friday five: some weekend suggestions

Just like Stefanie Says, I’m giving you a Friday Five. Here are five ideas of things to do this weekend:

1. DONATE. Go to Shannon’s Tales from the Fairy Blogmother and find out how you can help her brother Dave raise $10,000 as he bikes 100 miles for Africycle, a grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of those in Malawi.

As Shannon explains, there are 5 ways you can help:

  • Go directly to the Ride for Africycle website and make a donation.
  • Donate $5 using the donate link on Shannon’s right sidebar and get a chance to win a Dell Ditty mp3 player.
  • Donate $3 and score yourself a handmade beaded bracelet (50% goes to Africycle).
  • Visit Shannon’s Cafepress shop and purchase a shirt to show your support ($5 from each shirt goes to Africycle).
  • Know Shannon in real life? Just hand her some cash.

2. READ. Here are some of my favorite blog posts this week:

And a news story that has me scratching my head: Lost at Sea: A Ghost Ship Story. What the heck happened there?!

3. GO OUTSIDE AND TAKE SOME PHOTOS. I know that’s what Wanderlust Scarlett is going to be doing, and I encourage you all to do the same…and then share them with us please! No matter where you live there are beautiful sights to be seen and appreciated–especially for those of us who may never make it there. We love the ordinary *and* extraordinary around here, so get snapping!

4. TRY A NEW RECIPE. Perhaps you’ve seen The Foodie BlogRoll on my sidebar, but if you haven’t explored it completely–or haven’t looked at it lately–there are new food blogs added all the time. Some other new favorites of mine are Cook (almost) Anything…at Least Once and Rasa Malaysia. Get some inspiration and then enjoy the results. Yum.

5. WARM THE GLOBE (in a good way)…THROUGH FRIENDSHIP. Jeni of Down River Drivel sent me this a little while ago, and I think it’s a great idea. This is really a blogger activity started by the lovely Vic Grace of Cariboo Ponderer, and it’s great for those of us who love linky love.

To participate, just copy and paste the list below (adding your blog to the bottom) and then spread the love by posting it on your blog. Then your blog readers can copy and paste and so forth.

This is also great for finding new blogs to read, so even if you’re not a blogger, you can still warm up the blogosphere by visiting and commenting the blogs in the list.

Here they are–and remember, everyone is invited to participate.

warm the globe through friendship

Cariboo Ponderer

Me, my life, my garden
Author blog
A little piece of me
The BiPolar Diaries
Turning the Pages of Life
A Blue State of Mind
A Day in the Life of Sasha Stinerova
Whitterer on Autism
Pastorette Ponderings
Skittles Place
It’s About Time
Meloncutter’s Musings
10 Years Running Blind
Rather Than Working
Are We There Yet?
Overthehill Boomer Chick
Whee! All The Way Home
Mother’s Home
A Place I Call Home
Time With Shelby
Any Apples
BoggyWoggy’s Cache
Erika Jean
My Dogs Keep Me Sane
Rambling Shan
Random Autumness
The Turtle Parade
Dottie’s Place
The Wonderful World of Nothing Worthwhile
OzLady’s Ramblings
Chicken’s Life
Echos of Grace
Tales From a Former Michigander
A Purple Shade of Black
Dare to Get Organized
And Miles to go Before We Sleep
Beth & Cory’s Mom
The Middling Monettes
Twist & Skewer
A Day In The Life of Elle
Tea Time Ramblings
Bubba’s Sis
Lynne’s Little Corner of the World
A Southern Girl’s Guide to Almost Anything
Welcome to My World of Dreams
Charming & Delightful
Down River Drivel
Bleeding Espresso

22 Beans of Wisdom to “friday five: some weekend suggestions”
  1. bella

    I had already planned on doing #’s 2,3,&4. Now I have to check out 1 and 5. Have a great weekend!!

  2. sognatrice

    Yeah Bella! Sounds like you have a great weekend ahead of you as well πŸ™‚

  3. Jane

    Good morning and happy Friday! I loved this post and I feel so happy to come back here to read your wonderful words! I love your list of 5. It’s going to be a gorgeous weekend here in Philadelphia and I’m going to enjoy it with my kids :))

  4. Sara, Ms Adventures in Italy

    I like your Friday Five!! πŸ™‚ Action for the weekend. I need to plow through my list, now.

  5. Jeni

    It’s been a somewhat hairy and also harried week here; just now kind of settling down a bit. I meant to respond to your post on Wednesday with the recipe for the really yummy sounding pasta – a food type I rarely dislike and which my granddaughter is pretty much of the same sentiment so a new recipe to try in that respect always piques my interest. Now where to find that meat here in the boondocks.
    And also, wanted to tell you thanks for joining up with us in the “Warm the Globe” effort. It sure can’t hurt to remind folks to go out there and be nice to one another, can it?
    Have a great weekend there and find some more great Italian foods for me to experiment with too!

  6. sognatrice

    Jane, nice to see you again! Glad to hear you’re looking forward to a great weekend with your children πŸ™‚

    Sara, always weekend lists to plow through, aren’t there?

    Jeni, I’ll try to keep it exciting for you so far as recipes are involved–and thank *you* for including me the Global Warming project πŸ˜‰

  7. chris & erin

    hey Michelle! I finally got to catch up with your blog because we GOT DSL TODAY! YAY! We’re settling in well here in Firenze though…I missed your posts, but enjoyed catching up on your photos, cute weekly themes, and new adorable family member!

    Hopefully we’ll make it down to the toe of the boot and we could meet over caffe’!

  8. sognatrice

    Erin, DSL! Yeah! Definitely let me know if/when you’re heading down here! Woohoo!

  9. Frances

    What a great post.
    Do all the links “happen” in a cut and paste?
    Ciao Bella,

  10. Rasa Malaysia

    Hey there, thanks so much for introducing me to your readers. Have a great weekend too. πŸ™‚

  11. sognatrice

    Frances, oh yes! If they hadn’t for me, I’m quite sure I wouldn’t have been warming *any* globe!

    Rasa, it’s a pleasure to point my readers in such a beautiful (and tasty!) direction πŸ™‚

  12. david mcmahon

    G’day from Australia,

    I’m a friend of Vic’s and I think her idea is great. My blog is the third one on her list (authorblog) and it’s terrific to see her concept catching on.

    More power to Vic and to you.

    Sounds like you’re enjoying your time in Italy – deservedly so.

    Have a great weekend.



  13. The Passionate Palate

    Oh grazie bella! You are so sweet to recommend my Passionate Mondays. I needed the encouragement to go on and you gave it to me.

  14. sognatrice

    G’day David! Thanks for stopping by; I’ll be checking out your place shortly πŸ™‚

    Jeni, it’s always a pleasure to share posts and blogs that speak to me in some way–I’m glad to hear you’ll continue the series!

  15. Wanderlust Scarlett


    Thanks for the link, and the list of stuff to do! Wish I had more time to do it.

    I haven’t been out to snap photos yet, I’ve been writing and wrestling with this God blessed computer. BAH!!!!

    But hopefully, Sunday afternoon will find me happily snapping.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend too, bella.


    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

  16. sognatrice

    Scarlett, I know you’re doing a million things right now, so if the photos must wait, so be it…I guess πŸ˜‰

  17. Wanderlust Scarlett

    Some of the photos are up!

    They are the good ones from this week.

    The great ones from next week will be up probably next Monday-ish…

    Fall is taking it’s sweet time… which is just fine with me!
    Happy to share it with you, hoping for some back from you soon, when you can.

    Here’s a mug of cider.

    Scarlett & V.

  18. sognatrice

    Yeah, photos! And yeah, yeah, yeah cider! LOVE cider (bet you could’ve guessed that) πŸ˜‰

  19. Jen

    Great ideas here! Now I just need the time for some of them. I like the blog friendship thing… And the ride through Africa sounds amazing.

  20. sognatrice

    Jen, hope you find some time to enjoy *this* weekend whether you get to my suggestions or not πŸ™‚

  21. Dave

    I appreciate you posting the Warming thing and by doing so, linking to me, Rather Than Working, and I apologize for this late thanks.

  22. sognatrice

    Hi Dave, no need to thank me at all as it’s always a pleasure to share linky love πŸ™‚

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake