Archive for the ‘politics’ Category
Blog Action Day 2007: The Environment
Today October 15th, bloggers around the world are uniting to put a single important issue–the environment–on everyone’s mind.
Here are 3 ways to participate in Blog Action Day:
- Post on your blog relating to the environment on Blog Action Day
- Donate your day’s earnings to an environmental charity
- Promote Blog Action Day around the web
I’m not going to recount statistics and figures to try to convince you that global warming and environmental damage are real and that we all need to do something NOW to save our wonderful planet–if a Nobel Peace Prize winner can’t do that, well I really don’t have a chance.
So I’m just going to ask that you think about what you can do to make the world a little cleaner–and make it last a lot longer.
If you want an idea of how much of the Earth’s resources you’re using up, take the Earth Day Footprint Quiz. If you’re curious as to my results, you can find them here.
Now I would love for you to throw out suggestions in the comments–small things that we can all do that will make a difference. And I’ll start.
I realize that SUV owners probably aren’t going to be tossing aside their keys just because of Blog Action Day (although good for you if you do!) but can I convince you to switch from using plastic bags to reusable shopping bags?
If you remember my blog contest from a while back, you’ll also remember Marcia and her gorgeous handmade Bella Bags. She kindly sent me one of her organic shoppers as a gift for hosting an online party.
Can I tell you how awesome it is? It is much stronger and larger than I thought it would be, and it’s getting *a lot* of use at my house. Even if you don’t order from Marcia, please do consider making this one small change in your daily routine if you aren’t doing this already.
Plastic bags are killing our planet.
Now it’s your turn…
What else can we do to be just a tad (or a lot) more Earth-friendly?
back and to the left
I’m a conspiracy theorist.
I love conspiracies of any sort about any topic. Not saying I believe in all of them, but they sure make for interesting reading and lively discussions.
Living in southern Italy has only amplified this fascination as I’m constantly being told to never trust anyone–above all “lo Stato.” I’ve always been an annoying, questioning type, so at least in this regard, the transition hasn’t been a tough one. Whether the attitude of non-trust is Italian, southern Italian, both, or neither is worthy of an entire other post, but for now, I’m just going to share the latest in a 44-year-old murder investigation at the center of my favorite conspiracy theory.
There’s a new video showing JFK moments before the assassination. Apparently the big development is that President Kennedy’s jacket was bunched up in a way that could further call into question the Warren Commission‘s assertion that only three shots were fired.
Quick show of hands: Does anyone *really* still believe the Warren Commission’s report? OK, Senator Specter. You can put your hand down. Now please put your Magic Bullet to rest and redeem yourself by getting habeas corpus rights back for detainees.
Despite not being born until 13 years after JFK’s assassination, I’ve always been fascinated by this particular conspiracy. In fact, back in the States, I have a rather respectable collection of books and articles written on JFK’s life and death, his presidency, and his brother Bobby’s 1968 murder, which I really hope will make it here one day. Ah, the joys of an international move.
Maybe some of you are thinking “Hey, this dude’s been dead for almost half a century. Can’t we just move on?”
Quite simply, no.
Ever hear the saying about those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it? How is it possible that our government has been able to cover up the truth about what happened on and around November 22, 1963 for so long–all while under extreme scrutiny regarding the case?
The President of the United States, in a car with his wife, was murdered in broad daylight in the middle of an American city while surrounded by Secret Service agents.
Can you imagine what they do when we’re not looking?
Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.
-President John F. Kennnedy, Speech to United Nations Assembly
September 25, 1961
[tags]president kennedy, jfk, john f kennedy, president john f kennedy, conspiracy theories, magic bullet theory, warren commission, warren commission report, senator arlen spector, habeas corpus[/tags]
honoring mlk, jr.
Recently on the Expats in Italy Forum, Joanna, a fellow American living in Italy posted a link through which we can keep track of what our senators and representatives are up to in Washington. Quite coincidentally, I came across this quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today:
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
It’s easy for those of us in Italy to forget that today back in the States is MLK, Jr. Day. I hope everyone will take a moment and remember all that Dr. King did and dreamed for our country and for the world; I believe that one of the best ways we can honor his memory is to let our politicians know when they’re not listening to us.
What are your senators and representatives doing?