Archive for the ‘NaBloPoMo’ Category
5 post meme (nothing like a one-trick pony)
I was tagged by new blogging buddy Goofy Andie (that’s the name of her blog, I swear!) to do the following:
I like this meme because it gives me a chance to point out posts that new readers may have missed. I do keep a list of posts that new visitors can read to get to know me better–in my favorites tag above–but here are five more, per the meme:
This one is from May of this year and talks a bit about my niece and nephew back in the States and all the fun stuff they send me. Check out the label “family” for more family posts.
First published in March 2007, this post recounts my first meeting with fellow expat blogger in Calabria, Cherrye of My Bella Vita, and Dawn, who we’re still hoping finds time to write up one of these blog things. We had an awesome time and recreated the magic in August before Cherrye left us to get married in Texas. I know some of you, like me, are missing Cherrye lately, but she’ll be back soon to tell us all about it, I’m sure.
The label “friends” will take you to more friends posts.
Sunday Scribblings: Chronicles
I’ve written many, many posts about me and other than searching the “me me me” label, you can also find a lot of those on my sidebar.
But now I’m going to point you to one that says a little something different about me than any of the memes or lists I’ve done over the past 11 1/2 months. You might have missed this one as it was first published way back in January, less than two months into my blogging adventure. I hope you enjoy it.
Another May post about how P surprises me every now and again. There are lots of P and love posts under the “love” label.
This last one was hard! I didn’t know which direction I should go in, but I finally decided on a snippet of my fiction writing since it’s a part of me that gets ignored early and often around here.
This May post was my first entry in a fiction writing contest, and I even ended up with a prize; check out other writing related posts under the “writing” label.
Now I’m going to tag 5 bloggers who are all doing NaBloPoMo, some of whom I knew previously and some I’ve just met. Show us what to read please!
Candid Karina
Jill Althouse Wood
Miss Eliza
Believe it or not, NaBloPoMo. I’ve realized through this experience that it’s not as difficult as I thought to post something every day–except for internet issues (fixed as of now…yeah!). Getting into the habit of writing, taking more photos, being more creative about posts–these are all good things, and I have NaBloPoMo to thank.
But even more than that, I’m so thankful to have met even more wonderful bloggers through the experience. One can never have too many blogging friends, I say.
[tags]nablopomo, 30 days of thanks, memes[/tags]
31 Things I’ve Learned in My 31 Years
As of today I’m thirty-one years, one month, and one day old, and I’m ready to pass on:
31Things I’ve Learned in My 31 Years
1. Family members can be friends and friends can be like family members.
2. Laughing until your stomach hurts should happen at least once a day.
3. Being alone does not have to mean being lonely.
4. Dreaming is essential to living.
5. When what others want and what you want differ, trust your instincts.
6. Dogs are woman’s best friend too.
7. Sometimes love really isn’t enough.
8. Broken hearts should be worn with pride; it means you dared to love.
9. Peanut butter goes with everything.
10. Fireplaces, books, and blankets rule, especially when enjoyed together.
11. Inclement weather and important appointments are like peas and carrots.
12. Trying new things and meeting new people keep life interesting.
13. You can’t control what others do, but you can control how you react to them.
14. Stepping and/or kneeling on tacks hurts. A lot. Avoid it.
15. Love can be found in the wind.
16. Trust is a choice.
17. Innards for dinner do nothing for me.
18. The shower is a good place to cry.
19. Living simply helps others simply live.
20. Being wrong isn’t failure, it’s human.
21. Everything happens for a reason.
22. Sleeping, particularly napping, is underrated.
23. Being the bigger person isn’t always easy, but it’s always rewarding.
24. The sound of someone’s voice can be the most beautiful music in the world.
25. You don’t need to meet someone in person to develop a close relationship.
26. Success and happiness are best defined individually, i.e., by each person.
27. Appreciating small, good things makes dealing with big, bad things easier.
28. Homemade is always better.
29. Being accessible 24 hours a day is annoying.
30. The best way to learn a foreign language is full, painful-at-times immersion.
31. Moving ahead is easier if you understand where you’ve been.
Feel free to make your own list and let me know where to find it.
Today I’m thankful for:
Rainbows. We had a mini-rainbow a couple weeks ago, just a splash over the sea:
And then this one yesterday:
They’re always pretty, of course, but I just can’t think of a better way to be reminded that even when things are dark and dreary, something beautiful can come of it.
stepping up while i sigh
The only time I really lament not having a car around here is on Sundays when there’s no bus service and I have somewhere to go. Like to the internet café in a nearby town to post something on my blog to keep my NaBloPoMo streak alive. Because my internet is still out.
And so I am relying on the kindness of friend and fellow She Who Blogs member Qualcosa di Bello of Piacere, Dog Blog, Write Away, and probably another in the works knowing her. If you want to talk to someone who knows a lot about time management, visit this homeschooling, Italian-class-taking, doggie-and-sometimes hedgehog-caretaking super mom.
Anyway since I get the feeling that she kind of likes to blog, I turned to her to save my NaBloPoMo hide and hit publish at the appropriate time. They say the internet will be fixed within 48 hours of Friday afternoon, but I wasn’t about to risk it.
Grazie Qualcosa!
So now what do I really have to say today? Hmm. How about we stick to a photo that reflects how I’m feeling.
I think that about sums it up.
Today I’m thankful for:
Qualcosa di Bello—the person (not only does she step in when I need her but she also sends me tahini and books!) but also the translation, which is “something beautiful.”
There are lots of beautiful things around me even as I’m typing this at the internet café, not the least of which are some pretty nice espresso beans waiting to be ground. Yum!
[tags]nablopomo, friends, 30 days of thanks, dogs[/tags]
Turtle Time in Calabria
Hi. Here I am at the internet café again. No internet at home. Again. But we did have three whole days of nearly uninterrupted service. Woo. Hoo.
I think this calls for a turtle:
Meet Terra (means Earth in Italian), who has been with us since my birthday; she was a gift from P. Yes, that’s a shrimp in her hand/mouth. Obviously she’s looking for the cocktail sauce, but unfortunately we don’t have horseradish here.
Today I’m thankful for:
Living creatures, big and small. I’m usually drawn to furry ones, but this little turtle has really done a job on me. She’s still pretty skittish, but now she’ll let me watch her as she suns and often even leaves her head above water instead of ducking under when I peek in. We’re making progress.
Tell me about some of the living creatures in your life.
not that i’m encouraging slacking off at work but…
I don’t work in an office anymore, but I do remember what Fridays used to feel like. I always had the best intentions of finishing off projects, and sometimes I did–if there wasn’t a whole lot left to do on them anyway.
The internet was my best friend that last work day of the week more than any other day and that’s why here on some Fridays, I like to provide links to other places you should go.
After all I wouldn’t want you to get lost in the internet. Remember to always carry a flashlight!
For those of you like me who work at home (including stay-at-home moms!), feel free to utilize this list of goodies whenever you feel like it. These links aren’t going anywhere.
Shameless Self-Promotion in Two Parts:
(1) Over at She Who Blogs, I’ve written about The Top Five Things I’ve Learned From Having a Blog.
Be sure to check out more member posts while you’re there–She Who Blogs is doing NaBloPoMo too, so there’s something new every day.
Our fearless leader Frances, by the way, is not only taking care of NaBloPoMo for She Who Blogs but she’s also posting every day this month on her own blog, Blogjem (check out her fabulous family memories!) *and* she’s doing NaNoWriMo.
Be amazed. I am.
(2) For some light Friday fun, why not have a Fred and Ginger moment by watching the classic “You Say Tomayto, I Say Tomahto” scene? I wrote about it over at Tomato CasualTomato Casual and discovered lots of interesting tidbits about that song.
Of course if you’re at work, turn the speakers way down. And if you can’t have them on at all, well, Fred and Ginger knew how to dance a little too so enjoy the footwork.
Feel free to look around Tomato Casual while you’re there. I won’t mind.
Semi Shameless Self-Promotion in Two Parts:
I am honored to have been one of the entries in a wonderful blogging event:
Run by two of my very favorite bloggers, this event captured the hearts and memories of many fabulous bloggers and you can find the round-up of entries in two places (half are listed at each blog):
No Self-Promotion, Just Some Damn Good Reading
Blogging friend -R- of And You Know What Else came up with a fantastic idea–an anonymous blog swap. It gave participants a chance to blog about things they normally wouldn’t at their own blogs (for whatever reason) and the results were phenomenal.
Below is a list of the participants, and believe me, there’s not a bad post in the bunch. (I may or may not have spend most of yesterday evening reading these.)
After you read the guest post, please take time and look around the host blogs–all fabulous standing on their own.
And You Know What Else
Bright Yellow World
Confessions of a Novice
Everything I Like Causes Cancer
Face Down
Liz Land
Muse On Vacation
Nancy Pearl Wannabe
Not What You Think It Should Be
Operation Pink Herring
Red Red Whine
Reflections in the Snow-Covered Hills
Sass Attack
Stefanie Says
Thinking Some More
Happy reading and buon weekend!
The opportunity to work at home. I know some people would hate it, working alone in the same place they eat and sleep, but I just love it and don’t think I could go back to working in an office. Sure it takes a lot of discipline, but I’ve always been good at getting things done when they need to be done, and the transition from many years of higher education to this really wasn’t too difficult.
Read: I always have homework.
I love the freedom of being able to choose when I work, read, cook, walk and play with the dogs, watch an old episode of E.R. or Gilmore Girls, do laundry, run errands, etc., pretty much when I want to. For me, there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to force things when they just aren’t coming, so working at home really benefits me both professionally and emotionally.
There are downsides, of course, like others’ not taking my time seriously or assuming I don’t have a “real” job, but it’s all about making boundaries–something I didn’t use to be good at, but I’m getting better.
Part of it is my own fault, I know, as I don’t often outwardly show stress in front of people I don’t know well. I’ve been told I make things look easy, but I think that’s only because I’ve always had the idea of the Italian bella figura (making a good impression/looking good) in my head.
Or maybe it’s just that old Dry Idea deodorant commercial: “Never Let Them See You Sweat.”
Either way, I don’t see how it helps to get others worked up about whatever is going on in my life–except for those closest to me of course. Everyone needs a sounding board or five (I’m grateful to have those people too!).
Anyway, I know I’m extremely lucky to have the opportunity to work at home, and I’m very, very grateful for it.
[tags]working at home, nablopomo, 30 days of thanks[/tags]