Archive for the ‘scenes from village life’ Category

Calabrese Proverbs by Month: March

I love proverbs in any language, but there’s nothing more pleasing to my ears than Calabrese proverbs…and man do they love to talk about the weather.

Here are three you’re likely to hear around Badolato throughout this month, the first two in dialect, the last in Italian:

Badolatese: ‘U friddu ‘i Marzu trapàna u cornu do voi.
Italiano: Il freddo di Marzo penetra nel corno del bue.
English literal: The cold of March pierces the ox’s horns.
English loose: When it’s cold in March, you’ll freeze your arse off.

One more basic and to the point:

  • Badolatese: Marzu è pacchiu.
  • Italiano: Marzo è pazzo.
  • English: March is crazy.

And to elaborate on that point:

Italiano: Arriva marzo pazzerello; esce il sole e prendi l’ombrello!
English: Here comes crazy March; the sun comes out and you grab your umbrella!

It is true. March weather really does tend to be rather pazzo. It seemed to start in February this year with several days of both sunshine and rain, so we’ll see what this year brings. So far so good!

What are your favorite proverbs (in any language)?

Fall 2009 in Badolato: Photos You May Have Missed

If you’re also my friend on Flickr, you may have caught these photos, but since my Facebook/Flickr connection doesn’t work well (or at all), here are some pictures from this past fall in Calabria:

Come on in on Flickr

Bunches of pretty on Flickr

Old Wine Barrel on Flickr

Chicory flower on Flickr

Pick a pepper on Flickr

Pom on Flickr

View from our garden on Flickr

Have a great week!

Are my fellow Americans ready for Thanksgiving?

This Halloween, May All Your Cauldrons Be Boiling

Boiling cauldron on Flickr

Read more about what happens (or, actually, what doesn’t happen) for Halloween in Calabria over at Cherrye‘s My Bella Vita.

Buon weekend!

Mediterranean Cooking on a Budget

This isn’t a traditional What’s Cooking Wednesday post. In fact, it’s not even written by me (welcome dear Heather of Yummi Sushi Pajamas!), but it’s full of great information–and TWO recipes–for those trying to eat healthier and save money. Pretty much all of us, I imagine?

But before we get to Heather, in other food news:

World Nutella Day 2010I wanted to let you know that Sara of Ms Adventures in Italy and I, as co-hosts of World Nutella Day, (yes, it’s coming faster than you realize!) are holding a contest and giving away some Nutella!

All you have to do is tell us about your first time. Eating Nutella, of course. Get the deets, enter over at the World Nutella Day Facebook Fan Page–coming up on 1800 fans!–and why not become a fan while you’re there?

OK, take it away Heather!


Rugged Calabria on FlickrI am so excited to be guest posting on Bleeding Espresso!  Here I am to talk about Mediterranean cooking on a budget.

I’ve been lucky enough to make three separate trips to the Mediterranean.  Every time I come home, I look around and wonder how I can bring something of the Mediterranean lifestyle into my American living.  It’s not an easy thing to do since in a lot of ways the culture couldn’t be more different, but there are some things I’ve been able to manage.

For me, food was the easiest change to make.  Mediterranean meals are based on fresh, local ingredients with smaller portions of meat, healthy fats, and lots of veggies. I loved the food when I was there, and I knew I could find ways to work it into my cooking.  Following the Mediterranean diet (whole grains, healthy fats, lean proteins in small amounts, and tons of produce) helped me lose six pounds without ever having to measure a serving or count a calorie.

The problem came when the economy took a downturn and I changed my shopping style.  Instead of shopping from a preplanned list, I’ve started clipping coupons and shopping sales.  It saves us a lot of money, but makes it tough to purchase particular items for specific recipes.  Saving money meant changing the way I thought about incorporating the Mediterranean mindset.

Instead of searching for Italian or Greek inspired recipes, I’ve started shopping at local farmers markets.  I spend a lot of time putting together recipes from whatever I’ve got in the pantry (lots of canned fruits, veggies, and beans) and whatever produce I am able to grab from the local stands.  I am trying to embrace the fact that it’s not olives, capers, or lamb that make a meal Mediterranean.  I am learning to embrace the Mediterranean mindset of using what’s fresh and local instead of trying to incorporate specific ingredients.

Plum ChickenLast week’s attempt resulted in two extremely good dinners made from local ingredients and pantry leftovers.  My first experiment was born from the need to use up two pounds of plums before they rotted.  I peeled and pitted all of the plums, then put them in a skillet with:

  • A clove of minced garlic
  • 1 ¾ cups of sugar
  • ¾ cup cider vinegar
  • ½ tablespoon ground mustard
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cloves

I boiled it all down, using a spoon to crush the plums a bit better, and waited for it to reduce.  It took maybe a half hour total.  I used the sauce to top some cooked chopped chicken I had in the freezer, and put it all over some ziti.  It turned out really well, and went great with a simple side of sautéed zucchini.

Experiment two was even more adventurous.  I sautéed the rest of the zucchini in a little bit of olive oil and garlic.  I boiled some penne pasta while the zucchini cooked.  After I took the zucchini out of the pan, I tossed in a little more olive oil and a can of sardines I’ve had sitting around forever.  The sardines (I chopped them first) cooked down nicely until they were just crisp salty bits, and I tossed in some bread crumbs to soak up the leftover oil.  Once that was all done, I tossed the zucchini and pasta into the pan just so it could all warm up together.  It was really good and so easy!

Now I feel confident that I can get whatever is fresh at the farmers market every weekend and just make it work with what I’ve got at home.  I try to keep some basics like olive oil, lemon juice and capers on hand, and just toss in whatever else I have.  It takes some courage, and lots of experimentation, but eventually you’ll find your own style using things you can get inexpensively and creating quick, easy meals that are reasonably healthy.

I know these ideas don’t compare to the amazing recipes featured here on Bleeding Espresso [so NOT true, Heather!], but they’ve been a hit at my house!


Heather Hurd is a freelance writer and blogger.  She writes about food and wine for and blogs at Yummy Sushi Pajamas about raising a family and enjoying the good things in life.


They sound delicious!

How have you been saving money on food lately?

Do you enjoy the Mediterranean Diet?

Holy Mackerel! Look at Those Altocumulus Clouds!

Yesterday while walking the dogs, I looked up and saw this:

Mackerel clouds on Flickr

My mom’s friend Kitty (she of the unique tea strainer and adorable heart bracelet) once told my mom these were “mackerel clouds” because they resembled the fish’s scales. Of course we both thought this was an old wives’ tales, and maybe it is, but it also made Wikipedia, so there.

They’re actually called “altocumulus” clouds (thus the title of the post), just in case you didn’t remember from elementary school science class.

So I smiled as I photographed the sky, thinking it was rather fitting that these clouds would be over me this week. Kitty’s 87th birthday would have been on Saturday the 17th–a day before mine–but she passed away two years ago.

The mackerel clouds, however, will always live on–and always make me think of our Kitty.

Had you ever heard of mackerel clouds?

Do you have strange things that remind you someone special?

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake