Goat Tears Cure Muscle Aches and Pains!

Did you know goat tears are an instant remedy for your aches and pains?

That’s what Thera-Gesic says:

I don’t care how magical goat tears are. I’ll never make my babies cry on purpose.

Nudging on Flickr

You wanna know why?


Happy Love Thursday!

Hug a kid!

And get in those O Foods Contest recipes!

15 Beans of Wisdom to “Goat Tears Cure Muscle Aches and Pains!”
  1. 09.24.2009

    How would one go about making a goat cry? 🙂
    My kids are begging for a goat, I’m still getting over the shock of adopting 5 hens!
    Happy love Thursday

    You have to watch the video for the answer to how you make goats cry…and best of luck with those hens! We have some, but I’m not allowed to go near them otherwise, well, they’d never become soup…. 😉

    .-= amelia´s last blog ..love thursday =-.

  2. 09.24.2009

    nothing quite like those old home remedies is there???? Love it. You started my morning off with a great big smile!

    And of course you wouldn’t make your babies cry!!!!

    I have to say I’m pretty horrified by the part where the Goat Lady runs at the goat while wearing a cape and mask. Poverino/a!

    .-= Willym´s last blog ..Men Never Make Passes II =-.

  3. Gil

    God help ‘P’ if you ever get to be as nutty as that lady in a few years!

    On the bright side, I have a much better singing voice than she does.

  4. carol

    oh Michellel…………….where do you find this stuff!!!!! Too funny. My first giggle of the day. Grazie.

    Actually I get some newsletter from a media agency or something that has in new commercials; I love watching the PC/Mac ones (we don’t get them here), but when I saw “goat tears” in the title of this one, I just had to click…then my mom told me about it later that day!

  5. 09.24.2009

    That was hilarious!…in an almost horrifying way. 🙂 That poor goat! I have to say, if I came across a goat crying on his own, maybe I’d try to capture his tears before I handed him a tissue and bought him a pint. But I can’t say I could force myself to make him cry on purpose. Nope. Couldn’t do it. 😉

    Happy Love Thursday!

    Haha…I’ve never seen my goats cry but I guess I should have a little jar around just in case….

    .-= Katie in MA´s last blog ..Love in a 3 inch heel. =-.

  6. 09.24.2009

    ha ha ha You’ re the best goat mama!

    Thanks Nino!

  7. 09.24.2009

    I’ve talked my husband into getting chickens when we move to a city that allows urban chickens. I’m working on the goat. So far, no dice. But there are so cute! Happy Love Thursday!

    Ooh I belong to an Urban Goat Farming group on Facebook–for Seattle. Have you seen it?

    .-= Cindy´s last blog ..LOVE THURSDAY: GUTTER SQUASH =-.

  8. That is just too cute, Michelle!

    I tell you, I can’t get enough of that bleating 😉

    .-= Jenn AKA The Leftover Queen´s last blog ..Pickling and Preserving: Refrigerator Bread and Butter Pickles and Pickled Peppers and Lifestyle Choices =-.

  9. 09.25.2009

    That was a hoot! Loved it.

    Glad you enjoyed 🙂

    .-= The Italian Dish´s last blog ..I’m Moving! =-.

  10. 09.25.2009

    We were at the fair and they had some week old kids that were adorable. It made me think of your kids.

    that video is a little warped.

    The poor goats! I know! Week-old kids? Gaaaah! The cuteness 🙂

    .-= Esme´s last blog ..Chicken Satays with Peanut Sauce =-.

  11. Like Carol said, how do you find this stuff? ha!

    I’ve now answered Carol; her comment must’ve slipped in…I can’t remember the name of the newsletter I get but for me it’s like the Super Bowl year round with all the fun commercials 😉

    .-= nyc/caribbean ragazza´s last blog ..Flashback Friday – Lisa Stansfield- "All Around The World" =-.

  12. Oh, too funny. Thanks for sharing.

    Haven’t seen an update unless it slipped past me, are you ging to be a goat grandma? You posted about an older gentlemen mentioning your latest kid may be with kid. Any news?

    Nothing yet, Linda; it will still be another couple weeks if she’s with kid 😉

    .-= Linda @ Ice Tea For Me´s last blog ..swine flu paranoia… =-.

  13. 09.26.2009

    Aw, your goats are so cute, definitely, you don’t want to make them cry!

    I *do* love their bleating though!

  14. 09.26.2009

    haha… I actually clicked on the video thinking that it was going to be some old Italian lady talking about an ancient Calabrese tradition…. you tricked me!!!

    ..that was too funny, though. 😉 Great video!

    Hah, not this time, but good idea 😉

  15. 09.27.2009

    They are sooooooo cute! Just adorable.

    Thanks; they love getting their photos taken if you can’t tell 🙂

    .-= jen of a2eatwrite´s last blog ..“O” Foods for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month: TomatO, TomatillO, Onion and Pepper Stew =-.

Michelle KaminskyMichelle Kaminsky is an American attorney-turned-freelance writer who lived in her family's ancestral village in Calabria, Italy for 15 years. This blog is now archived. 

Calabria Guidebook

Calabria travel guide by Michelle Fabio



Homemade apple butter
Green beans, potatoes, and pancetta
Glazed Apple Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins
Pasta with snails alla calabrese
Onion, Oregano, and Thyme Focaccia
Oatmeal Banana Craisin Muffins
Prosciutto wrapped watermelon with bel paese cheese
Fried eggs with red onion and cheese
Calabrian sausage and fava beans
Ricotta Pound Cake