Announcing World Nutella Day 2008!

***Be sure to check out for the most up-to-date info!***

Who can remember the first time they were allowed to eat chocolate for breakfast?

Nutella is more than just a “chocolaty hazelnut spread,” it is a way of life. From childhood memories to oozing hot crepes, from breakfasts on vacation to free-spooning sessions on the couch, Nutella is prominent in the memories of many children and grown-up children in the world.

Last year we gave it its own holiday, and this year we’re continuing the tradition.

Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso (and Shelley from At Home in Rome, in spirit) solemnly declare February 5th “World Nutella Day 2008” – a day to celebrate, to get creative with, and most importantly, to EAT Nutella.


How to participate:

  1. Make a recipe using Nutella. Take a picture of yourself eating Nutella with a BIG spoon. Make art with Nutella. Wax poetic about Nutella. Re-live your first experience eating Nutella. Have a Nutella-eating contest or a Nutella party!
  2. Take pictures, upload a video, and blog about it from now until February 4th, 2008.
  3. Email nutelladay [at] nutelladay [dot] com. with Subject: Nutella Day Entry and include your name, your site name, and your permalink/URL by February 4th, 2008. You can also attach one 100×100 pixel photo of your dish, etc. to be included in the roundup. We’ll be posting the round-up on the 5th of February.
  4. On your blog, please include the Nutella Day 2008 badge and/or a link pointing to this post so others can participate, too!
  5. Tag/categorize your post with “Nutella Day.”

World Nutella Day 2008

  • Flickr: Add your photos to the Nutella Day Flickr pool
  • YouTube: Add your Nutella-inspired video to the Nutella Day YouTube station

For some inspiration on Nutella recipes, read:

Hope to see you around for this year’s celebration!

35 Beans of Wisdom to “Announcing World Nutella Day 2008!”
  1. 01.21.2008

    Would you believe that I have NEVER seen this product on any of the store shelves, at least not around here?

    Is this product marketed in the states -and if so, in Pennsylvania?

    Is that weird or what?

    jeni Hill Ertmer’s last blog post..Sleepy Sunday

    To be honest Jeni, I’ve never seen it in central PA either, although I’m sure it’s down in Philly–South Philly at least! Don’t worry though–I’ll be sure to hook you up when my mom visits. I have more faith that it’ll get to you in one piece if she sends it from across the river than if I send it from here 😉

  2. Gil

    Even though I love chocolate I have never got hooked on Nutella. I guess my wife, daughter and son eat more than my share. My wife gets it in Connecticut in plain plastic jars and not the drinking glasses and other things available in Italy. My sisters are able to buy it in the burbs of Philly.

    Gil, I never even had Nutella before I came to Italy. I honestly don’t eat a ton of it, but I always have some in the house–sometimes it’s the only thing that will hit the sweet spot 🙂

  3. Gil

    Didn’t read your post clearly enough. You picked a great day as Nutella day!!! Ha-Ha-Ha!!!

    Are you referring to Super Tuesday? Nutella is good for winners *and* losers you know 😉

  4. Gil

    I forgot about Super Tuesday. My little sister just sent me an email that she was coming up from PA on the weekend before. That only means she’s coming for my birthday as Tuesday she’ll have to be in Malvern working! This means my wife and I have to clean the joint up a wee bit.

    OOOOOH! Well what a day February 5 is this year!

  5. 01.21.2008

    Yum yum yum! I am all for any holiday that’s about chocolate. Thanks to you, I’ve decided to start celebrating this one this year!

    Glad to hear it Nova!

  6. 01.21.2008

    Yeah!!! Never can get enough of the stuff…..

    My Melange’s last blog post..Bonne Fete

    Glad to hear you’ll be celebrating Robin!

  7. jas

    what an amazing idea! i just became obsessed with this stuff. i never cooked with it though, [it doesnt last long.] i only see the little containers though. ):

    also they do sell it all over philly at regular markets. and oh man, at capogiro they have nutella gelato ::swoon::

    jas’s last blog post..a knitter with no yarn. does this make any sense to anyone?

    I hope you give a recipe a try Jas! IMHO, Nutella is good in pretty much everything 😉

  8. 01.21.2008

    Oh. How. FUN! I can’t wait! BTW… February 5th is also Fat Tuesday, so maybe we could all go to an early grave by celebrating with paczki spread with nutella! LOL, my arteries are hardening just thinking of that. (Except, probably, my arteries don’t think).

    My DS is going to LOVE this project!

    jen of a2eatwrite’s last blog post..Music Monday – Who IS that Guy and Why is He Singing in French?

    OK “paczki” definitely sounds like something someone in my family should’ve been making all along…do tell me more. Martedì Grasso here we come!

  9. 01.21.2008

    Hi. Congratulation on the new blog! It looks great and takes much faster to load!

    I love nutella. Maybe I’ll join 😛

    Andie Summerkiss’s last blog post..DNA in access

    Come on Andie! It’ll be fun! And thanks for the congrats 🙂

  10. 01.21.2008

    Now there’s a holiday I can get behind… I do love a frosting sandwich! 🙂

    Stefanie’s last blog post..Can I hear that word in a sentence?

    Do I sense a recipe from Stefanie coming upon us?

  11. This year I will actually try to make to make something. I heart Nutella.

    nyc/caribbean ragazza’s last blog post..MLK Day

    Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  12. 01.21.2008

    There’s a jar in my pantry as my kids and I love it but I’ve never thought of cooking with it.

    Bren’s last blog post..Fun Monday – My View

    You’re in for a real treat Bren!

  13. Oh how I love nutella–I’m going to have to think on this. We use in on our PB&Js and on crepes and on cake . . . oh how I love it.

    Michelle at Scribbit’s last blog post..Rabbie Burns and Some Auld Lang Syne

    I love Nutella with peanut butter–I usually throw on a banana. YUM!

  14. Lilian

    I love Nutella, too–or at least I did until I discovered that it contains partially hydrogenated oils. Now I buy a chocolate hazelnut spread (sold at Trader Joe’s) which doesn’t have those oils. It’s as delicious as Nutella (I think), and it’s made in Turkey. I wish it were made in Italy! I’d rather support Italy and its exports, but I just can’t bring myself to eat hydrogenated oils again. Sigh.

    Lilian if you’d like to participate with your select chocolate hazelnut spread you’re more than welcome to join in 🙂

  15. Joanne

    Now I understand!
    This is great!
    I’ve been going crazy for the past hour trying to put the badge on my blog but so far no luck. Will keep trying! Oh this has made my night!

    Joanne’s last blog post..The First Time

    I see the badge has made it! Woohoo!

  16. 01.21.2008

    Nutella…. the sole reason I put back on the 10kg I lost, ha.

    alyndabear’s last blog post..Hats Off To You.

    Oh don’t say things to make me angry with Nutella!

  17. Joanne

    ok got it!
    There is something that I have been dying to try for ages, this is the perfect excuse!
    I love this idea!

    Joanne’s last blog post..World Nutella Day 2008

    Thanks Joanne! So happy to have you be a part of this!

  18. Eryn

    i discovered National Nutella Day last year and was so beyond excited that it existed. didn’t know that there were others out there that share my obsession.

    i consider myself a Nutella purist in that I prefer to only consume with a spoon and an ice cold glass of milk on the side. it usually only has a shelf life of 48 hrs. in my house. (for real)

    however, I have started to include it in recipes so I’ll definitely participate this year.


    Can’t wait to see what you come up with Eryn! I *know* you’ll have fun preparing a recipe or two 🙂

  19. SabineM

    My youngest asks for Nutella every morning! I dare make a recipe. I am not sure I want her to call in love with another way to eat Nutella!
    Great idea though! Will come check out the recipes! Incidentally, big election day February 5th!

    SabineM’s last blog post..Do you have a great idea to make the world a better place?

    Yes Sabine, Super Tuesday is also Nutella Day! Woohoo! I hope you enjoy the recipes 🙂

  20. 01.22.2008

    I only tried Nutella a couple of years ago. I found it at an Italian market in LA. I love it on toast with coffee.

    Grace’s last blog post..Sean Bean: Most Attractive Man

    Mmm…Nutella and coffee. I also like Nutella and tea. And Nutella and hot chocolate (too much?) 😉

  21. 01.22.2008

    Looooooooooooooove Nutella! Once you’ve had it, you start thinking of things you can spread it on or make it with! If you can’t find it in your town, order it online! It’s SO worth it.

    Salena’s last blog post..Eddie Friday

    Well I happen to agree with this 100%. Go figure 😉

  22. 01.22.2008

    i am *thrilled*
    that you decided to celebrate My Birthday–
    February 5, 2008–
    by honoring yummy nutella!

    i could not be happier,
    i could not!

    see—–> 🙂

    my favorite way to eat nutella
    is off of the end
    of a spoon
    and over again
    a long time…

    somepinkflowers’s last blog post..we are doing OK in a subprime world

    Yeah! What a fabulous day it will be! I’m fond of your favorite Nutella-eating technique myself 😉

  23. 01.23.2008

    I love love LOVE Nutella! Always have, since my days of living in Italy 20 years ago. I get soooo excited when I find it here! :o)

    beanie’s last blog post..It’s c…..c…..c…..c…cold…. Make it stop….

    Hey Beanie! Do you think you could make something to warm up with Nutella…yum!

  24. 01.23.2008

    I’ve still never had Nutella! I’m going to go and buy some so I can participate!

    Anali’s last blog post..Things Are Heating Up

    Great Anali! Can’t wait to see what you think!

  25. 01.23.2008

    I’m so sorry I missed this! I LOVE Nutella. In fact, the day you posted this, I was singing its praises to my friend. (We were eating Maria cookies and I was saying how yummy it would be to make a Nutella-Maria cookie sandwich). So, my heart was at least in the right place. I was celebrating and didn’t even know it! Not as good as EATING Nutella on World Nutella Day but darn close. 🙂

    PS There’s a picture of a HUGE container of Nutella in my Paris flickr set.

    Now that we’ve got this settled via email, I’m curious about this photo….

  26. 01.27.2008

    LOL! Glad someone actually came out with this one. I will be delighted to be part of it… thanks sooo much for inviting me over and woohoo! NUTELLA ROCKS!

    daphne’s last blog post..Steamed Chicken

    Woohoo! Glad to hear you’ll be participating Daphne!

  27. 01.28.2008

    Now I know the world is a better place with a World Nutella Day! MMMM!

    PunditMom’s last blog post..The Real Surge

    I have to say that I definitely agree 🙂

  28. Anna

    I have been counting the days… I can’t even remember the first time I had Nutella as a child, but I fell in love with it all over again when I worked with a gal from Germany. We’d talk about all the cool stuff to eat that we couldn’t find here in the States. Well, now it is available at the big warehouse store here… four times the Nutella at half the cost. I don’t know if it will last until the end of the week, I’ll have to hide it from the kids & DH! My kids love to eat “chocolate toast” in the morning. Do you know where to get the Italian-made Nutella? I’ve only heard stories of how much more superior it is from American-made. Oh yeah, my B-Day is the day after Nutella Day, I’ll just have to celebrate two days in a row!

    Ooh a 2-day celebration! Even better! Happy early birthday!

    I don’t know if there are places that import Italian-made Nutella, but Italian markets would be my best guess as to where to find it if it exists.

  29. 02.01.2008

    thanks for including my humble nutella two tone cookies and leaving a kind comment on my blog. I am currently on vacation and can’t believe I couldn’t find a single bottle of Nutella here! I am not going to give and will keep hunting, hopefully I can make something in time for the Nutella Day! 🙂

    Mandy’s last blog post..Daring Bakers do Lemon Meringue Pie : Sunshine on a winter day

    Oh the horror Mandy! I hope you’ll be able to make something to, but if not…well, I’ll email you 🙂

  30. 02.02.2008

    Can I just say, I just read “Offer Nutella as a Sacrifice” and I can’t stop laughing! I won’t get anything done the rest of the day. LOL


    Cherrye’s last blog post..That’s the Way…B&B’ing Part II

    Whew–thank goodness you realized that was a joke! I’d hate to see Nutella meet with such a fate….

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  5. Pingback: World Nutella Day 2008 | My Melange
    [...] It’s that time again!  World Nutella Day 2008.   This year, it is February 5th.  A ...
Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake