Thinking Pink for My Birthday

Yes, today is the big 3-4 for me, and what better way to celebrate than with a gorgeous pink cupcake and a reminder that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month?

Chocolate cupcakes with rose water meringue buttercream by seelensturm on Flickr

Chocolate cupcakes with rose water meringue buttercream by seelensturm on Flickr

Carolina of Semplicmente Pepe Rosa and Chiara of Ma che davvero? have organized Italian bloggers to post about the Nastro Rosa (Pink Ribbon) campaign today in a concerted effort to raise breast cancer awareness in the Italian blogsophere. I am honored to take part, and I thank Rosa of Bell’Avventura for letting me know of this opportunity.Campagna Nastro Rosa You can see the full list of participating bloggers at Mamma Felice.

My fellow Eye on Italy podcast hosts and I recently talked about some things Italy is doing to recognize breast cancer awareness month, including turning the Frecciarosa trains pink and offering deals for women passengers; you can also read more about the Promo Rosa and thinking pink at Moscerina.

E come sempre per ulteriori informazioni visitare il sito

For those looking for more information on breast cancer awareness in English, here are some great links from

And remember our friend jewelry designer Angela Moore? Well she also does a breast cancer awareness collection, which you can find right alongside her ovarian cancer awareness collection:

Angela Moore Breast Cancer Awareness Collection

Angela Moore Breast and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Collections

And finally, two years ago I did a pink Flickr mosaic to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month — here’s the 2010 version:

Think Pink 2010
1. Pink, Pink, Sunshine…, 2. i love pink BASICS, 3. My pink wall, 4. Happy Pink Curled Party Ribbon On Aqua, 5. Starring PINK, 6. Free Pink Polkadot Bokeh Creative Commons, 7. Pink and Blue, 8. Pink Vanilla Cupcake, 9. Swamp Pink, 10. pink tulips, 11. Free Girl Holding Fun Pink Happy Birthday Balloons Creative Commons, 12. Pink, 13. Feet and Pink Blossoms, 14. Capitol Dome in Pink & Blue, 15. Pink Vanilla Cupcake with Heart, 16. pink roses

Remember, keep thinking pink and teal year round!

26 Beans of Wisdom to “Thinking Pink for My Birthday”
  1. 10.18.2010

    How pretty Michelle! Thanks for joining in. Pink is such an appropriate colour, so feminine and in so many flowers.


    Thank you Rosa — such an appropriate name you have, too πŸ˜‰

  2. Gil

    What a beautiful tribute to Breast cancer! Also, a very Happy Belated Birthday to you!!!!

    Thanks Gil!

  3. 10.18.2010

    Tanti auguri a tee, tanti auguri a teee, tanti auguri a Micheeelle… TANTI AUGURI A TEEEEEE!!!

    I loved this wonderful pink post, and that giant cupcake… madonna mia.

    Baci in pink,
    E xx

    Mwwwwaaaaaah! Grazie cara πŸ™‚

  4. Don’t forget about the Breast Cancer site, where you can help raise funds for free mammograms just by clicking a button! Lovely pink post today Michelle.

    Thanks for the reminder Joanne! I’ve put a direct link in your comment πŸ™‚

  5. 10.18.2010

    Ciao! Wonderful post & awareness about breast cancer. Buon Compleanno!!! I wish you a day filled with love, peace, happiness & many blessings. Hope you have a very special day!

    Thanks Alessandra!

  6. 10.18.2010

    A lovely post and a beautiful Mosaic.. I talk part too, and your name and link is on my post along with a few others and the link to Mamma Felice ..not sure if I did my post right .. we shall see.

    Happy Birthday have a wonderful day, take time off and enjoy. x0x

    Thanks so much Anne!

  7. Lisa

    Buon compleanno, Michelle!

    Grazie Lisa!

  8. Scicchi

    Happy Birthday!

    Thank you!

  9. 10.18.2010

    happy b’day, michelle, and think pink for eveer!

    Woohoo! Grazie Cinzia!

  10. Yea, if you get one of those cupcakes, you really should share with your pal here in Catanzaro. Have a great birthday, cara.

    Thanks Cherrye — no such luck this year, but maybe next!

  11. 10.18.2010

    Your blog is very inspiring…and your breast cancer awareness post great! Happy Birthday and many more!

    Thanks so much Lucy!

  12. Kristin Gress

    You are such a baby … 34 πŸ™‚ Have a wonderfully pink birthday my friend! Sorry I forgot to email you sooner. Love from your (original) home state!!

    Thanks Kristin! Always my home state, of course πŸ˜€

  13. 10.18.2010

    Happy Birthday Michelle! Sadly, I didn’t get the chance to post anything in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, but my sister-in-law organizes a great Breast Cancer Fundraiser with a brunch every year and this year I was actually able to donate a photo and a travel itinerary to be auctioned off!

    Happy to see so many people getting involved in such a good cause. It always feels good to give back πŸ™‚

    The brunch sounds so lovely! Thanks for the good wishes, Robin πŸ™‚

  14. 10.18.2010

    Your Pink Mosaic is a truly beautiful tribute to your informative post for today’s special action day, which i was delighted to be able to participate in.

    I hope you are out celebrating your birthday with a special supper somewhere this evening and that you have had a lovely day πŸ™‚

    Thanks LindyLou πŸ™‚

  15. Phew! Just in time to say “Happy birthday”! Love the cupcake and the photo-collage. Love from Sicily. xx

    Thanks so much!

  16. kevin glass

    tanti auguri ms lady!!!! Italy is wonderful. I’m American and now live in Padova and its great. Keep doing great things gorgeous!!

    Thanks so much Kevin!

  17. awedree

    Tanti auguri, Michelle! Wish you a belated very happy Birthday πŸ™‚

    Grazie cara!

  18. 10.19.2010

    Happy Birthday for yesterday Michelle!!! Hope you had a lovely day, even though the weather is horrible down here at the moment xx

    Indeed! This is probably the worst October I can ever remember! Hopefully that means a mild winter….

  19. 10.19.2010

    Happiest of birthdays to you sweet girl. πŸ˜€ …would that be dulce regazza?

    Hope you had a wonderful day, and I’m so glad that you celebrated it in PINK. Good girl.

    Much love and happiness to you in this new year of yours.

    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

    Thank you kindly cara πŸ™‚ xx

  20. Caterina B

    Here’s another funny take on the “Happy Birthday to you” song. A friend thought (and he speaks only Spanish) we were saying “apio verde tuyu, apio verde tuyu, apio verde tuyu uuu, apio verde tuyu!” And, a belated Happy Birthday to Michelle.
    ps. At my house we now always sing “Apio verde” on birthdays. We can’t get it out of our heads.

    Hahaha that is hilarious! Thanks Caterina πŸ™‚

  21. 10.21.2010

    Tanti auguri di buon compleanno, Michelle!!!!!! πŸ™‚


  22. 10.21.2010

    A belated happy birthday.


  23. I’m coming late to the party, but I have a good excuse. Hopefully we’ll be able to toast to each other in person this year soon! πŸ™‚ AUGURI

  24. Nell

    Happy Birthday, I wish you Love, Joy. Peace and freindship!
    Wonderful colage for Breast cancer awarness,
    Always be aware of changes in ones body and” Never allow any Doctor to tell you , that they’ll keep an eye on it!!!!!”
    Have a biopsy done, be your own advocate.

  25. 10.26.2010

    Happy Birthday-all the pink is quite beautiful.

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Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake