Archive for 2012
A Moment of Thanks: Losing Subscribers Isn’t Always a Bad Thing
The fact that we are gleaning advice and inspiration from each other as we each continue our individual journeys helps take the sting out of blog unsubscription notices. So thank you!
Read on...The Importance of Owning Our Transitions
Don’t sit around waiting for someone to tell you it’s OK to make a transition in your life. No one can do that for you. We must own our transitions: Make the decision to change something in your life, and then give it your all to make it work, accepting the consequences no matter what.
Read on...Summer Schedule: Back to the Basics
Summer’s here, and I’m ready for a big change to my work schedule. Really, really ready.
Read on...Recalibration After a Trip “Home”
Yesterday P and I went for a long, winding ride on the scooter into the mountains for some relief from the heat. During those few hours with the sun kissing my (sunscreened!) shoulders, the cool air whipping past us, and the crisp water from a mountain spring dribbling down my chin, I started to reconnect with my life here.
Read on...Experiencing Joy, Unapologetically and Without Fear
Do you allow yourself to feel joy in the moment or do you hold back, worrying that the other shoe will drop at any moment, that for every good thing that happens, there must a corresponding bad one?
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