If You Know Me Well, You Know…

Inspired by my good friend Frances:

  • If you know me well, you know that I am a sucker for fuzzy creatures, I love cappuccino any time of day, and I can’t stand people with inflated egos.
  • If you know me well, you know that I am a bleeding heart liberal, I love living in southern Italy, and I can’t stand watching anything with Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal (but can kinda sorta tolerate Jean Claude Van Damme if I must).

  • If you know me well, you know that I am a Coal Cracker, I love reading, and I can’t stand water running down my sleeve (just writing that skeeves me out).
  • If you know me well, you know that I am experiencing life with baby goats for the first time, I love finding and sharing inspiring blogs and websites, and I can’t stand cold hands and feet.

  • If you know me well, you know that I am not happy unless I’m working on several projects at the same time, I love climbing into freshly washed sheets, and I can’t stand that weird feeling when a fingernail is too short.
  • If you know me well you know that I am a big fan of pizza, I love (and miss) March Madness, and I can’t stand when I have to pull my laundry in just minutes after I’ve put it out because of rain.

  • If you know me well, you know that I am not likely to jump out of a perfectly good plane, I love trying new foods, and I can’t stand mosquitoes.
  • If you know me well, you know that I am proud to be all hopey *and* changey, I love castles, and I can’t stand whining.

P.S. All the photos here are, of course, from my trip to NYC in December, during which I met Frances for the very first time in person. Un bacione Francesca!

I would love to read your take on this prompt, so please post yours in the comments or on your own blog/FB/Twitter and let me know!

Buon weekend!

29 Beans of Wisdom to “If You Know Me Well, You Know…”
  1. Lesley

    Oh! Clean sheets – the best feeling!!. It always makes my husband laugh when I do the “clean sheets, clean sheets” song. It’s even better if you have forgotten and only remember when you climb in 8-))

    YES! Forgetting and then being surprised is the best! Especially when they’re flannel and warm in the winter or cool and soothing in the summer πŸ˜€

  2. 02.12.2010

    Girl, I am with you on the laundry. I hate when I have to bring it in after I’ve just put it out. That drives me crazy!!!

    Of course, there’s the pizza as well. In fact, I did something similar to this on my blog yesterday and I mentioned the pizza love.

    With the laundry, it’s *always* when I’m super meticulous about putting on enough clothespins too…*and* when there are LOTS of socks. Grrr…. Will checkout your pizza post πŸ™‚

    .-= Sonia P´s last blog ..Honest Scrap Challenge =-.

  3. 02.12.2010

    I am SOOOO with you on Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal (I can tolerate Van Damme too, if necessary). What is the fascination about with those two boneheads? Can you believe that Rete 4 has been showing Walker reruns for over 4 years? (I know this because O and I have been waiting for them to start showing something else for the whole time I’ve been in Italy).

    It’s gotten to be quite a joke in our house as well, especially regarding Seagal…P just looks at me and smirks when he’s flipping through and there’s something with him in it…which there almost ALWAYS is. Mah.

    .-= Mary´s last blog ..Hazy =-.

  4. 02.12.2010

    This is a great idea! Here’s mine: http://yummysushipajamas.wordpress.com/2010/02/12/if-you-know-me-well/

    Thanks for sharing Heather!

  5. 02.12.2010

    Slowly getting to know you and loving every post.

    Aw, thank you πŸ™‚

    .-= LindyLouMac´s last blog ..Pruning =-.

  6. This was a fun read.

    I love the clean sheets thing too.

    I appreciate them more here since now I actually have to iron them. In the States I used to put them in the dryer.

    Weird fact, not drying them is better for the sheets. I try to remember this fact as I stand there cursing and ironing said sheets.

    buon weekend.

    I believe you that not drying is better; it definitely *seems* like clothes do better off when they’re not dried…I don’t iron though. If someone would do it for me, I’d love those clean, ironed sheets even more!
    .-= nyc/caribbean ragazza´s last blog ..Flashback Friday – Alexander McQeeen & Kate Moss =-.

  7. 02.12.2010

    Great post! πŸ™‚ I already knew some of these things, but not all. Great to get to know someone a little better. God bless x

    Thanks Bec! Hope you’re doing well πŸ™‚

  8. 02.12.2010

    Michelle – I just finished my cappuccino (that’s right, at 17:50), as I too, want one whenever I want one. Reading this post, while sipping my cappuccino laced with just a hint of cardamom, just made my day. Grazie per l’ispirazione!

    Prego! Also, YUM!

    .-= Valerie´s last blog ..Fleas and Puddle Jumping Under the Tuscan Clouds =-.

  9. 02.12.2010

    I actually do feel like I know you. Thanks for writing and for reading. xoxo

    Thank *you* Jennifer πŸ™‚

    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..an immigrant in my own home =-.

  10. 02.12.2010

    Very informative. I feel like I know you.

    Great to “see” you again! Hope all is well πŸ™‚

  11. 02.12.2010

    Fab post.. What’s a Coal Cracker?

    I’m with the others on clean sheets. NYC – I hangout to dry, but don’t iron, best of both worlds?

    What is it with too short fingernails? That wierds me out too.

    I’ve linked the Coal Cracker to a definition now πŸ™‚ I just hate when one of my nails gets below that “comfortable” level and then you can like, I don’t know, *feel* it when it touches things. Ew. πŸ˜€
    .-= travelingsuep´s last blog ..Cultural catch-up =-.

  12. 02.13.2010

    Oh no…I’ve been whining. I hang my head in shame. I’ll go away & come back another day. (Fellow former but always Pennsylvanian.) Will be watching b-ball this weekend & will think of you. Not neener-neenering…it means I’m somewhere where there’s heat. ciao-meow Michelle.

    Oh I mean whining more like from a kid…Moooooooooom pleeeeeeeeeease?! Complaining/whining I can deal with, to a point πŸ˜‰ Hope you enjoy your bball!

    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Week’s End – Love Minus Zero/No Limit =-.

  13. Linda

    Ah, if you know me well you’d know that I love all the neighborhoods of New York and exult in showing off my home town to visitors. Sorry I missed you in December. Please let me know the next time you breeze through. While we don’t have many goats (don’t go there!), I’m sure we can offer many other things to delight. I adore Italy and have been there many times. Still, I always come home to NY. Somehow, it is my True North.

    Thanks for the great posts!

    Love it Linda! I really have to spend more time in the NY area the next time I go to the States; there were *far* too many people I missed seeing πŸ™

  14. 02.13.2010

    I love short nails-not bitten short-I love the scent of fresh sheets-although not when you find bugs in them. Nothing is worse than washing dishes and having the water coming down your sleeves. I actually had a guest goat Pricilla this week over on my blog.

    I have relatively short nails too, but I mean when the break, etc., and are just a little below where they normally sit; I didn’t realize you had a guest goat!

    .-= Esme´s last blog ..Weekend Cat Blogging: One Happy Kitty =-.

  15. Gil

    You forgot to mention how you love to work hard! Your blog is a good indication on how you like to work.

    I do like to keep busy, indeed, Gil…I was just saying to my mom last night that I have a hard time just sitting and watching TV without doing something else too…except if Lost is on πŸ˜‰

  16. 02.13.2010

    So how is all that hopey changey stuff workin out for ya?
    P.S. Stewart and/or Colbert came up with the Palin slogan for 2012:

    “Abandon all hope that anything will ever change”.

    Yes, I believe that was Colbert. I actually think my hopey changey stuff is working just fine, although I reserve final judgment until health care reform is passed….
    .-= Di´s last blog ..Last Post from the USA =-.

  17. 02.14.2010

    Awww. Love this post! I might do it myself. Happy Valentine’s Day Michelle!

    Let me know if you do, Anali! Hope you had a great V Day πŸ™‚

    .-= Anali´s last blog ..A Very Random Blog Post =-.

  18. 02.16.2010

    Why someone would jump out of a perfectly good plane is beyond me!

    Hahaha, good to know I’m not alone!

    .-= Deidre´s last blog ..The shoes of my dreams. =-.

  19. 02.16.2010

    I love this post, such a fun and revealing one! I’ll definitely be doing my own version of it soon.

    Also, water down the sleeve? EEK!!!

    Look forward to reading it, Karina!

    .-= Karina´s last blog ..popinjay – Photochallenge – FREE =-.

  20. 02.16.2010

    I just stole this idea for my own blog…http://www.decoybetty.com/2010/02/if-you-know-me-well-you-know.html

    πŸ™‚ Thanks for the inspiration.

    Thanks for sharing your link! Love it!

    .-= Deidre´s last blog ..The shoes of my dreams. =-.

  21. 02.17.2010

    You know – I just love you.
    Come back to New York soon.

    I shall do my best! <3

  22. 02.17.2010

    Thanks for the explanation of coal cracker (although I think I’m going to spend the next hour looking through the urban dictionary)

    I KNOW! That’s a nasty little site if you’re trying to be productive….

    .-= travelingsuep´s last blog ..AUCTIONING FOR CHARITY =-.

  23. Leslie

    I love your site!!! It’s sounds like we sing from the same page as well as many of your other bloggers. Oh Oh and I have never heard any one say “skeeves me” outside of my family. It was wonderful B-) Planning to visit the Salerno area this June. Am riding the rails for a month looking for a place to settle. Any suggestions or recommendations?
    ps. Can’t live without a cappucino in the afternoons. That’s what Italy did to me last summer, and I’m not sorry!!!!

    Hmmm a place to settle near Salerno? I’m not overly familiar with that area, but have you checked out some of the blogs more up that way, like Laura’s Ciao Amalfi? Thanks for coming by, and buon viaggio!

  24. 02.18.2010

    Great post! I will try to do a similar one too. I may have to dig through my old pictures for ones to put in my post though as it’s been too cold here for any recent outdoor photo outings. If you know me well then you know I really dislike cold weather πŸ™‚

    Hahaha, well you don’t *have* to put photos in, but of course I’d love to see them πŸ™‚

    .-= Rebecca´s last blog ..my dream of Italy =-.

  25. 02.21.2010

    I certainly see eye to eye with you on lots of things- sheets, egos and jumping out of planes (the last one I tried but apparently I have freefall phobia)

    Oh goodness…you’re brave for even trying!

  26. 05.06.2010

    Is it bad that I just leave the laundry out there?… in hopes that the sun will shine, dry them out and I can pull them off the line just as I had planned, as if the rain had never passed through!

    I love your blog! I just moved to Italy 6 months ago, Naples specifically, and I am inspired by your heartfelt stories, yummy recipes and all in all good fun πŸ™‚

    Thanks Tiffany πŸ™‚ Just be careful with leaving your clothes out here in southern Italy…you may get ash from volcanoes and whatnot (I didn’t believe this either until I saw it on my clothes!) πŸ˜‰

  1. [...] You Know Me Well 12 02 2010 Inspired by Bleeding Espresso [...]... yummysushipajamas.wordpress.com/2010/02/12/if-you-know-me-well
  2. [...] D wrote this post the other day that I thought was really interesting. Apparently she found it here, and... words.rhealitycheck.com/if-you-know-me-well-you-know
  3. [...] Michelle from bleeding espresso used photos from our afternoon in New York to illustrate this post. [...... blogjem.com/2010/02/25/update-february-25th-2010
Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake