Please Help a Calabrian Dog Get to America!

**UPDATED: Dino is scheduled to fly to America on November 22nd — thanks so much to all who helped! Remember you can keep up with Dino at his site Sponsor Dino.**

Put anything fuzzy or furry or feathered in front of me, and I’ll want to cuddle it — especially if it’s a dog (or a goat). And I know many of you are the same way. Needless to say, when I got an email several months ago about a Calabrian dog named Dino who needed a home, it really tugged at my heartstrings.

I would have *loved* to have taken in Dino, but as we already have two dogs, a cat, goats, rabbits, and a menagerie of flying creatures (hens, roosters, ducks), I just couldn’t do it. If you follow me @michellefabio on Twitter or the blog on Facebook, you’ve already heard a bit about Dino as I pleaded for help from anyone who might adopt him, but finally there’s some good news — he has a chance to stay with the couple who have fallen in love with him!

Except they’re moving back to America, and Dino needs a ticket to his new home — which costs 1400 euros. And this is where you come in. First take a look at this face:

Wouldn't I look adorable with a Stars and Stripes bandana?

Wouldn't I look adorable with a Stars and Stripes bandana?

Now tell me you’d be able to sleep at night knowing that he could end up back in a crowded, flea- and disease-infested kennel without anyone to give him the love and attention he so very much deserves.

You couldn’t, could you?

Please consider donating whatever you can to help Dino get to America to his new home. I know there are so many causes and so many awesome charities that could use your money, but check this out — right now there are 1,362 Bleeding Espresso “likers” on Facebook — if each of you only gave 1 euro (about $1.40 as of this writing), Dino would be as good as home! Let’s make this happen!

Dino so deserves it after all he’s been through.

For more information on Dino and how you can help, check out Sponsor Dino…and spread the word!

13 Beans of Wisdom to “Please Help a Calabrian Dog Get to America!”
  1. Would it cost that much for a cat too?? One of my dreams is to rescue a Calabrian cat. Good luck with Dino. He is cute.

    Thanks Mimi 🙂 With Dino, there’s a bit of a complication in the travel plans, which is why it costs so much (more info is on Dino’s site); I don’t think a cat flown directly from Italy to the US with you accompanying him/her would be nearly as expensive, but I don’t know for sure. Good luck!

  2. pattie

    I donated $5 & hope he gets to the states soon!

  3. Anne

    The couple is so lucky to have Dino. Let’s help Dino get his first air ticket.

  4. 10.25.2010

    I’m with you, Michelle: if it’s furry & four-legged, I’ll do anything to help. I donated $5.

  5. 10.26.2010

    I will make a donation and hopefully Dino will come to America.

  6. Gil

    I think I just made a donation. I’ll wait and see if I get an email. If not, I’ll go back to the donation site and retry.

  7. 10.26.2010

    Add another $5 to it. YAY Dino! Good luck!!


    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

  8. 10.26.2010

    That’s a long way to go!
    Added another 5$. Hope he gets there soon!

    I still have to find a way to get my kitty to Sardinia from Perugia. It’s not that easy 🙁

  9. 10.27.2010

    I added 5 dollars too, I hope our joint effort will help poor little Dino!

  10. 10.28.2010

    Please tell me Dino is going home with the couple who have fallen in love with him? He is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to have him.

  11. 10.28.2010

    Just donated a few dollars, and retweeted this story to my friends. Such a cute puppy, I hope he finds a family

  12. not only did I donate $5 today but I also just finished a painting of an Italian dog!

  13. michelle

    Thanks so much to all who have donated and spread the word about Dino! As I type this, it’s been less than a week since I posted about him here, and we’re only about 400 euros away from his plane ticket — YAY!

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake