Calabria Pride: Noi Ci Mettiamo Il Cuore

I just couldn’t resist sharing this *gorgeous* video promoting the Region of Calabria featuring one of our favorite sons, Gennaro Gatuso:

Gah! I *love* this video!

Don’t you just love the distinctly Calabrese feel to Gennaro’s words…simu o no Calabrisi? Are we Calabrians or not?!

For non-Italian speakers, the last line before the video montage is “Calabria has everything,” and then the closing line, which so perfectly describes my bella Calabria:

We put our hearts into it.

Viva la Calabria!

So, when are *you* coming to visit us here in the toe of the boot?

46 Beans of Wisdom to “Calabria Pride: Noi Ci Mettiamo Il Cuore”
  1. 02.23.2009

    Now that’s what I call promotional advertising in a truly grand tradition! Wonderful! Love all that passion for the place!

    Indeed…and Calabria is certainly *full* of passion 🙂

  2. awedree

    Love the video; such a beautiful place and equally beautiful people. Thanks for sharing. As for visiting, you have no idea how much I am just aching to take a tour of Southern Italy! I will definitely keep you posted. Buon lunedi 🙂

    And also to you Awedree 🙂

  3. Gil

    The video really gets his message across as I now have more desires to visit Calabria again. Thanks for posting the videos.

    Come on over Gil!

  4. You know how I feel about Gennaro. 🙂

    I hope to visit sooner rather than later.

    nyc/caribbean ragazza’s last blog post..The Oscars

    Is it normal that whenever I see Rino, I think of you? 😉

  5. 02.23.2009

    That gave me “frisson”. (He’s cute, too!)

    casalba’s last blog post..Boiled Beef & Carrots


  6. 02.23.2009

    Carino questo! I like it! I haven’t seen it on TV, though? Have you?

    I’ve seen it quite a few times on RAI and on SKY (which is why I searched it out on YouTube)–I actually thought it might have only been playing in Calabria, but it seems Judith in Umbria has seen, so we’ve branched into at least one other region 😉

  7. Joanne at frutto della passione

    Great video! I have to admit that I was a little distracted by the open shirt!

    Joanne at frutto della passione’s last blog post..Fritole ricche from Veneto

    I know. So much eye candy 😉

  8. Jeff

    I’ve stood several times in the very place he stands at the beginning, with that rock in the sea. I know exactly where that is! I thought it was Basilicata but the Italian Girlfriend says that’s where Calabria starts. I love the commercial too.

    Jeff’s last blog post..Around the house…

    That’s such a gorgeous spot; I haven’t been. Yet 😉

  9. 02.23.2009

    We so do not want to be those type of ex-pats who say we really must go to….. and then 6 months before their post is ended realize they haven’t. Calabria is on the list. So much to see and only 2 years left to do it in.

    Willym’s last blog post..Skate Italia!

    Through all our communication, I didn’t realize there was a limit on your stay…oh dear! Two years is still a lot of time though…surely you can spare a long weekend 😉

  10. 02.23.2009

    The other night I was watching San Remo and they showed the Dolce e Gabbana commercial for “Light Blue” with the guy in the boat in his skivvies, then they played the Calabria one. I was left sitting in my Umbrian kitchen with a dying old cat on one side, a shedding Persian on the other wondering where did I go wrong.

    Oh I know that Dolce e Gabbana ad…it’s a wonder you could even focus on the Calabria one 😉

  11. 02.23.2009

    OMG I’M COMING OVER RIGHT NOW. Seriously, that made me get all choked up. I’m so homesick!!

    Just linked to this in my blog post – and I’m sending it to my friend so we can get DOWN THERE!

    Miss Expatria’s last blog post..Absolutely Fabulous Travel Planning

    Yes yes yes!

  12. 02.23.2009

    What a fantastic video! And with Gattuso on top of it too – who wouldn’t want to come visit when he’s doing the promoting for his region?!

    With my family right in Puglia, you’d think we would have come to visit Calabria at least a handful of times, but sadly, we’ve only been once and I was too young to really remember. Hopefully on one of these next trips over to Italy, we will make a stop into the toe and really appreciate all it has to offer.

    Lisa’s last blog post..Nonna Linda, Daddy and Leandro lovin’

    You’ll definitely have to come over, Lisa, and I highly recommend the Ionian Coast 🙂

  13. Ahh bella Calabria! Home of the beautiful people. All that and Gennaro too, set another place for supper, I’m on the next train!

    amanda@A Tuscan View…’s last blog post..Exhale…

    Woohoo! Can’t promise Rino though….

  14. carol

    just one word———-homesick!!!

    Carol, this made me a bit homesick, and I live here 😉

  15. 02.23.2009

    I love it… con tutto il cuore:) and I miss Calabria. I hope soon Michele….

    joe@italyville’s last blog post..Arancini

    We’ll be here, Joe 🙂

  16. 02.23.2009

    I was just at BIT (Borsa Internazionale di Tourismo) in Milano over the weekend and let me tell you Gatuso and Calabria were BIG and STRONG at this event! Seriously, Calabria had one of the best exhibits (along with Puglia and Le Marche in my opinion). Calabria looked gorgeous! 🙂

    Woohoo! Go Calabria! I’m loving this new initiative that seems to be taking place…come one, come all!

  17. 02.23.2009

    Oh boy I want HIM! Wrap ‘im up Michelle, I’m on my way…..
    Wait, haven’t I learned anything about Calabrese men from my past experiences?
    Wait, yes I have and I WANT HIM!

    anna’s last blog post..Me ‘n Pepe Le Pew…….

    Hah! And speaking Calabrese…just too adorable!

  18. Imani

    I’d cook for him any day, any place! 😉

    Hee hee…he *is* a cutie 🙂

  19. mannajjia! ho un groppo alla gola… and I’ve never even been there.

    one day, cara. and sooner than you may think…

    paul of the clue-by-four’s last blog post..Help me help my community!


  20. Imani

    Oh, I forgot…Calabria is beautiful too. Gotta get back to the land of my father one day!

    He’d be so proud 🙂

  21. Sandy

    Wow – so beautiful – I can’t get there soon enough!!

    We’ll be waiting, Sandy!

  22. 02.23.2009

    I wonder how long it would take to get a passport… could I be there by this evening?? 🙂 Gorgeous, and makes me crave a trip to your part of the world even more than before. What a lovely place to live.

    Aimee’s last blog post..Blog Cabin!

    Yes, get that passport! Never know when you’ll want to flit over 😉

  23. 02.23.2009

    Oh, that is beautiful. I am sure I’ll visit one day.

    Elra’s last blog post..Panettone

    Come on over Elra 🙂

  24. 02.23.2009

    Now THAT is the kind of travel advertising I’m talkin’ about!! Very nice. Very, very nice 🙂

    My Melange’s last blog post..Travel Photo Friday : Venice

    I was *molto* impressed myself 🙂

  25. 02.23.2009

    Sigh … just a huge wistful sigh from grey wintery Belgium.

    Di’s last blog post..The weekend …

    It’s a bit grey here as I type this, but that’s OK…the video reminds me of better weather to come 🙂

  26. 02.24.2009

    You have NO idea how much I want to. Truly. And Calabria in particular. (And yes, it only has partly to do with the research, but as I’ve done the research, I’ve so fallen in love with the culture).

    jen of a2eatwrite’s last blog post..Music Monday: Blogger Aid – “Imagine”

    You’re going to love it here, Jen 🙂

  27. I LOVE the video!! Can’t you please translate line by line? C’mon, pleeeeeaaaassse? LOL

    Maybe someday, but not today 😉 Stay tuned!

  28. 02.24.2009

    I love it. This is the year I visit Calabria, I know it!

    Katie’s last blog post..Bella Foto Friday: Perugia

    Woohoo! We’ll be here!

  29. 02.24.2009

    Hi Michelle,
    Great video! I will be sure to add that one to my geneology blog.

    And speaking of when I will be coming to Calabria… I am planning a trip this year. I have two possible times picked out, and then I need to find a companion who can travel either in the summer, or in late October.

    I am so looking forward to this trip, you can’t imagine!


    JenniferRafferty’s last blog post..La Bettola

    Ah I remember planning my trip to Calabria *very* well…so exciting!

  30. 02.24.2009

    That is fantastic! I want to put that on my blog and will link back to you if that’s ok because I want heaps of people to see it.

    Leanne in Italy’s last blog post..Italian funeral traditions

    Yes! Please do! I want as many people to see it as possible too…it really is a great video 🙂

  31. 02.25.2009

    I was also distracted by the open shirt as well as his gorgeous face and voice. Do you know him?? I think I need to watch it again to see Calabria. Great video! I hope to get to Calabria someday.

    girasoli’s last blog post..the Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca ~ Bologna

    Nope, don’t know Gattuso personally but he’s my favorite calciatore 🙂

  32. 02.25.2009

    Great video. I’ve just bought a flat in Calabria, only as holiday home for now, and look forward to returning in the summer. The video & your blog leaves me wanting to book a flight today.

    Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your time here 🙂

  33. a.

    Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it makes me want to visit Calabria! I always have wanted to, but Gennaro Gattuso without a shirt just sealed the deal.

    Yeah casting him was *smart* 😉

  34. valentina

    The place where they filmed the ad is Roseto Capo Spulico, province of Cosenza. It is my father’s village; I was just there last August, feeling that I never wanted to go elsewhere – ever.
    I am happy that now everybody can see just how beautiful our it is.
    I love your blog by the way!

    Thanks Valentina! And thanks for sharing that info. Hope you’ll be back soon 🙂

  35. 02.26.2009

    I’ve been to Calabria twice from the US to visit my extended family there and each time wondered why tourism isn’t more developed there. It’s beautiful old Italy filled with gracious people and gorgeous scenerey. I miss it.

    Lenora’s last blog post..Interview With Author Fred Plotkin

    We have similar feelings on Calabria, Lenora 🙂 Thanks for chiming in!

  36. Okay, if you can tell me that Rino wanders the beaches of Calabria on a regular basis – especially with his shirt hanging open like that – then I’m buying a ticket. Right. Now.

    Hah now *there’s* an ad campaign!

  37. 02.28.2009

    Is Wednesday soon enough? My cousin is heading over to surprise my uncle on his 60th birthday…. he asked me if I wanted to go with him. Apparently it doesn’t take much Michelle… booked my ticket yesterday!

    joe@italyville’s last blog post..Fantastic Photos

    Awesome! Ask and you shall receive, eh? Buon viaggio!

  38. 03.09.2009

    I absolutely love Calabria and its people, genuine warm hearted people with a real propensity towards hospitality.

    Reggio is my favourite place there and I love walking along the waterfront looking towards Mount Etna!

    Lovely description 🙂 Thanks for coming by!

  39. 09.30.2010

    Can you be homesick for a place that was never technically your home?.. 3 months tops. Anything related to Italy that I see makes me miss it so much. It’s already been a full year since I’ve last been there!

    Loved the video though. It would sure make all the women want to go!!!

    I strongly believe you can be homesick for somewhere you’ve never lived…just like I think we can miss people we’ve never actually met 🙂

  40. 05.24.2011

    OMD, I’ve got goosebumps! GG is also one of my favorite calciatori =)

    Hee hee, mine too!

  41. 06.07.2011

    i love this promo spot for Calabria. thanks for sharing Michelle. i wish they would do a version (w/ the overdubs in English) for the other markets. perhaps we can start a campaign to request this. what do you think?

    This ad was from 2009 — I’m not even sure they’re still running it, but they should absolutely do these in English as well. Of course I don’t know that they even show them outside of Italy though….

  42. 06.07.2011

    That was a terrific 50 seconds. No wonder you love it. I’m passing this on to peeps who only want to hear about Tuscany. (No offense to Tuscany:)

    I’m working on it (getting back there)…first step was winning the travel book giveaway. It helps to have a book-on-the-nightstand, I’ve always found.


    Woohoo! No offense to Tuscany taken hahaha 😉

  43. Leslie

    I’ll be there in October! I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yay! Buon viaggio Leslie!

  1. [...] a bake-in-the-sun kind of girl. This probably rules out the whole southern tip of Italy as well. (Michel...
  2. [...] at Bleeding Expresso, an American living and blogging in Calabria, posted this beautiful ad featuring Ga...
  3. [...] at Bleeding Expresso, an American living and blogging in Calabria, posted this beautiful ad featuring Ga...



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake