You Can’t Steal Second Base with Your Foot on First

Palazzo of Eleonora Ricci Misheff and Alzek Misheff, Acqui Terme, Italy

Palazzo of Eleonora Ricci Misheff & Alzek Misheff, Acqui Terme, Italy

“Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first base.”

– Frederick B. Wilcox

I love that quote. It’s a great reminder that risk is a necessary part of life if you want to achieve anything great (as defined by you, of course). Those words pop in my mind when I find myself doing something “for the money” despite having no passion for it while half-trying (but really just hoping) to succeed at my pie-in-the-sky goals — and cursing the fact that I haven’t reached them yet.

Going through the motions takes valuable time and energy away from working toward our true goals.

Some of you may be thinking, “But we need money to live!” and that there’s nothing wrong with earning an honest living, no matter what the job is. You won’t get an argument from me on that. Many of us have responsibilities beyond ourselves, so there are times we have to suck it up and bring home the bacon. Period.

It’s also important, though, to be ready to reach for the proverbial brass ring (however you define it).

Will timing ever be perfect? Nope. Are you guaranteed to succeed? Hardly. Can I promise you there won’t be nights when you’re staring at an empty refrigerator, licking the inside of the peanut butter jar for dinner? Can’t.

But I bet you knew this:

If you want to win big, you’ve got to play big.

And for ordinary folks like us, playing big never seems to come with a safety net.


Several years ago in order to supplement my income while starting a freelance writing career, I taught English part-time. It wasn’t fabulous money, but it was steady, and it allowed me to eat, which is always a bonus.

With each passing lesson, the dread factor rose exponentially. The mental and emotional drain coupled with the traveling stole valuable time and energy from my efforts to build a freelance writing career — what I had been proclaiming was my goal.

At the end of my contract, I was faced with a choice: keep teaching for the guaranteed money or devote myself to this freelance writing thing once and for all.

I chose the latter, and it paid off big time as I gradually began building a name for myself, and I do mean gradually. Trust me, my tax returns from those early years were beyond pathetic, and we won’t even talk about the kinds of “meals” we had around here for a while. But I don’t regret — or forget — one single second of those tough times.

The decision to *not* teach gave me my time and energy back. It motivated me to earn back the money that I’d be missing and then some. And it also gave me a swift kick in the bum to dedicate myself to what I had been saying was my ultimate goal.

I brought my actions in line with my goals.

How often do we know exactly what we want to achieve but still spend most of our time doing something else? The “must-dos” take up so much of our time and energy that we’re left with little if any for our true goals in life — and we’re left feeling unsettled, unfulfilled, and downright exhausted from trying (and probably failing) to do everything well.


Palazzo of Eleonora Ricci Misheff and Alzek Misheff, Acqui Terme, Italy

Palazzo of Eleonora Ricci Misheff & Alzek Misheff, Acqui Terme, Italy

Please don’t think I’m immune to keeping my foot on first base for too long, though. What a fantastic, stifling crutch a steady, predictable income can be, especially for someone who has both had one and not had one. I was reminded of this again recently by Srinivas Rao, who writes about losing his “safety blankets” at Skool of Life — and unfortunately not by his choice. Yet Srinivas writes about “embracing uncertainty”:

“The beauty of an uncertain future is that it’s open for being written according to your desires.”


In fact, just as with my English-teaching job, I’m now at a similar crossroads now with a long-standing writing gig that guarantees me a nice chunk of income every month but fails to spark my writing passions and also isn’t moving me forward. I feel stagnant. The opposite of progress.

I know I’ve taken all the positives I can from that position, and now it’s time to move on and refocus on my goals.

It’s time to dedicate myself to things that will move me forward, closer to where I want to be.

Of course it hasn’t been an easy decision. It never is. There’s just no telling how this will turn out — whether I’ll achieve my ultimate goals now that I have this “free” time to pursue them, or more tangibly, whether I’ll make up that missing money, and if I do, how long that might take.

But I do know, especially in the current economy, I’m outrageously lucky to have been able to choose when to drop my safety net. Whether the choice is ours or not, it’s scary to gather up your future in your hands and tend to it with no guarantees. But it’s awfully exciting too, isn’t it?

As carissima Diana Baur at A Creative Simplicity writes, though, sometimes you have to “forget the parachute“:

“Relying on our parachutes has made us blind to something: we do have wings. Eventually we can, if we really want to, throw the parachutes away.”

It’s during those times as we fly parachute-less — whether it’s by choice or not — that we find out what we’re really made of, what we can truly achieve, and so much more about ourselves and others, which I’ll leave to explore in future posts.

Our desired end points vary, but once we’ve zeroed in on what we want, we owe it to ourselves and to the world to devote enough of our precious time toward achieving our goals. Otherwise we’re looking at pipe dreams, guaranteed disappointment, and no chance of ever stealing second base.

And while we’re on the baseball theme, why not swing for the fences once in a while too? Play ball!

Have you been guilty of wanting to steal second but keeping your foot on first?

What steps can you take to move forward toward your goals, even if they involve risk?

*I’ve written more about the palazzo in the photos at Inspiration Via Acqui Terme.

56 Beans of Wisdom to “You Can’t Steal Second Base with Your Foot on First”
  1. Gil

    Wow! I had to read this a few times. I was probably guilty many years ago, but as things turned out I think I made the right choice for me and my family. As you probably know already my biggest regret is that I took up smoking cigarettes and did not quit until they caused permanent damage to my lungs. I hope that you never have to go back to working in a job just to put food on the table!

    michelle Reply:

    I wish you could convince P, Gil! Such an awful habit πŸ™ Thanks for reading and for your good wishes!

  2. Michelle, just a great post as always. Loved it. I loved the references to baseball as you know being a baseball mom. My favorite thought is ‘ruba, ruba’ ha ha. So thank you for sharing your inspirational stories with us. Just fantastic. It is scary to work for your passions but your friend Diana is so right when she says sometimes you have to let go of your parachute. I remember a specific day when my kids were playing on the stairs and I was too exhausted to go and intervene. It was that moment that I gave in and thought okay I’m going to have to trust.


    michelle Reply:

    Ruba, ruba! My new motto! Love it, Julie. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences πŸ™‚

  3. 08.07.2011

    You have read my mind. How did you know that I’d been torturing myself all week, trying to reach a goal in which I had no interest (besides a bit of cash)? Thanks for the inspiration.

    michelle Reply:

    I hope it works out for you, Candace! Cash is never a bad thing, of course, but sometimes we have to strongly consider other things as well…in bocca al lupo!

  4. 08.07.2011

    This post could NOT have come at a better time for me! I’m starting a new venture myself and it is always wonderful to be inspired by those that came before you! (Especially here in Italy!) πŸ™‚
    Many thanks!


    michelle Reply:

    Love the excitement in your “voice,” Dominique — sounds like great things are ahead for you. In bocca al lupo!

  5. 08.07.2011

    I read the post a few times also. It’s like a birthday present to myself to be able to read your thoughts, Michelle. Because, as you well know, we are gliding along the same thought pattern here and knowing you are there (holding up the southern end of the peninsula πŸ™‚ )thinking this way makes me feel less alone in my own pensieri.

    Wherever this new phase leads, it will open interesting connections, thought processes and even more opportunities in areas that are impossible to see right now.


    michelle Reply:

    Un abbraccio fortissimo, carissima…e tanti auguri di nuovo xx

  6. 08.07.2011

    I am reminded of the time I got furious at someone’s sig, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” It reminded me of all those, “where’s the best place in Europe to go?” emails I get. Sad that people travel just to please others. By planning every step of their lives/vacation, folks lock down an essential variable, the exciting x of the unintended, the magic of life. If you plan with extensive detail, you can only hope beyond hope that your expectations can be met; if you don’t you can see the world as it is, you can exceed your expectations tenfold if you’re paying attention. I choose the latter. It’s been a great ride.

    Good luck. I think I know what you mean.


    michelle Reply:

    I think you *do* know what I mean, James. I like plans to an extent. Everything in moderation πŸ˜‰ Thank you for the well wishes.

  7. 08.07.2011

    Well, about a month ago I walked out on my secure full-time employment once and for all, to fully dedicate myself to being self-employed. My business has changed over the years, just as I have, and every decision is just as difficult to make, but sometimes you have to close the proverbial door behind you to be able to open the next one.
    For me it really was a ‘now or never’ situation, and so far I am so so so happy that I took the chance.

    michelle Reply:

    You’ve shown amazing courage, Annika, and I look forward to following your success πŸ™‚

  8. Ellen Masciocchi

    Add me to the list of people “flying without a parachute”. I just retired somewhat unwillingly and discovered all my left brain talents-writing, dancing, choreography, making jewelry–The creativity just keeps flowing. I’m about to start writing my first novel. I’m hanging with artists and loving it. People tell me I’m positively glowing so go for it!

    michelle Reply:

    Sounds wonderful, Ellen! Kudos to you for embracing this time and making the most of it; and good luck on all your artistic pursuits!

  9. 08.07.2011

    “Leap and the net will appear” by John Burroughs, is one of my favorite quotes.

    michelle Reply:

    Excellent indeed; thank you for sharing, Rebecca πŸ™‚

  10. Cheyenne

    I could swear sometimes that you write to the beat of my heart and not your own! I am looking at my parachute right now and thinking it feels more like an anvil.

    Grazie for the inspiration and “in boca al lupo” πŸ˜‰

    michelle Reply:

    So true, Cheyenne. Sometimes those safety nets, parachutes, etc., that are supposed to keep us safe really do just hold us back and weigh us down. Best of luck with all xx

  11. Loved this Michelle. People really getting involved in their dreams and taking that step away from conformity or non-involvement are more and more plentiful. Maybe it’s just that I’ve been moving that direction in my own life that makes it seem so. It runs the gammit – from the Buddha leaving his palatial home to discover real life to a total other end of the spectrum – songwriter Lee Ann Womack singing “when you get the chance to sit it out or dance …I hope you dance.”

    I say “yes” to stepping onto the dance floor or exploring beyond the proverbial palace walls – either way, treasures await the courageous.


    michelle Reply:

    I feel it too, Barb…so much movement in people’s thoughts, actions, inspirations. A revolution? Hmm….always nice to “see” you πŸ™‚

  12. When I read the title to your blog entry for this morning, Michelle, I thought about the Cubs and The Billy Goat Curse which you posted earlier this summer on Goatberries. My reaction before reading today’s post upon seeing the title? True, you can’t steal second base with your foot on first β€” but there is no way you will get there being unkind to goats (-;

    Then I read your post, and perhaps because today is Sunday, I thought about Moses and his parting of the Red Sea β€” he could not part it if the Israelites did not put their feet in the water . . .

    I set out to comment on your post then and there, as I usually read and reread your entries before commenting, in an effort to make a remark worth of your prose. In fact, I have only recently done (August 5th 2011) this (commented) for your beautiful entry re smiling olive trees.

    But, alas, I still did not comment immediately. Instead, I thought about your post on my way to my Sunday mission. As you may recall, Michelle, I do volunteer work every Sunday at an assisted living center (or RESIDENCE as Maida prefers we call it) and today when I helped in serving Holy Communion, I thought of your blog entry as it was so fresh in my mind. Your words “you can’t steal second base with your foot on first” came to mind while I was at the residence because the readings that accompanied today’s distribution of the Host conveyed a similar message about taking chances β€” only it was in the guise of having the faith to do so. The gospel was the one of the many stories about Peter. This one dealt with the time Peter was in a boat with the other disciples that was “being tossed and turned about by the waves.” Our Lord began walking towards them on the sea, and when they saw him, they thought it was a ghost, but, He called out to them, announcing who He was, to which Peter responded, “Lord, if it is you, command me to walk on the water.” Our Lord did this β€” invited Peter to walk on the water to meet Him , and Peter eagerly got out of the boat, and began to walk on the water. However, as Peter was walking on the water and saw how strong the wind was he became frightened and started to sink, so he yelled out for Our Lord to save him. The Lord did save him but not without remarking, “Oh, you of little faith why did you doubt?”

    I share this with you, Michelle, not because I am strong in faith, but because I heard it soon after reading your posting for today, and I thought; while it’s true, you can’t steal second base with your foot on first, you also have to somehow muster up the belief that you can get to second base despite the strong winds and obstacles that come up once you’ve started heading there. That’s the difficult part for me.

    michelle Reply:

    Lots to unpack here in your comment as well, Patricia. You bring up an excellent point, that there’s a whole other aspect to leaving safety and security that comes from within. Where does self-confidence come from? Is faith in a higher power the same thing? Related? Hmm…yes, lots to think about….

    The Last Leaf Gardener Reply:

    I don’t think faith in a “higher power” and self-confidence come from the same place, Michelle, however, I do think that once you leave first base; and on your way to second, you can’t look back, and you can’t give into fears that you won’t make it to the next step. Not saying I am good at keeping my eye on the prize, just saying I am aware of the importance of doing so.

    Apropos of nothing: Once upon a time I also was in the ESL field and found it draining. Not the students and not the teaching, but the paper work required by staff was my thorn. I don’t care to relive those ESL days in my comment, just wanted you to know you are not alone in your ESL thoughts. Moreover you appear to be a caring and sensitive soul, so teaching was probably more draining for you than it might be for others. Enough said by me on that subject.

    But on another subject: BTW, have you ever seen the movie Chariots of Fire? The film is based on the 1924 Olympics. There is a scene when one of the runners, Harold Abrahams, tells his girlfriend that he doesn’t want to participate in the race if he has to run against runner Eric Lidell; because he is afraid he will lose the race. “I won’t run if I can’t win,” he tells her. Her response? “And you can’t win if you don’t run.” (Just another spin on your opening quote of Wilcox’s; and an indication of the importance of jumping in!)

    As for your new endeavor, I am sure you will not only “steal second” but you may even make a home-run. You are an excellent writer, and while I don’t know the specifics of your new opportunity nor the one you are leaving, I will say this based on what you’ve written about your success of going with your heart in the past, I am sure you will do well.

    Besides you need the time to make that wine you alluded to in your smiling Olive Trees post. (-;

    michelle Reply:

    Hmmm well speaking as someone who doesn’t believe in a higher power per se, I honestly don’t know *where* that belief/faith comes from to begin with πŸ˜‰ What I meant to say was that not everyone needs that type of faith, obviously as I’m living proof, and that’s where self-confidence comes in — and I also don’t *really* know where that comes from either, but I do know I have that πŸ˜‰ I think sometimes the former faith can actually interfere as some people like to put things in the higher power’s hands…as if that will magically make things happen the way they want, when really what it takes is a lot of hard work and dedication. But we’re veering too far into religious talk for me, and that’s not anything I want to explore here in depth…put that in the basket with politics πŸ˜‰

    Regarding not looking back to first, that’s tough because sometimes circumstances do come up that have us retreat for a little while, and it’s not always the wrong choice…even in baseball, the pitcher is always trying to catch the runner leaning too far to second, so he’ll throw to first to try to pick him off — that means the going to second just wasn’t possible yet. Is the pitcher the world in this metaphor? Throwing to pick you off because you’re just not ready yet? Hmm….

    Thank you for sharing that Chariots of Fire quote; I’ve heard it as “you can’t win if you don’t play” and yes, that’s another that goes through my mind often πŸ™‚

    Thanks also for your continued support; it’s very much appreciate πŸ™‚

  13. Wandering Chopsticks

    This really resonated with me today. For a long while, I’ve been keeping at my job because it pays the bills, while putting off what I’ve really wanted to do on the side. I think many of us are like that though. The safety net is hard to give up.

    michelle Reply:

    Best of luck on pursuing your true passions, WC; I look forward to following your journey πŸ™‚

  14. saretta

    I agree that we must force ourselves to at least try to achieve our dreams. Fear of failure and the unknown so often hold us back, and we waste our time and potential.

    Differently from you, I love teaching, and have my dream job already, but because I am ridiculously underpaid and unappreciated (not just me, all of my colleagues are in the same boat), I have to do other extra work to pay the bills. Sigh…

    michelle Reply:

    So happy you’ve found a career that keeps you inspired and happy, Saretta…such a shame teaching pays so poorly πŸ™

  15. This is a great post. I think it really speaks to people who have a hard time giving up something that sustains them to go after something that nourishes them. I think it’s important to be happy at a job. Not ecstatic, over the top, jump for joy happy every minute of the day, but at least happy enough to not dread going to work every morning.

    I know too many people who dread, actually HATE the work they do, but just do it because they want to get their time in for retirement compensation (a cousin of mine), or who fear there’s nothing else out there, or who don’t know what they want to do but know it’s not what they’re doing. I can’t imagine getting up every day to do something you hate.

    To answer your first question, “Have you been guilty of wanting to steal second while keeping your foot on first?” – I’d have to say no. If I didn’t like first base and I really wanted to get to second, I always just went. I never really kept my foot in the safety zone. Once I decided I hated being on first, I couldn’t stay another minute.

    I don’t know that I’ve ever had really concrete goals. I’m really more of that uncertain future type where “writing according to my own desires” is how I operate. I go with the flow. I do what I do until I no longer like doing it. I have quit jobs because I didn’t like the color the walls in the office were painted (institutional, drab mint green), because I couldn’t stand the voice of the woman who sat next to me (Minnie Mouse on helium), and because the place was always too hot (you know me and the heat). I like to be in aesthetically pleasing surroundings and I don’t want to go to a job everyday where I’m aggravated.

    Even in this economy (which thankfully, I haven’t been affected by), there are always jobs. You just have to find them. Nothing drains a person more (physically, mentally, emotionally), than having to spend a majority of their day doing something that brings them stress and misery.

    That said, I’ve also never been in the position of being responsible for someone other than myself. Sure, I’ve had bills to pay, but it wasn’t a case where I had children to take care of who depended on me for their stability. But even in that case (I have a friend who is in this very position), I feel it’s your duty to find a better job, which will in turn make you happier, which will result in a better environment for you and your family.

    I’m rambling now but I think what you did (giving up the job to pursue writing) was the absolute perfect choice. You would have not been able to dedicate your time and energy to building your brand if you spread yourself too thinly and we would not have these thought provoking posts to ponder.

    So thanks for quitting that job!

    michelle Reply:

    So very sweet, Salena, thank *you* πŸ™‚ I’ve been someone who has bombarded by others regarding GOALS, yes capital letters, on and off throughout my life…sometimes I have them in mind, other times not — I think for both of us being happy is the ultimate, so we do things that make us happy…till they don’t. Some see that as a luxury, but honestly I can’t imagine living any other way, and I *do* think it’s a choice…I’m sure we’ve both struggled at times financially just being stubborn…er, driven toward finding our happiness πŸ˜‰

    And I do agree with you — being miserable in your job (or relationship or whatever) is the worst thing you can offer to someone relying on you to meet their needs . . . a kid would be a million times better off with a mom who is doing what she loves for a living even if that means she can’t afford the latest Nikes IMHO than with a mom who’s under too much stress and just generally unhappy but *can* buy the iPhones, etc.

    This reminds me of the whole discussion of whether kids are “better off” in Italy or America…”America has so much more opportunity” is the usually the biggest claim b/c things in Italy are so backwards regarding the workforce (they really are). I don’t have kids at this point so I hesitate to get too involved, but I’m a big believer that you can raise a happy, healthy family pretty much anywhere regardless of location (and even whether that location is constantly moving, etc.)…people are what matter, and beneath that, their inner peace is what’s the most important to the environment.

    Thanks again for commenting and making me think πŸ™‚

  16. paula auth

    These thoughts come at such a perfect time for me because I have left first base but instead of running full speed to second have slowed down and considered returning but now I know I will not. Grazie

    michelle Reply:

    You can do it, Paula! In bocca al lupo πŸ™‚

  17. 08.11.2011

    Wise words Michelle, life is too be enjoyed but at the right pace.

    michelle Reply:

    Ah, pace. So very important. Thanks for coming by, LLM πŸ˜€

  18. 08.11.2011

    you are so right dear Michelle! thanks for the reminder! one need to take risks, so true! wish u good luck with all your endeavors and a lovely end of this week…greetings and smiles from tulipland!

    michelle Reply:

    Thanks Jana! Hope all is well with you as well πŸ™‚

  19. Cathy

    I love reading your posts and savour them and the feelings they invoke in me. Your ‘savoring simplicity’ seems so appropriate to even this risk taking, to savour our goals and dreams, to savour our accomplishments, to savour the (good) tension that is created by stepping off first base. To be true to who we are and to our aspirations, is so important, as you so wisely write in your articles. Thank you for sharing who you are with us.

    michelle Reply:

    Cathy, grazie mille for your kind words. I love the connection you’ve drawn with simplicity — so very true πŸ™‚

  20. Jim

    Wow Michele, great post as ususal. 15 years ago I took my foot off first base. Dinner that night was Chinese and my fortune was “follow your passion and the money will follow”. The money never did follow but in the 2.5 years that it was trying to catchup with me I learned important things about myself and career. And the time I spent with my 100 year old grandfather taught me so much about my family and our Italian heritage. Both of these things would not have been possible had I not left first base.

    I am back on a new first base and now with family responsibilities. But my past attempt to steal second gives me the confidence to do it again by knowing that I (we) will make it.

    Your post reminds me of the opening parable from Richard Bach’s Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah:

    Once there lived a village of creatures along the bottom of a great crystal river. The current of the river swept silently over them all–young and old, rich and poor, good and evil, the current going its own way, knowing only its own crystal self.

    Each creature in its own manner clung tightly to the twigs and rocks of the river bottom, for clinging was their way of life, and resisting the current what each had learned from birth. But one creature said at last, “I am tired of clinging. Though I cannot see it with my eyes, I trust that the current knows where it is going. I shall let go, and let it take me where it will. Clinging, I shall die of boredom.”

    The other creatures laughed and said, “Fool! Let go, and that current you worship will throw you tumbled and smashed across the rocks and you will die quicker than boredom!” But the one heeded them not, and taking a breath did let go, and at once was tumbled and smashed by the current across the rocks.

    Yet in time, as the creature refused to cling again, the current lifted him free from the bottom, and he was bruised and hurt no more. And the creatures downstream, to whom he was a stranger, cried, “See a miracle! A creature like ourselves, yet he flies! See the Messiah, come to save us all!”

    And the one carried in the current said, “I am no more Messiah than you. The river delights to lift us free, if only we dare let go. Our true work is this voyage, this adventure.” But they cried the more, “Savior!” all the while clinging to the rocks, and when they looked again he was gone, and they were left alone making legends of a Savior.

    michelle Reply:

    Thank you *so* much for sharing this, Jim; I just love it. I’ve also posted the link to your comment on the Bleeding Espresso FB page so others can enjoy πŸ™‚

  21. 08.17.2011

    Perfectly wonderful. Apropos timing, as always, marvelous depth and insight.

    You know what I really love, Bella?

    I love looking in my heart and finding you there, and looking in your heart through your words and finding myself there. What better place for friends to be?


    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

    michelle Reply:

    Your comments always make me cry dammit. Mwaaaaah xx

  22. 08.18.2011

    This is a fantastic post! I just came across your blog today – ironically, my last day at the job I’ve been working while trying to start a freelance career. As my freelance work became more intensive, I decided to leave the safety of my stable (health-insurance-providing) office job in the hopes of really grasping onto a new opportunity that I’ve been given. Can’t be sure that it will work out, but I’m so happy to be lucky enough to at least give it a try! Brava!

    michelle Reply:

    Wow, amazing timing indeed, Erica — best of luck, and congrats on even coming this far! Having my health insurance taken care of here in Italy is definitely a *huge* plus for this freelancer…..

  23. Kelly

    Hi Michelle, I’m sure glad you decided to focus on writing because I love your blog! Thank you for this reminder to just go for your dreams–I needed it!

    michelle Reply:

    Thanks so much, Kelly, and good luck!

  24. 08.24.2011

    please see my latest post re: first base

    more seriously , yes, it’s not only the fear of falling that stops you in your tracks, but the ghosts in your head (parents, your 3rd grade teacher) whatever, that remind you to criticize yourself or feel insecure.

    i was telling my wife the other day – we must detach – from the base so to speak – that’s keeping us stuck – you don’t have to feel guilty because they impede your progress

    i don’t think it’s possible to be happy without achieving some kind of goal

    but i wish moving off that base was less stressful

    michelle Reply:

    Less stress would always be nice, but it’s not always possible; thanks so much for coming by and sharing your thoughts πŸ™‚

  25. 08.27.2011

    Cara Michelle,

    A very resonating post for me too Michelle, thank you for speaking so wisely. I bailed out of the rat race years ago but success in my chosen field (writing) has been a long time coming. You are right – it is essential to protect and nuture the energy your passion requires, but a big family can drain you of this calm and the ability to behold, so much more than others realise.

    Now I feel there is a turn in my writing path, the pace has quickened and my first novel is coming out this year, and I have had numerous stories accepted. But now also I am under pressure to return to work (I also don’t like teaching and have to travel far, for so little)! Argh!

    I know I want to wriggle out of this one and push harder for success in what I know best. There may not be much money. But I think my writing would die if I threw myself out there to the wolves.

    Lovely to find this blog
    ciao cat

    michelle Reply:

    Best of luck with everything, Catherine, especially with your upcoming novel πŸ™‚

  26. I so agree with you and on a daily basis I say something similar in that you can’t move forward if you’re always looking back. And as nice as people think this philosophy is – not many women, sadly, are strong enough to actually LIVE that way. You and I have that alpha male gene thing that happens to most females in law school. We probably have many other things that have allowed us to live our dreams and I am so glad we do because if you keep looking back, eventually you trip and fall on your cula! Ouch!

    michelle Reply:

    I think the alpha male thing has to happen to even think about law school (I think there’s part “stupid” in it) hahaha πŸ˜‰

  27. Shelvin

    Good post. I think it really speaks to people who have a hard time giving up something that sustains them to go after something that nourishes them. I think it’s important to be happy at a job. Not ecstatic, over the top, jump for joy happy every minute of the day, but at least happy enough to not dread going to work every morning.

  1. [...] Whether the choice is ours or not, it’s scary to gather up your future in your hands and tend to it wi...



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake