocery store, market, and beach if there was time (not an errand, but a thought).
But soon the whole plan changed.
As I was finishing up at the ATM machine, I got a call from one of my employers telling me that I could go pick up my paycheck (my first from them–only two months late!) at a bank in another town. So I hurried up with my errands in the Marina and caught the bus to the other town.
When I arrived at the bank, I couldn’t believe it–only five people in line! Oh. Just one teller.
And there’s the rub.
So I waited an hour and a half for a transaction that took literally two minutes. By then, I had missed the next bus back to my village, although I was blessed with the amusing sight of a woman being refused entry into the bank.
[For those who don’t know, in order to enter a bank here, you have to press a button for a little Star Trek-like glass pod to open. You step in and the Controller of the Pod (we’ll call this person “COP”) says yea or nay via a button that opens the other side of the pod leading into the bank.]
This poor woman, probably in her 30s, long black hair pulled back in a pony, stepped in and out of the pod at least five times with no luck. I think she finally went and put her purse in her car because she eventually convinced the COP (with no havoc ensuing, thank goodness).
Anyway, by the time I finally got another bus to the Marina (I’d then need a separate bus, passing through the Marina an hour later, to get up to my village), it was noon and I was starving. So I did what any self-respecting non-Italian would do at mezzogiorno–I got a panino and a peach iced tea and headed for the beach.
Of course at that hour, the seaside was all mine as all the real Italians were home for lunch most likely featuring pasta and not simply prosciutto and provola like I was about to have.
But before I got to the sand and surf, I was greeted by ponies (and a horse and a donkey)!
Circus is in town, you see. Not as funny (and useful!) as these ponies, but that first one really has something to brag about if you ask me.
Soon I got comfy with my lunch.
As this was yet another unplanned beach excursion, I didn’t have any of the usual supplies. I had to make do with a scarf, which I always have in my bag, and rolled up capri pants. In the past couple months, I’ve come to realize that I actually don’t dislike going to the beach as I always thought I had–what I hate is the preparation, the making sure I have absolutely everything I might need.
A trip to the sea is quite enjoyable, I’ve found, when you simply show up.
When my belly was full, I walked along the beach snapping some more photos.
Did I mention that our water is clean, clean, clean?
But not before I grabbed some free souvenirs so that I can always remember those gorgeous few hours.
Ah, and then it got even better!
When I arrived home, a copy of Eat, Pray, Love was waiting for me–my prize for winning Shelley’s (At Home in Rome) La Mia Italia post contest with Conquering Evil (One Plastic Red Horn at a Time)!
Hope everyone’s week is as lovely as my Monday has been!
[tags]sea, ionian sea, calabria, badolato, ponies, horses, donkeys, circus, seashells, shells, beach, sand, southern italy, italy[/tags]