on becoming a knifty knitter
I can’t take credit for that punny play on words in the title; it’s direct from the package of my brand new Knifty Knitter Assorted Loom Series by Provo Craft!
I had been wanting one of these ever since I started reading Sara’s American Girl in Italy years ago, and as of about a week ago, I finally have a set thanks to the concerted efforts of a friend from the US and my mom.
Grazie mille!
Well on Saturday night, P was out with the boys, and around 10:30 pm, I started to get bored. I glanced over and saw the looms and thought, hey, why not?
Less than two and a half hours later, I had this:
Seriously, the instructions on this set are *fabulous*. I had absolutely no trouble picking this up and going with it. It’s so fast and easy–how can you beat having a new winter hat in the time it takes to watch a movie?!
OK, so the yarn I had wasn’t the most appropriate for a winter hat, so I will have to get some thicker stuff for the next go around–and then I’ll also make a matching scarf.
Oh yes, in the set you get different sized looms to make different things–the long, skinny one is for a scarf, as you might imagine:
To be clear, I’m not being compensated in any way for sharing this wonderful product with you; I just know that some of you are crafty and might be interested, and I know I always love getting personal recommendations.
So go forth and loom!
Tell me, do you loom? Knit? Crochet?
Any favorite websites for these hobbies?
32 Beans of Wisdom to “on becoming a knifty knitter”
- [...] What did you do in 2008 that youβd never done before? Read several books in Italian, knitted with a lo...
I remember taking an old wooden thread spool, drilling the center hole larger, put some small nails or brads (don’t remember how many, around the hole and crocheting something like a long snake. Ask your Mom if she remembers something like this. I guess I now know we made looms.
Absolutely Gil…you were a knifty knitter and you didn’t even know it π
“Match Maker, Match Maker, Make Me A Match!”– Do you ever read the Palazzo Pizzo Blog? She did a post on textiles to which a gal in Bailicata commented that she raises alpacas and makes Alpaca yarn. This is the web site she posted, http://www.zarza-alpacas.com. How cool if you could use ‘local’ yarn?! Ciao, Karen
Yes I do read Susanne’s blog! Thanks for the tip π
To be honest, I never did get looming, knitting, and crocheting. I’m trying to understand why so many people enjoy it. :o) I had to sew and “cross-stitch” for middle school and high school classes. It *was* fun making cute things like pillows. Hmmm….
Tarie’s last blog post..Author Interview: David Michael Slater
I’m a cross-stitcher, and I do rather enjoy that; I didn’t get into the others even though my grandmother and mother tried to show me how many times…my mom started teaching to knit again on her visit here. We didn’t get very far π
My question is…did you already know how to knit or are you a complete beginner? I have always wanted to learn to knit, but have a hard time holding the needles. I crochet and sew…or better…I used to before I had kids. I hope to get back to it someday!
Saretta’s last blog post..A Poem
COMPLETE beginner, Saretta. I’ve tried to learn to knit and crochet when I was much younger, and it never really “took.” As I just wrote to Tarie, my mom tried *again* to teach me to knit when she was visiting, but we didn’t get very far. Mostly because of the lack of time though because what she did teach me, I picked up OK…but I will learn eventually dammit! I need someone to teach me in person, I think, because any written instructions I’ve seen have left me clueless on even how to get the dang thing started….
Seriously this loom thing is for absolute beginners, like 10-year-old girls even. GREAT family project π
Hey, I have one of those! Like your pink one, but made of wood with metal pins and 3ft wide.
A couple years ago, I wanted a scarf to match my skirt but it was Christmas-eve and I couldn’t find the right shade, so I found matching yarn and made an entire scarf that very morning.
Ssshh! To tell you a secret, I think scarves made with two knitting needles look prettier, but require sooooo much time and patience that I prefer this method.
That was the last time I made something, and now you’re making me nostalgic…
Hey, isn’t it too hot to knit?
Love the Christmas Eve story! And a great thing about looming, I think, is that there isn’t a whole big knitted thing resting on your lap making you hot. In any event, I’d only loom during the evenings when it’s cool…you’ll notice my 10:30 pm start time π
Hi Michelle… stop over today – I have a little something for you! π
Dory’s last blog post..An award for ME!
Thanks Dory!
Wait, in that short a time you created that hat?!?!
That means even _I_ could learn how to knit!
nova’s last blog post..Drops of Possible Wisdom
I know Nova; I’m shocked as well by the speed of hat-making…yes, you too can definitely knit π
Nice job crafty!!
My mom is a knitter and crocheter. I have a total of about 5 scarves she has done for me. She has kitting needles.
She sells her wares as well.
She keeps wanting to teach me, but I want no part of it. Maybe when I get older.
My MΓ©lange’s last blog post..NYC: Scenes From the Train
Oh Robin, you should definitely take her up on that offer; there’s nothing like having an in-person teacher showing you the ropes, er, yarns?
brava on a cute hat! knitting scares me…it seems too complicated. I did learn a tad of crochet and cross-stitch though.
erin :: the olive notes’s last blog post..fay. the storm that won’t go away
I heart you Erin…and looming just may be for you! It’s so *not* complicated…it’s wrapping yarn around pegs basically π
Wow — very impressive. My grandmother was great at knitting, but no matter how much she tried to teach me, I never really got it — the stiches were never uniform — either too tight or too loose. Same issue with crochet π This loom thing really looks like it’s made for someone with my knitting/crochet issues. I cross-stitched a lot as a teenager, but as my vision got worse (I am so near-sighted it’s sad) smaller projects like that always gave me headaches. I haven’t touched a needle in years (my husband is in charge of re-attaching any loose buttons on clothes for both of us :)). Hmm — I do need to go check out this loom thing.
City Girl’s last blog post..Beauty Monday — My Favorite Beauty Blogs
I think looming would require much less precision than traditional knitting and definitely less than cross-stitch…this could be your answer!
I don’t knit, tried it once, not a great result!! π Just like Erin, I have done cross-stitch, in fact I did an Alphabet in old fashion stitiching for my mother in law, it is framed and in our bedroom that we use at her house! π
Must admit those looms look rather complicated but I am sure I could pick it up..I would give it a go anyway.
anne’s last blog post..American Foods
Oh I love the cross-stitch samplers; I made one for a friend’s wedding, and I always loved to see it hanging in their house π
The loom is *so* simple, seriously. You basically start at one peg (it’s even marked off by a peg sticking out the side) then wrap the yarn around each successive peg…you do that twice, then pull the lower wrap up over the higher one and the peg, and boom–your first row!
Maybe not a winter hat, but lovely for spring or fall? Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever completed a knitting project other than an ill-fated hot pink and royal blue scarf I finished in sixth grade (and yes, it was as lovely as it sounds).
jen of a2eatwrite’s last blog post..Bling Fling Thing Part II
Hah, hot pink and royal blue are *so* back in Jen…wear it proudly π
I’m a knitter. Nothing like handknit socks. Or a nice warm shawl to throw around your shoulders when sitting at the computer. Or fingerless mittens seem to be my newest addiction!!
Kacey’s last blog post..By the Time a Woman turns 50
Ooh I can’t wait until I can make socks…is that possible with a loom? Hmm….and I definitely need fingerless mittens so I can wear them while I work in the winter. Houses are *freezing* here!
Sue Reply:
December 31st, 2012 at 4:15 pm
Yes you can make socks on a loom..here is a link to a youtube video to give you the idea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdCJhtKEYRc I just ordered mine to try
michelle Reply:
January 3rd, 2013 at 12:51 pm
My family lived on the edge of a wheat field when I was a kid. My mom taught me to make wheat weavings, which I would then sell at a local gift shop. I never learned to knit, but I imagine that it’s relaxing and meditative in the same way that wheat weaving is. It made a fun way to spend a dark winter’s eve. ~Tui
mentalmosaic’s last blog post..Question of the Week: Italian Toilet Paper
Oh that sounds *so* relaxing and wonderful Tui! What great memories they must be π
I don’t knit, but your post makes me think maybe I could!
Diane Mandy’s last blog post..I’m the map!
You definitely can, Diane…and within minutes!
I’ve seen those at Michael’s a gajillion times, but never bought one. I was afraid I wouldn’t use it. After Share A Square http://thiseclecticlife.com/shareasquare/ , I probably don’t need to tell you that I crochet. I also weave on a big four harness loom and spin the thread I use to weave. I love working with fibers. Maybe one day (when I get bored with my other projects) I’ll give these a whirl. YOU look like you’ve mastered it. Go, girl!
This Eclectic Life’s last blog post..Donβt You Just Hate It Whenβ¦
Not quite mastered, but I’m comfortable with the basics now. Now I can work on tension and all that good stuff. After crocheting all those squares, though, Shelly, this would be too easy for you I think π
Very nice for your first attempt; it’s a great feeling to have something both beautiful & useful that you know you made.
I’m an avid knitter; my grandmother tried teaching me when I was younger also, but it didn’t take. It wasn’t until I was in my 40’s that I got the hang of it & haven’t looked back. I agree that having one-on-one lessons are the best way, but really, once you get comfortable holding the needles & familiar with knit & purl (because those are the only stitches- all patterns are just a combination of the two) it won’t be long before you are stitching away. Sometimes, using shorter needles make it easier- I like to use circular one for everything because the needles are short & you can “rest” your work on the cable in between sessions without fear of it slipping off.
The two websites I use most are: knittinghelp.com, which has tons of video tutorials on nearly every aspect of knitting; & Ravelry.com, an online oragnizational tool & forum site- you can list your yarn, needles, patterns, books, even build a wish list, find patterns (many frees), yarn information, link to vendors, see what others are working on for inspiration, & tons of help; there are also hundreds of groups you can join or peruse that share your interests- movies, hobbies, political interests, regional, pets- you name it, there is probably a group!
I’ve been intrigued by those looms- I think I ought to have them in my stash π
meg’s last blog post..More of the same & a cup of coffee
Thanks Meg–so much great info here! Looks like I could develop a serious knitting/looming addiction if I’m not careful….
YAY! That’s wonderful! You did very well, and it looks like a perfect autumn hat, if not for winter!
I still have the scarf that I knitted for you, sorry I haven’t sent it yet… but it got packed into a box that I haven’t yet unpacked from the move. You should get it just in time for winter this year… ;o)
You’re a quick learner, can’t wait to see what else you create! I bet you’ll have blankets and all kinds of things done in no time!
Scarlett & Viaggiatore
Wanderlust Scarlett’s last blog post..Settling Matters Of The Heart ~ The Cardinal Rules Of Love
No worries Scarlett…winter usually starts late here and ends late as well, so there’s plenty of time!
I’m a knitter. That loom is cheating. π (I’m just teasing; glad you’re having fun with it!)
As for crafty web sites, Craftster.org is always fun to peruse, but don’t go there unless you have an hour or so to kill. It’s addictive reading through all the posts!
Stefanie’s last blog post..Nerd Meter
I totally agree with you Stefanie…looming is definitely cheating. And I think that’s why I like it even more…so naughty! π Thanks for the Craftster tips!
May I suggest that you make your hats thinnish and then layer them to get unusual color combos and shaping possibilities?
This is not the kind of hat I can wear, so I shall eagerly wait to see what comes out of it that I could wear.
Judith in Umbria’s last blog post..Pasta alla Norciera
Great idea Judith…and what if I put a little flower on the side? Would you wear it then? Because I *do* have a flower loom π
So I read your post and thought wow, cool, something to be creative and make my own funky hats! I went to Lewis Craft on my lunch hour and found the kit. I tried to do two rows this morning. I had to unravel it, I think I made it too tight and then I poked myself with the hook..ouch!
I will try again later. They didn’t have the assorted so I think I’ll just resign myself to hats, although a scarf would be nice.
Lucy’s last blog post..Sunday Afternoon…This Morning
I unraveled my first two rows too! It was also about the tension–mine were too loose! Keep at it, Lucy and keep an eye out for the scarf loom!
I don’t knit or crochet. I have two left thumbs and am left handed to boot! Things like that have always been hard for me to grasp – in my mind and hands! :o) I would love to learn though. My daughter has been wanting a kit like this ever since her summer camp had something similar. Up here we would definitely need the heaviest yarn we could find.
I wonder if they have left-handed looms; yes, I would imagine that it would be difficult to just pick up a lot of these things…they’re already difficult to wrap your head around doing it the exact same way, never mind flipping it all! And yes, I would imagine the very heaviest yarn (maybe doubled, tripled) would be best for you π
This thing is COOL! I might just have to pick myself up one and start making Christmas gifts!! Of course, I’ll have to figure out something else for my family in Arizona since winter wear is never *really* needed.
I used to crochet when I was a kid and my grandmother taught me how to knit, but I never made anything but a simple (and kinda ugly) scarf. My mother, on the other hand, once crocheted Christmas ornaments for our tree. We still have them!!
Craftwise, I do a lot of sewing. I’ve made clothes, halloween costumes and even dolls. See one of them here: http://bellavenere.blogspot.com/2008/05/what-doll.html
I do miss the crafty stuff, as I can’t do much in the truck, but I’ve always been one to be doing some sort of craft. Now I’ll be getting a loom like yours. VERY cool!!!
Salena’s last blog post..False Security
Oh I think this would be great for life on the road; it’s actually pretty compact and best of all, hard to lose track of (except there’s a little hook and needle that you’ll have to keep separately). I hope you enjoy as much as I do π
You are way too crafty for me! Wow. Of course, here in Florida, I’d have NO use for a hat or a scarf. Seriously. π I bought my cutie patootie four-year-old a lavender hat to wear for fashion purposes, and it never got cool enough for her to wear it.
Chel’s last blog post..Homesickness, my old friend
I imagine you don’t have much use for anything knitted really…hmm…maybe it’s time for a vacation north π
i used to crochet a lot but not anymore. haven’t tried knitting though.
btw michelle, how do you ever have time to do all these crafty things? seriously. π
I really don’t…I’m working on it, though, b/c I really do miss crafting π
I used to crochet some, but I never learned how to knit. This looks like it might be fun…and so fast! Looking forward to seeing your future projects.
Ami at Writing: My Life’s last blog post..Open Letter to Mothers of Small Boys
The “fast” part of it is what really appeals to me Ami π Hope you’ll give it a try!
Your post has made me start thinking about knitting.
flooring’s last blog post..Basement Flooring: Form and Patterns
How fun! I want to try. π
I hope you do Nino…then show me what you’ve made π
And you can do socks, and purses and sweaters YES! all on a loom!
Check out http://www.purlingsprite.com
I love my looms!
Thanks Mama B! Looking forward to checking it out π