love thursday: scribblings on a seawall
Not too long ago, a friend pointed me to an article about a lamp post in Rome that has become famous for lovers attaching padlocks and then throwing the keys into the Tiber River–hoping to lock up the permanency of their relationship so to speak.
Like nearly everything, this lamp post has become a political issue, which is what is discussed in the article, but my friend spotted the piece and thought it’d make for a lovely Love Thursday.
And indeed it would.
But then a few days ago, Shelley of At Home in Rome photographed the lamp post personally, and she has shared more of the story with the blogosphere. No need to rehash here as Shelley’s got it covered, but this past weekend, I made an interesting discovery–down here in Calabria, we have our own little lovely tradition.
It’s not as visually stunning as the padlocks, and some may call it nasty graffiti, but what I see is (I’m guessing) young love poured out onto a wall that lines the promenade in Catanzaro Lido.
You are my life.
Thank you for existing.
Valentine’s Day
You’re not with me…
I had wanted to spend this day with you…
I will love you forever, Giù (Giuseppe)…
Your Cate (Caterina)!!!
Live with me without fear
(song lyric by Laura Pausini)
I love you Lilly
Happy Love Thursday everyone!
[tags]love thursday, graffiti, catanzaro, catanzaro lido, seawalls, sea, ionian sea, love notes, southern italy, calabria[/tags]
17 Beans of Wisdom to “love thursday: scribblings on a seawall”
- [...] year at this time, some of you were disturbed when I posted Scribblings on a Seawall–love notes wr...
Warm fuzzies! And even more romantic given the proximity to the sea. Che belllloooo!
Those were nice…but, wasn’t there one about ‘for a good time call???’ – not so appropriate for Love Thursdays, I suppose! 🙂
I’m probably gonna be in the minority here, but I cringe every time I drive anywhere and see property totally destroyed by graffiti. It’s just wrong. There are so many other ways to display your affection towards someone without damaging someone’s property.
I think it’s beautiful.
It’s easy to see why someone would have amore sul’mente with views like that!
aah, amore!
That’s obscenely beautiful. Thanks for sharing! Happy LT!
Nothing as pure and innocent as young love.
Have you and P carved your names anywhere?
I’m with Giulia on this one, it’s sad to see the graffitti, but I suppose if they are going to vandalize something then better messages of love rather than obscenities. Somehow I prefer initials carved into a tree (is it any different? I don’t know). Not something I would expect to encounter in your beautiful world!
Thanks for sharing and leading us to another great blog, At Home in Rome. I’m adding it to my blogroll.
Haha! Positano graffitti is like that! my favorite is ‘tia mo’.
Well that’s a postiive way to look at grafitti! Good for you!
I’m with giula and bonga mom, graffiti looks horrible on buildings and uglifies the area it’s in no no mstter what it says.
Around here if someone tried to paint their love like this a city crew would be right behind to paint it over. The padlocks would probably be a more permanent sign. Oh well.
Happy LT.
Hi there!
Just wanted to let you know that I continued the story I started a few weeks ago. You can read it here:
“Why Did I Say ‘Yes’?”
Interesting comments 🙂
I’m not a huge fan of graffiti either, but in Italy, it’s absolutely everywhere–Shelley (At Home in Rome) posted on this as well.
For me personally, I don’t know…I suppose all art is objective anyway, so I’m not all that offended by the scribbling on the wall; except for the last pic, you really can’t tell there’s anything written on it until you’re up close. And if you’ve ever been to Calabria, you know there’s not much to do, especially at a beach with no waves, so reading the love messages actually gives you something to do (although Cherrye, Peppe, Dawn, and I seemed to be the only ones even paying attention to them) 😉