Tuesday Morning Market in Calabria: Part I

Every Tuesday morning, vendors of fruit,

Fruit at the weekly market on Flickr


Fruits & Vegetables on Flickr


Herbs at the market on Flickr

meats and cheese,

Salumi e formaggio al mercatino on Flickr

(especially local cheese)

Pecorino Locale on Flickr

hold a mercatino in the main square of the village.

And when I say morning, if you’re not there before 10 a.m., well, you’ll just have to wait until next week.

Hustle and bustle at the mercatino on Flickr

Speaking of which, be sure come back next Tuesday for Part II of Tuesday Morning Market in Calabria for a lesson from a pro in how to get a good deal and lots more photos!

What would you buy at the weekly mercatino in my village?

38 Beans of Wisdom to “Tuesday Morning Market in Calabria: Part I”
  1. 05.06.2008

    Everything looks so colorful and fresh!!

    Marie’s last blog post..ROSEMARY LEMONADE (SPIKED!!)

    Indeed Marie–it’s such a lovely sight in the morning 🙂

  2. 05.06.2008

    Michelle..I’m addicted to cheese, if I could grow it I would! 🙂
    Ciao Bella!

    Laurie’s last blog post..“Shish Kebabs”

    I hear you Laurie. Cheese is one of my weaknesses as well.

  3. Gil

    Too bad they don’t have evening markets. You couldn’t get fruit and produce that beautiful if you grew it yourself around here at this time of the year.

    Evening markets are solely non-food around here, but they’re still quite fun 🙂

  4. Sally

    That’s a difficult question. It would have to be the fruit, the vegetables, the herbs, the meat and cheese (and especially the local cheese).

    Hee hee….

  5. 05.06.2008

    The cheese for sure, the herbs, the tomatoes, heck probably a little of everything. It all looks so fresh!

    The vendors would *love* you 🙂

  6. Christina

    Since I get to go to my very own market I can tell you what I DO get lol I absolutely love the markets here and I will surely miss them once we are gone, but until then I will keep buying super fresh veggies & fruits as well as some of the tastiest cheeses I’ve ever had.

    Lucky you Christina! Isn’t the produce just amazing? And the cheese…oh the cheese….

  7. 05.06.2008

    oh yes, definitely I’d shop there 🙂 Gotta love the markets! Especially with cheese at that price!

    erin’s last blog post..a weekend in the country

    You’ve intrigued me about cheese prices…we may have to do a market compare one of these days 😉

  8. Joanne

    I love markets, but I hardly ever get to go during the week.
    The pit falls of a 9 to 5 job.
    I like getting seasonal stuff and local *prodotti tipici*
    Pick up some cheese for me 😉

    Joanne’s last blog post..Revisiting a classic

    Depending on your commute time, if you’re around at 7 am here, you could get quite a lot of shopping done 😉 Don’t worry–I’ve got the cheese covered for you 🙂

  9. 05.06.2008

    That pecorino looked good to me. That’s what I’d have bought! 🙂

    Cherrye’s last blog post..Travel Tip Tuesday: Saving a Little Green

    I always buy pecorino 🙂

  10. 05.06.2008

    Awesome looking market.

    Looking at that I would have bought some fresh eggplant and zucchini, some olive oil and balsamic vinegar, some nice cheese and bread, grilled the veggies and made me a sandwich.

    running42k’s last blog post..Are you even listening?

    Sounds *fabulous* to me!

  11. 05.06.2008

    Now you’ve found my addiction, the markets. Yum, does that Pecorino look good or what? That’s what I would have bought and probably started eating it in the car on the way home! Do you get the Porchetta van at the markets in Calabria? Here there is always a guy in a van selling roasted pig, it’s stuffed with garlic and fennel and is the most glorious, intense, savoury hit. The smell is so enticing that nearly everyone you see is gorging on it. Boy, do I love a good market.

    amanda’s last blog post..The birds and the bees

    Amanda, we don’t get the porchetta van up here in the village, but the market in the Marina (on Mondays) and the big one in a nearby town (Fridays) has much more of a selection. The chicken/meat van is the one on the left in the wide shot of the market–there was a line because he had the nerve to arrive late that morning!

  12. 05.06.2008

    This is Life, my dear…Enjoy!
    And thank you for sharing.

    Irene’s last blog post..Over the weekend

    Thank you for stopping by Irene 🙂

  13. 05.06.2008

    How unkind of me not to answer your question! Got carried away by the deepest feelings…
    Well, DH would certainly go for the meat and cheese, bless him. But we would thankfully not leave the mercatino without some potted herbs. There, you’ve got my button of least resistance!

    Irene’s last blog post..Over the weekend

    Not unkind at all Irene…and I love those herbs too 🙂

  14. 05.06.2008

    Wow!!! Hmmm, I would have bought a little of everything. I am a *sucker* for fresh food, especially at an authentic Italian Mercato!!! Everything looks so great! I can just smell that cheese…..

    My Melange’s last blog post..Travel Tip Tuesday:Saving on Airfare

    Pecorino for everyone! Yum 🙂

  15. Mary

    Our market is Tuesday morning too! I love the fresh vegies and the cheese. MMMM Pecorino is my all-time favorite cheese.

    Mary’s last blog post..Network frustration

    Pecorino and I have a similar relationship Mary–I can’t get enough!

  16. alexmom

    Definitely fruit, cheeses and herbs…..but where are the meat guys????? Should I wait till tomorrow to say that I’d totally NOT buy the bunnies and guinea pigs???? :>) But I’ll always buy a Porchetta panino on market day.

    The meat truck is in the wide shot of the market on the left, but the truck with rabbits, guinea pigs, hens, etc., is on the other side of the piazza out of the photo.

    Don’t worry, P more than makes up for your non-purchases from Rocco 😉

  17. 05.06.2008

    Mmmmm….it all looks so good! I’m so excited for the market to really get going here!

    BTW, if you have a few minutes, stop by and comment every day this week to help me raise money for maternal health causes over at BlogHer Acts.

    smtwngrl’s last blog post..Blogher Acts Donation Challenge

    Ooh thanks for letting me know! And enjoy your market 🙂

  18. 05.06.2008

    gorgeous photos! I absolutely LOVE open markets. Those cheeses and herbs look stunning and yummy!!!

    Jane’s last blog post..Tuesday

    Thanks Jane; as you know, I loved “closed” markets too, like Reading Terminal 🙂

  19. Novelist

    I would buy absolutely EVERYTHING! It all looks amazing. I love outdoor markets, especially the ones in Italy. 🙂

    Me too; I just love walking around and seeing all that color 🙂

  20. 05.06.2008

    Pepato Cheese, Ricotta Salata, cheese, cheese and more cheese!!!!
    Then eggplant and peppi!

    It’s about 11:05 am here and I’m starving now!!!

    Lucy’s last blog post..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!

    Sorry about that Lucy…. 😉

  21. 05.06.2008

    Cheese, cheese and more cheese. And probably some grapes…love some Italian grown grapes right about now.

    Lisa’s last blog post..My Little Diva

    No grapes in sight right now unfortunately; the downside to seasonal markets 🙁

  22. 05.06.2008

    What would I buy? Well, a little bit of everything. Those colors on the fruits and veggies are so appealing, and the cheese? OH THE CHEESE!!! 😉

    You know, I meant to pop over here and let you know I’d tagged you for that meme, but now that blogger allows you to “auto-publish” in the future, I forgot I had that ready to go. 😉 Ah, the wonders of technology!

    Karina’s last blog post..Message In A Bottle Meme

    That’s OK, I got the message anyway…and wow, I didn’t realize Blogger had finally come around on the auto-publishing. That was one of my least favorite things about Blogger.

  23. 05.06.2008

    I am such a sucker for these… ‘farmers markets’…

    I’d buy at least two of everything and then sit and have coffee as close to market as possible, to people watch (and make photos, of course)…


    Thanks for the outing! It’s lovely!

    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

    Wanderlust Scarlett’s last blog post..spring cleaning

    Lucky for you there are bars (cafes) on either side of the piazza 🙂 And I didn’t include the photos here or on Flickr yet, but I was also greeted by one of Stella’s puppies while I was up there!

  24. 05.06.2008

    Just to have a local market that you can walk to sounds like heaven. I wouldn’t need to buy anything but just soak up the atmosphere but of course i’d have to go for the veggies & cheese.

    Michelle – on the pecorino locale it had a price of Euro 8.90, is that for a kilo? or am I reading that wrong.

    Thanks for sharing the photos.


    Ice Tea For Me’s last blog post..what’s cooking wednesday’s – not so much

    Linda, yes that’s the price per kilo–it’s an amazing deal. Supermarkets can be twice that, although around the holidays, I’ve seen similar prices in the supermarkets as well.

  25. Maryann

    I’ll have to buy a bit of everything, Michelle! It all looks so good. I’m not quite sure what that fruit is between the tomatoes and the melons in the first shot?

    Maryann’s last blog post..Piggyback

    Those are our local zucchini Maryann 🙂 Aren’t they adorable?

  26. Imani

    I go to Italy once or twice a year…Brescia. I ADORE the markets and I buy anything and everything. There are two in Brescia; one on Tuesdays close to where I go to stay and a larger one on Saturday in the city proper. Do they sell stinco di maiale there in Calabria? BTW, I read your blog every day M-F and I really enjoy it since my Father is from Falerna, Provincia di Catanzaro in Calabria :-).

    I haven’t seen stinco di maiale, but perhaps I’m looking in the wrong places 😉

    Thanks so much for reading–actually Cherrye’s (My Bella Vita) husband used to work in Falerna…small world 🙂

  27. 05.06.2008

    Thanks for sharing your market with us..it is delightful.

    I would buy a bit of everything..take it back to my holiday apartment, cook and savour the tastes of Italy. 🙂

    Anne’s last blog post..Lets Help Mrs Carr….Please read this..

    Sounds like a lovely meal Anne 🙂

  28. 05.06.2008

    I just love the markets there…When I was in Venice, we were near the fish market and I woke to wonderful opera being sung by a vendor every morning…it was lovely!

    sadira’s last blog post..Smitten…

    Ah the fish vendors are the best! I passed one on the main street on my way to take photos of the market that morning, but since all the fish was covered up, it wasn’t a great photo op…some day!

  29. 05.06.2008

    A little bit of all of it. Looks great!

    Kelli’s last blog post..Mixed Media

    Help yourself Kelli!

  30. 05.07.2008

    I love local markets. In the town I am from we have a local market on Thursdays with all the local vendors and I miss it. Here in Perth we had a great market in Subiaco but it’s no longer. Only a few vendors left because the real estate is going to be developed.
    I would love to buy some cheese at yours. Oh, I am dreaming of it right now.

    cheeky’s last blog post..soul dust

    Oh that’s so sad about your market 🙁 I’ll pick up some extra cheese for you!

  31. 05.07.2008

    I’d definitely buy the local cheese. And anything fresh and seasonal. In our Farmers Market, my favorite egg seller is sold out by 8, so I’m there at 7, usually. 😉 Ours are on Wednesday and Saturday.

    jen of a2eatwrite’s last blog post..Music Monday – “Future’s So Bright” – Timbuk 3

    I love having to know the secrets on *when* to go…enjoy your market this morning 🙂

  32. 05.07.2008

    I’m simply in a puddle of drool over here in California. Even though they have farmers markets here the smells aren’t as good, the colors not as bright and the characters not as lively (nothing beats a fish monger yelling into your ear).
    So what do I miss most right now? The cozze, the basil, the artichokes, the beans –sorry i have to stop –keyboard all wet now!

    Alex’s last blog post..House Dream #1

    Fresh seafood is definitely a draw, I agree…I *almost* took a video of “Pescipescipesciiiii!” as I walked up the Corso behind the car…next time 🙂

  33. Scicchi

    I agree with many, everything would be on the list. But the meats would be way at the top as it is so hard to get anything good around here, especially now since the one small butcher/meat market I went to for everything a few towns over is closing the end of the month. Ugh.

    What?! Who’s closing?! Please don’t say Bressi’s….

  34. Sandy

    Mmmmmm – it all looks so good and fresh. Is everything organic too?

  35. 05.07.2008

    Wow, those are some AWESOME pictures!! Can I visit you? 🙂

    Waiting for Zufan’s last blog post..The writing on the wall

    So long as you bring that adorable little one 🙂

  36. Ariana from Chicago

    I would love this place. I think I would look for some of the same things I had during my meals in Cosenza with family. I love those crushed green olives (olive schiacciati?) that I can’t seem to find anywhere. I would have to find rigatoni and some pork ribs to make a meaty tomato sauce. And finally some burrata cheese, another hard to find item. It’s like mozzarella with a gooey center. Oh gosh, how could I forget, my mom would be so upset if I didn’t return with some fresh ficchi.

    Oh those olives are so good! You have a fabulous shopping list there Ariana…making me hungry!

  37. 05.09.2008



    Don’t worry I always think of you when picking eggplants (lilacs=purple=eggplants). That’s supposed to be a good thing 😉

  38. Rose Marie Milcetic

    Hi Michelle. I am seeing this months after you wrote it and I am definitely salivating!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD BUY SOME OF THOSE LOVELY EGGPLANTS AND MAKE A DELICIOUS PARMIGIANA!!!!!!!!!!!!! UMMMMMMMM DELIZIOSO!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Wow that is an outrageous toll! That’s too bad as any money you’d save on shopping is already gone 🙁

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake