Angela Moore Earrings + Teal Toes Polish Giveaway for Ovarian Cancer Awareness
As we reach the end of September and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, please remember that awareness needs to happen *year round* if we hope to conquer this so-called silent killer. If you have a blog please consider posting the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer before month’s end so your readers have this important information.
And now, the final giveaway of the month offered up by Carey Fitzmaurice of Teal Toes. You may remember reading about Teal Toes here before at Bleeding Espresso, but if not, Teal Toes is an organization dedicated to raising ovarian cancer awareness run by Carey Fitzmaurice, an ovarian cancer survivor.
Carey came up with the idea to encourage people to paint their toenails teal in September, especially because:
- Ribbons aren’t enough.
- It’s easy!
- It makes your toes look pretty.
- Teal, the ovarian cancer awareness color, is striking enough to make people ask about it.
Carey has kindly offered up a pair of Angela Moore earrings (surely you remember Angela Moore Jewelry from our first giveaway this month) and a bottle of Diamond “Don’t Teal My Heart Away” polish with the Teal Toes logo on it.

Angela Moore OCRF earrings
To enter for your chance to win the earrings or nail polish, leave a comment below telling me what you have done or will do to spread the word about ovarian cancer this month and/or help the cause. Even retweeting or reposting about the contests and information here count!
For an extra entry, you can “like” Teal Toes on Facebook and/or and follow @TealToes on Twitter, and then come back here and tell me you’ve done so in a separate comment. You may both “like” and follow for a total of three possible entries, but the initial comment regarding spreading ovarian cancer awareness is the mandatory entry.
All entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CET Sunday, October 3, 2010; this drawing is open only to U.S addresses for shipping purposes. The winner will be chosen randomly.
Best of luck, and get those toes painted teal! Why yes, mine have been teal all summer long.
And remember you can always donate to the OCRF via my FirstGiving page!
33 Beans of Wisdom to “Angela Moore Earrings + Teal Toes Polish Giveaway for Ovarian Cancer Awareness”
- [...] away in support of Ovarian Cancer Awareness so please head over to Michelle’s blog and read this p...
My Mom is a 9 year Ovarian cancer Survivor, so I make everyone aware of the silent symptoms ALL YEAR LONG. I am blessed that my Mom survived this, so I always tell everyone what to be aware of about this cancer.
Donated some money and bugged some women to get checked. The earrings are beautiful!
I’ll retweet and share on Facebook – when I get home from the office, can’t do any of that from here. I’ll also write a post with a link to this post.
This is a wonderful blog! It was a very good read.
I was wondering if you would be interested in guest blogging on my blog. It is a collection of my travels and the travels of my guests. If you scan the site you can see that now almost 100% of the posts are from guests. Lately I’ve been finding many people interested in guest posting.
Included in your post will be a link to your website using whatever anchor text or key words you wish and a description of your site (if you choose to include one.)
The blog ( contains hundreds of great stories from travelers who love to share their journey with the world…
So if you are interested in being a guest, please let me know.
Send me an Email:
I will spread the word among my friends and paint my toes teal
I tweeted about the giveaway also
I “Like” teal toes on facebook (Tanya Riley)
I recently finished my chemotherapy treatments for Stage 2 Ovarian Cancer and am participating in my first ovarian cancer awareness walk this Sunday! I have been raising money for awareness (around $500 so far) and will continue to do so for as long as I am able. I will be painting my nails teal for the walk as well!
I volunteered with NOCC for the Walk to Break the Silence (record breaking 10th year in Pittsburgh~!!!) and I retweet and share links about symptoms and research from NOCC as well.
My grandmother was a 16 year survivor with all the classic symptoms…if only she had known! Hope more women listen.
My mother in law is fighting right now! I’ve started up a page on facebook called Who Do You Wear Teal For? so people can tell others why they wear teal! My family walked at OROC (out run ovarian cancer) and my two little girls wore teal tutus so people would ask why when they saw our pictures. We wear teal on our toes, teal hair ribbons, and fly a teal flag outside!
I have a base of light purple polish with teal tips…..everyone keeps commenting! Great way to explain!
I have worked with Turn the Town Teal and my town to make it teal. My friends all wore teal on September 3 and sent me pictures that I posted on fb. Many friends have teal bows on their doors. I have worked on putting pictures of teal toes to music to make a movie. I have gotten the volleyball team to have a fundraiser for OCRF and posted probably to the point of my friends getting nauseous about OC activities all over the country and of course told and retold the symptoms of OC to anyone who listen! More planned!
1) I painted my toenails teal
2) I encouraged others to paint their toes teal
3) I put the symptoms on my blog (
4) I work for a school district and sent every single person an email entitled “Because I care” with symptoms and facts about Ovarian cancer (See below)
5) I also put my “Because I care” on Facebook and tagged several of my friends (see below)
6) I emailed “Because I care” to several other friends
7) I had an OVCA table at a Health Fair and clothing give-away where I offered literature and had a large display
8) I included OVCA literature with our church cancer support team table at a Ladies conference(24th-25th)
9) I gave all my co-workers I work directly with a card with the symptoms
10) I had a month-long campaign at our local Curves. They usually do a challenge every month where they put stickers up every time they exercise. I gave an OVCA one along with related stickers. I also made up and provided a OVCA word search with symptoms for their monthly puzzle.
Because I care!
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month! Please review the symptoms below!
* Abdominal pressure, fullness, swelling or bloating
* Urinary urgency
* a frequent need to urinate
* Pelvic discomfort or pain,
* Persistent indigestion
* gas or nausea
* Unexplained changes in bowel habits, such as constipation or diarrhea
* Loss of appetite or quickly feeling full
* Increased abdominal girth or clothes fitting tighter around your waist
* Difficulty losing weight
* Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)
* A persistent lack of energy
* Low back pain,
* Numbness or tingling in legs
* Changes in menstruation
* Symptoms above worsening during menstruation
Ovarian Cancer is often mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome, Diverticulitis, pregnancy, cysts, stress and depression.
Ovarian cancer affects females ages 9-99. Do NOT let a doctor tell you that you are too young to get cancer!
A blood test does not always pick it up. If you have any of the symptoms above, Insist on a trans-vaginal ultrasound.
Women who have had both BREAST cancer and Ovarian Cancer in their family history are at risk for Ovarian cancer!
It can also strike if you have NO history of cancer in your family!
Pelvic exams do not usually uncover ovarian tumors. A pap smear cannot reliably detect ovarian cancer?
Please do not ignore, thinking it can’t happen to you. That was what I thought.
I like TealToes on Facebook and have even changed my profile picture to “Fight Ovarian Cancer”! I wear teal bracelets every day to support the cause. I lost my grandmother to it and my aunt is currently in remission! This cause is close to my heart.
My sister my hero, was a 16 month surviver. She went to be with the Lord in August. I’ve posted jounrals on the ovarian cancer awareness site. I also like teal toes on FB, I share there comments on my page as well. I also like a few other sites. I have the teal toe cards, at my daycare, I left them at the county health dept. I also share my sisters testimony, how she fought a good fight. She held on until the birth of her second grandson. She was 48 years young. In the comming months we’ll be sharing with the t-shirts, and other teal items. Can’t wait to purchase the polish.
I am a 3 year OVCA survivor. I painted my toes teal on September 1st and have been telling everyone who comments them about Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, about the symptoms and encouranged them to get checked. I tweeted/and facebooked about a OVCA quiz, participated in Wear Teal day on Sept. 3rd and have been wearing my teal ribbon pin and teal wristband to promote awareness.
I’m sharing this link.
I have a beautiful whisper bracelet that I wear all the time, and when someone comments on it, I go into the explanation of what it is~ Ovarian Cancer has signs that whisper and I explain that and offer info for them to learn more about Ovarian Cancer and awareness!
I have teal toes~ and I tell all my friends about Ovarian cancer! My speech therapist died of Ovarian cancer at age 41. She was an amazing woman who taught me talk/speak, she always was helping others and loved her students! I have cards I give out that explain the symptoms of Ovarian cancer! My mom gave birth to me, but it was my Speech therapist that gave me the gift of life~ she taught me how to speak! I want no one else to have die from this horrible disease~ too many amazing women are dying from this cancer~ and we need to end this disease NOW!!
I spread awareness all year by carrying symptom cards and a small roll of tape in my purse. Each time I visit a restroom or dressing room, I tape a symptom card to the stall door or the dressing room mirror. At church, I leave a card in the hymnal. In the library, I put cards in books, especially those that are popular with female audiences. I’m a teacher, so once a year at “meet the teacher night,” I staple a symptom card to the class information handout that I give to parents. Awareness is important because it saved my life nearly 10 years ago. I am a stage I survivor, and this cancer is too rarely found in such an early stage.
This month is especially dear to my heart as it was one year ago yesterday (9/27) that ovarian cancer took my beautiful and courageous mother (known to many as MaggieB). She fought the battle for 5 1/2 years and it is no surprise she chose to leave for heaven the same month we celebrate Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month!
I have had Teal Toes all month and encouraged others to do the same. I’ve worn my Ovarian cancer teal bracelet every day for a year (I just can’t take it off).
throughout the month I’ve posted numerous blogs, education sites and videos for ovarian cancer awareness on my facebook as well as my workplace. I am running the Portland Marathon 10/10 in honor of my mom (wearing teal, of course) and have created a special tattoo that I will have placed after my marathon.
Everything I do is in honor of my mother, in honor of those that have already past, the survivors, and to the loved ones who are also affected. Thank you.
My mother is a 29 year ovarian cancer survivor. Her mother had intestinal cancer which is also a risk for ovarian cancer. I have always made ovarian cancer awareness my mission. I just had a hysterectomy last week for a suspicious ovarian tumor but thankfully my results were benign. I have been following Teal Toes for a while and paint my nails teal and pass out the Teal Toes Ovarian Cancer Awareness cards. I first made contact with the Ovarian Cancer Coalition many years ago. My fb profile is Teal. For years my sister and I have both had yearly ovarian ultrasounds, CA-125, and make sure we are in tune with our bodies. This is not a legacy we want to pass on to our daughters but of course will have to make them aware of the symptoms as well.
my toes have been teal for 2 years! A friend of mine was diagnoised in Dec. 08 and I was diagnoised Aug. 09. Fighting the good fight and spreading the word! I place teal toe cards everywhere I go, it may be a silent killer, but I am not a silent person!
fan on Facebook and Twitter:)
I plan to make sugar cookies and ice with teal colored icing. I will place these in the teacher’s lounge in the elementary school that I teach. Since we are mostly women ( only 4 men) this will get the message out.
My aunt is facing Stage IV ovarian cancer, and since her diagnosis last year, I have blogged repeatedly about this disease, especially the lack of funding and awareness when compared to other cancers. I’ve distributed Teal Toes cards to doctors and around my school, written articles for about ovarian cancer, and spoken out about it to many people. I was planning on doing a triathlon in honor of my aunt, but due to surgery, I can’t, but still doing everything I can to raise awareness!
ooops, forgot to mention I “like” Teal Toes on fb and follow her on twitter. 🙂
I’ll tell my friends to check for symptoms of ovarian cancer and to go to the doctor.swiener1[at]
follow you on fb ‘n mentioned your super giveaway. swiener1[at]
follow TT on twitter. swiener1[at]
Wow! I’ve just read all the comments and I am so inspired. I love to see so many people spreading awareness and getting the word out there. As I shared with you before awareness is uber important to me as my sister was diagnosed with stage 3C in March. She had so many of the symptoms but none of us (including doctors) put them all together until her tumor was incredibly large, 35 pounds large!
Since that time I have made spreading awareness of the symptoms a personal goal of mine. I’ve dyed my normally dark brown hair teal and wear a button that says “Ask my why my hair is teal” I pass out cards with signs and symptoms to everyone that asks me (and even to those that don’t). Several of my friends and family have done the same, thereby forming “Team Teal”.
The teal hair is worth every weird look I may get when I remember just how many people are learning about Ovarian Cancer. I also posts signs and symptoms on Facebook and give updates on Team Teal.
Thanks so much Michelle for your awesome blog and for spreading awareness. You and your readers have certainly inspired me to continue on my mission!!